Tyr Quest Continuation

Considering that the light is basically just an expy of the abrahamic god and abrahamic religions are all about order and obedience it’s not really a stretch to see the two get along so well. This is even doubled down with the Sunwell which includes just such a mix without any apparent issues (beyond forcing the light upon all of the Blood Elves.).

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Finally someone with brains!

The Light responds to conviction, so his faith in the Titans would be enough for the Light to respond to him, in theory

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I don’t think Tyr’s ever used the Light. Paladins use his story as an example/ideal but he himself isn’t one.


I doubt it is Loken. The disc was found in Ulduman, in a hidden chamber that Ironaya was protecting the entrance to. So it is safe to assume that Tyr gave her and Archaedas two discs. One was the discs of Norgannon, which Archaedas was protecting and the other was the disc containing his memories. Which he gave to Ironaya.

Well considering Odyn also uses the light, yes.

I feel this is correct. Given that Odyn has also used the Light. As seen in Halls of Valor and later in Trial of Valor.

Do we though? We found that in a book that itself referred to as a legend, a myth etc. Since Blizzard is on the “everything is subjective and biased” high right now we have to take everything with a grain of salt. And not believe everything at face value.

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Considering how accepted the Old Whispers were taken as truth, I think this is going to be a difficult lesson for some to learn.


Tyrs guard is boring. Their constant pep talking at each other during the questline was grating. I hate when californians try and write dialogue for camraderie amongst warriors. Crazy fire worshipping underground crusader humans cant come soon enough.

I would argue Odyn’s faith is in himself and his abilities, given how egocentric he is. But… at the end of the day it is the same thing to the Light.


That’s the most Gen Z as a Reddit meme statement I’ve seen in this place.

Even though paladins use the Hope’s Light chapel as an Order Hall, paladins are more a unifying ideology than a faith. Faith in the Light is certainly a factor of membership but the ideology of paladins is to sacrifice for the greater good. The reason Tyr is propped up as the defacto leader of this class is because ancient Arathi who witnessed his fall in Tirisfall, a human kingdom of Lordaeron. They admired his sacrifice to stop the Void. That’s why paladins are called “The Knights of the Silver Hand” and not "Knights of the Church of the Light. " the silver hand a reminder that Tyr’s death was the second time he singlehandedly stopped a global threat when he lost his hand to Galakrond.

Paladins owe Tyr their whole class ideology. And that’s “lukewarm” to you?


Esarus thar no’Darador

Oh, and considering TWW is giving us descendants of Arathi who still follow the Light vs Nerubians who follow the Void this Light vs Void conflict is likley going to have races on both the Horde and Alliance choosing a side, paladins will be on the forefront while prests will be split. Tyr is going to be at the forefront of a battle between Light and Void. That’s his lore.

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My point is Blizzard’s fanbase tends to want good or neutral characters to be villains because some fans are edgelords. I cited Illidan’s and Sylvanas’ popularity as proof.

From before WoW, back in Warcraft 3 where he debuted, Illidan has been a blind, half-demon magic addict obsessed with vengeance and war who speaks like he came from a 90’s comic. That moment with Xe’ra was just the cherry on the :poop: sundae.

From before WoW, back in Warcraft 3 where she debuted, Sylvanas has been a vengeance obsessed, angsty manipulative, ruthless undead general who was forced to purge her own homeland and speaks like she came from a 90’s comic.

They both edgelord.

Very much this, also not folding existing orders / streamlining them into the tyr stuff / human centric feel

Hopefully they see some of the backlash from a lot of ppl wanting more of a orc priest situation where it’s unique


Being fair they were written in the 90’s originally, and Warcraft has always been written like a comic.


Why isn’t the same outrage applied to Warriors? Warriors can be all races and all warriors follow Odyn.

Why single out paladins in your outrage for having a Titan centric class?

he just woke up cut him some slack
what do titans have instead of coffee

Not all warriors follow Odyn though. None of us actively sought out Odyn like how these Paladins are doing w.r.t Tyr. Odyn sought us out. We [warriors] fight alongside a group of Vrykul in an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” deal. We almost die to a pit lord and are saved by a duo of Val’kyr. Odyn proposes an alliance since we have common enemies. The Legion being the primary and later Helya being the secondary.

Hell Warriors do not get special treatment during the Halls of Valor dungeon, nor the Trial of Valor raid.

Plus warriors do not really have special defined groups for each race. Unlike Paladins and Priests, another class people hate the homogenization of. For Paladins we have Humans and Dwarfs who have the Silver Hand, Blood Elves have the Blood Knights, Tauren have the Sunwalkers, Zandalari have the Prelates and Draenei have the Hand of Argus and the elite Light’s Chosen. Meanwhile Lightforged Draenei are well basically, The Lightforged. Idk what Dark Iron Dwarfs have as their special group.

I don’t think I can name a racially based organization for warriors beyond, “generic city guards”.


Why not? The Tyr’s Guard are a subset of paladins who are dedicated to serving Tyr. Why should all races not have an option to join them?

I don’t think it’s an issue with Tyr’s Guard including other races, but the fear that Tyr’s Guard is the reason other races like orcs gain access to paladins.

There are different ways that races can gain access to paladins. For example Highmountain Tauren can join the Sunwalkers and the Lok’osh, orc priest movement, could expand to include paladins.


Yeah I don’t think anyone is really in a disagreement with having the Tyr’s Guard be a neutral paladin faction for all races. They just want each individual new Paladin race to still have their own unique culture and lore. They don’t want orc and vulpera paladins to be the same as human paladins. A unique name (like sunwalker, blood knight, prelate), mount, and culture help smooth everything out from a lore perspective.


Why wouldn’t they? With the exception of humans and dwarves that’s how it is.

-Draenei are vindicators and justicars.
-Blood Elves are blood knights.
-Zandalari are prelates.

Why would Blizzard suddenly change up that method now? They could give dwarves more cultual nuance. The criticism may be jumping the gun.

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Yeah, non-religious order of Paladins is probably how they will justify Orcs, Night Elves, and other non-Holy Light races getting it. I wish they’d just take the time to make alternative spell effects but they don’t want to do that for an entire class’s spell kit 2-3 times over.

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