Why do the writers keep trying to beat Alliance over the head in this regard by calling her desire for justice irrational and wrong?
I’m not going to go over all the MANY legitimate reasons Tyrande had for going after Sylvanas because they’ve already been beaten to death. Sufficed to say, the Night Elf people were given no restitution for any of it.
Sylvanas was specifically responsible for all of it, but she couldn’t have done it without the Horde willfully going along with it until they once again decided to grow a conscience long after the damage had already been done.
Bottom line, Tyrande isn’t being irrational or driven by hatred. She has a legitimate grievance and has gone to the lengths she has because it is pretty much the only way she’d be able to finally bring Sylvanas to justice.
I’d be angry at the rest of the Alliance too for trying to talk me down and ‘let it go,’ how self righteous would Anduin have been if the people of Stormwind were the ones callously burned to death for no purpose and then have Tyrande tell him to ‘get over it,’ make peace with the same Horde who let it happen and didn’t even put any of the actual offenders on trial or offer any restitution?
That wasn’t justice, it was political convenience from people who hadn’t suffered remotely as harshly as the NEs who lost everything and weren’t even consulted about a potential peace agreement with ZERO concessions from the Horde such as leaving NE lands at minimum but were just expected to get behind it with no questions asked.
And when they didn’t, Anduin actually had the nerve to imply THEY were the problem. I couldn’t think of a worse insult.
Vengeance would have been Tyrande leading the NEs to brutally attack the races of the Horde after the truce in retaliation for their involvement in the Burning of Teldrassil. But she didn’t.
Instead, she focused entirely on hunting down the one person she knew was 100% responsible for it and who had fled Azeroth to avoid the repercussions of her actions. She was even willing to sacrifice her own life if it meant the villain responsible paid for her crimes to her people.
And that’s what makes this recent direction all the more nauseating by not only continuing to treat it as blind vengeance but something Tyrande should actually be feeling bad about.
It’s like listening to people who spend years working to save serial killers from execution because they think capital punishment is ‘barbaric’ without giving any thought to the barbarity inflicted on those killed by them.
They’re so concerned about the ‘rights’ of the serial killer, what about the ‘rights’ of their victims? When did that cease to matter?
That’s how the developers have come to look in their obsessive desire to ‘redeem’ Sylvanas while painting anyone with a legitimate grievance against her as some irrational and bloodthirsty warmonger who should feel bad about it and be insultingly and repeatedly beaten over the head with it as the underlying problem instead of the actual person who committed literal genocide.
I’m just disappointed that the developers have let their unabashed love of one long-standing lore character ruin the story for so many others.