Yeah, well Lore confirmed without actually confirming sharding on my post.... its a straight up mad house over there.
As it should be....thats a BIG !@#$ing deal. Doesn't matter if its only for the first week, first zones, the first day for the first doesn't matter.
Its a big %^-*ing deal.
Why? Why is everyone so upset about sharding? Launch days were garbage back before sharding.
Some of you don't realize too, the build they have us demoing, is easily over a month old, it's literally been up on servers for a long time. They are further ahead than this. I'm pretty sure things like 200% spell crit/etc will be fixed too. give feedback of classic bugs, don't complain like they already released it this way.
now if it's in bad shape at release like bfa was, definitely be more angry, but don't be upset an out of date BETA has bugs. It's a hybrid client merging new tech with old and some cross over bugs will need squashing.
Why should we wait for release, do you not care about the exp. you pay for or do you like just throwing money at a problem until you "Think" its no longer exists?
This is just a remnant of some leftover UI. WoW Classic will not have Dungeon Finder/Raid Finder.
Why did you guys even have this demo? You weren't ready to show off the product and it shows at every corner of remnants left behind the 7.3 client you backported to make this instead of using the 1.12 and giving us the real experience.
Because its a freaking demo. You freaking millenials don't know what demos or betas even are anymore. You see these terms and somehow expect a completely finished product when thats NEVER been the case in the history of gaming. If the game was freaking finished why the hell would they bother limiting the zones?
Why the hell would they say its still a while off? Jesus Christ....
This is just a remnant of some leftover UI. WoW Classic will not have Dungeon Finder/Raid Finder.
We did have a dungeon Finder though. If you go to the taverns, there will be an NPC. You click on it and can either go into a Xrealm BG (with porting) or you queue up for dungeons and end up in a group with 4 random players of your server (non porting).
I just want to point this out, as there will be a lot of backlash for sure by people quoting you in future. :)
read the blue post in the other thread mang - they said if anything at all it will only be used for launch day
Launch week, I expect. Just enough to make the 1-5 zones manageable without simply finding a boar spawn that's out of sight and grinding it for 4 hours to level up.
As it should be....thats a BIG !@#$ing deal. Doesn't matter if its only for the first week, first zones, the first day for the first doesn't matter.
Its a big %^-*ing deal.
Why? Why is everyone so upset about sharding? Launch days were garbage back before sharding.
Have you been reading the nochanges posters for the last 6 months? They got driven into a frothing rage over refitting the aspect ratio for modern monitors and video cards. An actual change that affects the gameplay on any level? ho man, some of them are giving themselves rage migraines.
The simple fact that, even though they disabled and removed the onscreen buttons, you can use a command to reach the raid finder interface(locked till 85 of course) had some people seeing red. Today's been fun in a schadenfruede way.
Stop hating.... Finally blue text on this forum telling us it will be like vanilla. That's good enough for me.
Waiting for the day when the first guy enters an inn and finds the dungeon and pvp browser there. They were a part of Vanilla, most of you just forgot about that. :)
I still remember queing for Uldaman, ending up with three Hunters and a Pally. And if the UI is in the game then there will be addons too that form groups.
I really feel sorry for the blue guy, he was so brave coming here, but the outrage will be huge, once people find out, unless the Devs have disabled the NPC and the UI elements.
Seems Reddit noticed my thread lol. It wasn't serious and it was pretty obvious it wasn't going to be functional since every single thing you can queue for was removed.
When you are actually stupid enough to think there will be LFR or LFD and make a post about it. Classic is probably beyond your brainpower to be frank. I'd stay away if I was you.
As it should be....thats a BIG !@#$ing deal. Doesn't matter if its only for the first week, first zones, the first day for the first doesn't matter.
Its a big %^-*ing deal.
Why? Why is everyone so upset about sharding? Launch days were garbage back before sharding.
Yea, but the whole game is garbage now that sharding exists. The other players on my server shouldn't randomly disappear right in front of my eyes. Sharding is hot !@#, and simply doesn't belong in any MMO. You act like people in WoD and Legion didn't point this out already.