Ty For Defending the LGBTQIA2S+ Community

He says unironically while quoting the little echo chamber circle jerk


Idk why but I saw circle and thought of donuts… now I want a donut.

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I think its been years since I had a donut tbh, the only good place around here closed shop a while back so eh

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They have Jolly Pirate Donuts around here and they are amazing. They are expensive tho but they are very good donuts.

It allows such a person free access they would not otherwise have. I was clear on that point.

Today sure. This however was not always the case. If you were a dude you were barred from using the womans restrooms at work, violating this was the cause of termination. If you looked like a dude particularly if you had a beard you would be prevented from using the public womans room. Both by security in the cases of malls and the like, by men who knew it was being occupied by a woman (particularly one related to him,) and even being barred by the woman themselves.

It was a social contract that was not violated or tolerated. Indeed in many places in the US it still isn’t tolerated.

Its not hard to find and I wouldn’t deprive you of the search. The only thing I would recommend is to read through studies and question the bias and if they have accounted for all variables to prove causation. Finally check it against other articles.

Things such as height and weight are easily verified. Hormone replacements don’t effect height at all, nor do they effect things like bone shape meaning men even with hormone replaces will continue to have the same shape (shoulder and hip width etc) which requires that muscles are different.

Instead of feeding you a fish hopefully I can teach you to fish.


They always have access to it, theres no magic spell preventing them from going in a bathroom

A guy can push open a womans bathroom door literally at any point, its not a magical defense

You also conveniently ignored the trans men being forced to use the womens bathroom and then get attacked for using the bathroom they’re being forced to use

So we’re giving death penalty for using a bathroom now?

You started with such potential, then just gave nothing and somehow ignored the bias of the “real studies” you’re quoting and ignoring the other ones claiming otherwise

Barring someone from using the womans room isn’t a death sentence. The hyperbole is part of why its so hard to argue against this kind of stuff…

Here is what normally happened in the 90’s. If you are a trans woman you used the guys room and used the stall. If you really wanted to use the ladies room you would knock and wait till it was clear and ask the last person to warn people or leave a sign (hell even just an out of order sign would work.)

Note however I’m all for individual bathrooms. A fact you seem to forget and have never once mentioned…

Magic spell no but there are people and people certainly kept bearded dudes from going into the ladies room while their daughters went to the bathroom.

This is getting boring. You are not providing new information and I’m just rehashing the same old debate. I’m not looking to change your mind and it seems you have nothing to give me so I guess I’ll just leave you with a wish to have a pleasant evening.

Im going off what you said

What does this have to do with anything?

Yes it is, you’re clearly stuck in your way of thinking and just ignore points that go against it and keep regurgitating the same thing while ignoring what the other people are saying

Have a good one

Can’t argue with crazy man, it’s a new world full of insanity

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Not to mention, the people who are trying to force an apology, wouldn’t ever accept their apology.

Imo, It’s much akin of wishing them harm pretty much without explicitly saying it if the Hogwarts Legacy situation from those “Activists :tm:” are anything to go by. This is before we talk about the Doxing and Harassing they did.

Yeah his statement was blown out of proportion. California schools are trash and parents are right to be worried about them taking the reigns with any kind of moral education.

Just look at the kickbacks they get from needlessly pushing ADHD meds on kids that would easily be treated by behavioral therapy. Changing the kids entire lives to make money.

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We stand with Nickmercs.


It’s pretty simple. As a parent, I reserve the right to teach my child about sexuality, religion, etc until such time as they are mature enough or old enough to make their own decisions on the matter. It’s a pretty simple concept, but it is lost on a segment of the population that thinks children should be raised by a “village”, etc.


It’d honestly be nice if they’d do away with the nonsense of gendered bathrooms. Just make them unisex already, ye gods.

Well I mean some people think they’re magic apparently, so that’ll take some work

For real, I wound up entering the wrong gendered bathroom on accident simply because I knew there was a bathroom there but nature wasn’t affording me the time to check which gender’s it was. When I realized I simply excused myself, confirmed which bathroom it was, and left once my business was concluded. Somehow, the world didn’t end and I didn’t get disenchanted, nor did anyone report offense to my knowledge.

If someone’s gotta go, I’m not gonna fault them for finding the nearest and cleanest porcelain to sit upon.

Yeah, Single person unisex and there’s nothing to complain about.

Just have stalls, these don’t need to be single-person.

No. That still leaves room for interaction.

Single person leaves zero room for disagreeing partys to even cross paths.

Then every single establishment only has one stall for the whole building? That’s not feasible. Unisex bathrooms are entirely fine.