TWW/20th Anniversary Collector's Edition Digital Key is... Physical?

Trying to find answers online, let alone talk to a human being somehow to ask a question, seems impossible, so forum post it is to enquire.

The 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition for The War Within comes with a digital key for the epic edition of the expansion. However, it seems ridiculous and vague - the digital key is sent in a separate envelope (i.e. a physical, mailed item). I have two questions.

Firstly, is there a digital digital key we can receive via email to access immediately, or is it only hoping for the best you get your code in the mail? And second, if it is only a physical digital key, does that get sent out before the expansion releases? Because if not, what is the point of pre-ordering it and getting all the features, including the rather scummy “early access”, if you can’t get credit for the pre-order purchase until after launch?

The current work-around to get current access, which is to pre-order the Collector’s Edition on the Gear Store and the Epic Edition on Battlenet and then get refunded the latter once you put in the game key (as bnet credit only) is pure greed, honestly. I should be able to purchase the Collector’s Edition today, and today put in the key to unlock the in-game pre-order items/features, without Blizzard double dipping with bnet credit refunds for buying the game twice.

Why can’t that be an option?

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