Typical experience playing WoW vs other games

I call people miserable if they complain about WoW having nothing outside of that, but still complain about that as well. Like… some people who are on the hamster wheel do genuinely seem completely miserable doing that content over and over, yet they won’t step off of it.

I wasn’t using it as an insult, I was stating that not everyone playing WoW is someone making themselves miserable on the endgame grind of only M+ and raiding.

I think it’s fine to enjoy those primarily! I used to be an endgame raider back in a past MMO, myself. But like… if you’re at a point where doing only that content, makes you more miserable than happy, why do you still force yourself to do it?

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Plenty of legit reasons to leave a key


I mean. You explain it a lot more now. But in that paragraph there were no qualifiers. That paragraph gave an implication that everyone that is on the “hamster wheel” of only focusing on raiding/m+ is just a miserable person. I get where you are coming from now. But that paragraph didnt give the nuances.

Its a great design and makes sense. Your terribly bad subjective take on things doesnt change fact.

What would happen if they gave everyone a 20 key upon hitting level 70? No one would complete it, and a key not downgrading means no one woule be completing keys doe about 3 months, or half way through a season.

Keys downgrade because its too difficult for the group. Rather than have you log out because theres nothing you can do since you cant beat the key, it gives you another shot with a key slightly easier, for more play time.

Your little snowflake feelers and lack of comprehension about how the game works the way it does doesnt change the intentions or the design of something


:dracthyr_shrug: I could either spend 3 paragraphs explaining, or simply make a neutral statement while sticking to my original point.

Most people here don’t enjoy others being verbose, I’ve found.


Then you run the risk of being misunderstood to the point where it sounds like you were calling anyone that primarily enjoys that ol hamster wheel.

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Others misunderstanding isn’t really my fault - as outside of making a giant post that runs in circles trying to both make my point + explain my word usage, it’s hard to get nuance across via text. I only addressed you because you claimed I was insulting people, when I had done no such thing.

Glad we got it cleared up, at least. :dracthyr_uwu:

edit: crap, forgot to actually quote. :dracthyr_cry_animated: Sorry, early morning and the coffee ain’t hitting yet. Work time either way!


lol, lets break it down.

Ok, I’m in 4 guilds yet I have to pug almost every key I run because people simply aren’t available. if you are LUCKY you have good friends who are also good at the game. That is a luck thing, though and I would guess 90% of the playerbase pugs

I’m sorry, but what planet are you on? I “played” for 2 hours today and 3 people left keys. What are you smoking because I want some of that

We were ahead of time on the 19 I ran this morning, mage rage-quit after a wipe and the key was still timeable, we were quite ahead on time. THIS MORNING

Yay oh why thank you blizzard! Now I get worse loot and no chance at a dungeon portal. Joy of joys! Just what I wanted, a lower key! I think I’ll name it Sid. I like the name Sid.

Look, nobody wants a lower key. If I wanted a lower key I would simply lower it in town

Where am I taking any of this personally?

Your whole post makes no sense

I really tried, for years. I give up. What’s the reward in it? More punishment? people fighting? a hamster wheel?

This is largely what I do, though mostly I just play other games and do other activities. -I- am fine, this is not a post where I’m saying I’m upset. I want wow to prosper but with M+ hell it’s really hard to imagine it prospering.

It took about an hour to form an 18 last night, and I was asking the people in the group if this is normal for them. They all said yes … and that’s only an 18!

I have the most fun in wow generally when doing random stuff, like when I’m minding my own business in Stormwind and a bunch of horde arrive. That can be hours of fun. But it doesn’t give the gear rewards, it doesn’t have a “point”, there is no achievement or progress.

The Jailer’s Gauntlet was actually one of my favorite things. I cleared layer 8 basically the first week (was right after reset) I loved how I could go at my own pace and try and try again. I think they tried that with torghast but they made it so boring and repetitive while also feeling extremely punishing in annoying ways like slows that also include a swirly that you have to run out of.

As Grizzle-eredar was saying maybe they have good intentions but largely these systems/mechanics just wind up feeling very punishing

However Grizzle-eredar is still smoking some ReAlLy GoOd StUfF!

I believe you are the single person I have ever met who likes that keys deplete, lol

What would happen if aliens showed up and put the whole earth in a time machine taking us back to before the big bang and … oh wait, this will never happen lol

When people start shooting out insults like this it is a clear indication that the other person has won the debate. A person like this will never say “ok, you’re right” they’ll just call you stupid and then stop responding. typical


Sounds like you need to join a M+ community, they don’t tolerate rage-quitters

Welcome to endgame on an MMO. Sooner or later you’re gonna hit that wall. I’ve played plenty of MMOs and that endgame is always the same.

Your experience in WoW will greatly improve if you avoid M+. That game mode is a toxic cesspool, and the content is boring to boot. Same dungeons, over and over and over and over.


Uh…that’s how it works. A key isn’t automatically depleted unless there are no more players in the dungeon (and it is reset). That’s why the old method of deliberately lowering your key was to just go in alone, start the key, leave, and reset.

People really need to stop acting like someone leaving and/or depleting a key is the end of the world…

If you’re having trouble finding groups, play a role that’s more in demand. Don’t just sit in a queue with a dozen other dps players pouting that no one invites you.


I don’t owe anyone respect of mentiong someone specific by name. :upside_down_face:

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time to quit game I think. I’ve already soft quit and just running a few more days until sub expires. gg rip.

Gods above, what I would give for the collective WoW playerbase AND the Developers to realize that the game shouldn’t just focus on a single track or two of endgame content.


Of course it does. I’m not too familiar with the workings of m+ but I know that putting some form of backlash for holding group hostage and or just straight up leaving will cut down the toxicity a little

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The game mode is fine. It’s pugs that are generally a headache–whether it’s m+, pvp, or raid.

Working as intended.

You sure spell participation funny.

This is what the older versions of the game had going for it. The end game was more inclusive and didn’t segregate players into a million different difficulties.

The current development team doesn’t have a clue how to create a fun MMORPG. Almost all the end game content just feels like a sweaty e-sport.


This seems like a disingenuous comparison. What are you doing in those other games that you can’t do here? Also, there is more to the game than M+. Not that much more nowadays, but the point still stands.