Tyrande’s quest was NOT vengeance

There is the whole eternity ahead in the afterlife, so the casual irl idea of “killing” is not quite as functional anymore as before.

It’s all about the cultural context. Question of “justice” is to have a “scale” to measure the way of punishment.

It could be “universal-ish”, like all are in some work that needs to be done, or imprisonment. It could be different relative to the severity of the crime. Even irl, there are places where crime punishment, which is “justice” in local terms, could range from a fine, to a death sentence. With a bunch of options in-between.

Trying to evaluate them as “my kung-fu is better” is possible, but kind of futile. Ideally the option would just be “do not live in the place if you disagree” which is, of course is not always achievable, but still.

Isn’t that precisely something what would contribute to making a better faction based story, when there is a clear ideological divide among the 2?

People voice their opinions. For different people different aspects are more relevant.

For me, for example, the key point is that if the story is sold as a quest for justice, and then tries to derail the motive, that’s the creator’s decision.

Using misleading advertisement is fine and all, however, to me if a company does it, being out of business or having financial / reputation backlash are a perfectly valid outcomes of such decision.

So, if a story is sold with the premise of justice, either stick to it, or be mentally happy with other possible consequences.

It all depends on how far are you going to go. I mentioned in another thread a few things that could’ve kickstart a decent-ish redemption story should it start in BfA time frame, but that’s beside the point.

The main thing is that in lore there are reports that restoring the senses / emotions are doable for the undead. And it’s possible to avoid getting to the Shadowlands (like Bridenbrad) Yet she chose not to act on it. Which should be also considered in this case.

One should be dead to get there first, as the Shadowlands anima extracted from the deceased only.

1 more point to Griffindor, I mean, to make a now ignored option to kill Sylvanas a step to justice and rehabilitation.

Depends on who’s to judge.

If the genocide is the seriously considered option to continue one’s existence, perhaps there is no point to continue it.

Nah. 1st of all, any outer threat in the post WotLK days is a reason in the eyes of the devs to stop the war.

2nd thing is that stuff does not exist in the vacuum. If the general selling point of the project is to have factions divided, what does that mean for the stories?

Is having peace a good thing, or is it something that would damage the project?

IMO that is a matter of delicate balance between the identity of the IP, and keeping the sense of rivalry, yet also why factions are the core (according to Ion, at least), and thus are good to keep around.

gl hf

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