Typical experience playing WoW vs other games

I replied directly to your comment - and kept my comment on subject. Just because you chose to ignore the relevant part of the conversation and focus on my advice for proper social etiquette doesn’t mean I am taking this thread off-topic. If you don’t like what I, or the other posters have to say, than don’t reply. Fairly easy.

Sure, looks like you get the concept of free will!

All I need to see is the completed key. And I don’t mind doing a carry particularly if the dungeon drops a trinket or weapon or something.

Giving keys a couple charges would fix a lot of issues and your example of a bad use case would be so limited it doesn’t matter. With my idea if a key fails 3x, then it drops to a lower level. So they can’t infinitely torment people as you imagine, they have a few tries. But again people can choose which key they want to run and if they so desire to leave they can do that too. (How and why someone leaves IMO determines whether that is a bad thing or not)

MY OP was not an attack, it’s the simple truth. If you can’t handle the truth I have nothing to say but it is social etiquette to tell someone if they have something stuck in their teeth. If you care about them, anyway

The WoW experience is to waste your time so you spend all your limited gaming time on just WoW. That was something they admitted to all the way back to Vanilla.

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They could do this in a fun way or they could do this in a frustrating way. The fun way leads to 15 million subscribers. (my opinion for the trolls out there). The un-fun way leads to what we have now … rumored to be under 2 million.

That’s a lot of money lost

Anger gets players engaged. It’s why WoW is so toxic, as Blizzard promoted it in its game design. The issue is that Blizzard caused too much anger with BFA/SL and are panicking as a lot of those players didn’t return for DF. So, now Blizzard is trying to put in features (suggested YEARS ago) into the game to try and get them to stay while keeping the endgame loop the same as it has been since they introduced M+.

The massive player drop is also why Blizzard doesn’t constantly ban Bots. They do it in batches as this let’s the Botters make enough profit that they will just make a new subbed account after they’re banned. If Blizzard made botting unprofitable enough, then botters would leave and that would hurt sub numbers a great deal.

Really interesting idea. I guess any reaction is better than no reaction and a forgettable experience according to that logic but I wish they would aim high instead of low.

The other thing the bots do is provide a backbone for the economy. I have no idea what percentage of reagents etc on the AH are farmed by bots but if they were more expensive than they are now that would be problematic I think. Maybe that’s why they opened up the auction house to be region-wide

What is this fun way that was before that isn’t present now? And aren’t you gonna talk about how the peak was the end of the Warcarft rts lore and many left at that point, or that players got old and stopped playing altogether, or that there are hundred alternatives now to wow, and many of them completely free to play, or the millions toxic players that drive them away, or the dozen threads a day about how wow is this terrible bad game that keeps dying year after year?

But nope. It’s definitely random players leaving your party that’s doomed to fail.

No, but it was a complaint, and not a very effective one at that.

Anyway, I took what you said about reading your replies to this thread to look for the suggestions you have made. There was a grand total of 1 suggestion from you.

“Don’t deplete keys, when you fail the first time, let it have 3 charges.”

That’s it. In a 200+ post thread, the OP has made one suggestion. Congrats. Now that I have wasted my time reading your thread, I am going to bow out because this is literally just a thread for you to complain about how bad M+ is.

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I don’t even know what RTS lore means man. You’re having an argument with a fictional person at this point because I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have a particular problem with key leavers, only that it is part of the whole poor experience that is forming groups for M+

Hrm you must not be able to read gud or your being disingenuous because I talked about a lot more than that. For instance

1 un-nerfing drums via a mechanic, along with war scrolls.
2 catering class balance to easier group formation
3 having an API to track the percentage of finished keys,
4 having more variety of gear sources like world content,
5 having gear be deterministic low ilvl and then use upgrade tokens that drop from all types of content to give us something to do but more control

gosh and that’s just to post 70, I added a lot more in later posts.

I think you simply lied and didn’t read any of it

Think they’re referring to how Wrath tied up the storylines from Warcraft 3.

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Strange, that’s not a typical day for me.

Log in, immediately queue for epic BG, wait 6 mins for pop, finish the BG, then requeue until a win… Then log into an alt with intentions of leveling, mess with my transmog for 45 mins then log off.


The key here is that nothing you are doing is “rated”. There is no score or feedback from raider io for example for epic BG’s or for transmogs.

If you were trying to queue for rated BG’s instead (without a regular team) you’d be having the same issues. you just set your goals lower

There is an option rarely mentioned as well, start a new toon and level it, do all the content the game has to offer befor end game content, still do your end game and when that gets bad go to your low level toon

People would just ignore IO at that point because the best players who regularly try very high keys that are impossible for them to finish would all have a score of 0.

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Every now and then I need these threads to remind me why I stopped doing mythic and raiding aaaages ago.

It’s too bad! I really enjoy the running of the actual mythic+ dungeon, and being in combat with raid encounters. I also really enjoy actually being in battlegrounds.

It’s all the waiting and BS that surrounds it that is the issue

Sure, maybe other MMO’s have this same problem. But the people out there pretending to like it have Stockholm syndrome or something

Diablo 4 just made me realize how much of a waste of time WoW’s dungeon system really is. I’m actually having fun doing Nightmares there. I can’t bring myself to do M+ anymore outside for the bare minimum for cosmetics now because it’s just overtly punishing to failure for absolutely no reason.

M+ is a total joke, and will be the downfall of the game, no matter how hard others believe its the best thing since sliced bread!

Considering its what most players do for content, i really doubt it lol

Citation needed.