TWW Season 2 Seems DOA

That’s funny because metrics show it was a success.

What metrics are you looking at? Please share.

Season Total Keys Completed - US & OCE Only Season Length (Days) Average Keys Per Day
BFA S1 316,507 (+12 & up) 140 2,260.76
BFA S2 982,734 (+12 & up) 155 6,340.22
BFA S3 1,106,634 (+12 & up) 190 5,824.39
BFA S4 5,235,188 (+12 & up) 237 22,089.40
SL S1 2,943,851(+12 & up) 203 14,501.73
SL S2 4,536,814 (+12 & up) 232 19,555.23
SL S3 4,664,820 (+12 & up) 155 30,095.61
SL S4 2,336,596 (+12 & up) 85 27,489.36
DF S1 2,336,596 (+12 & up) 140 16,689.97
DF S2 6,113,391 (+12 & up) 183 33,406.51
DF S3 7,730,017 (+12 & up) 161 48,012.53
DF S4 3,545,284 (+2 & up) 91 38,959.16
TWW S1 7,736,947 (+2 & up) 111 69,702.23

Re-did the data to account for the removal of +2-11 and US/OCE only because of the period of time where China banned Blizzard games.

Season Total Keys Completed US & OCE Only Season Length (Days) Average Keys Per Day
BFA S1 4,411,676 (All Levels) 140 31,511.97
BFA S2 4,238,339 (All Levels) 155 27,344.12
BFA S3 4,559,597 (All Levels) 190 23,997.88
BFA S4 11,027,685 (All Levels) 237 46,530.32
SL S1 5,738,104 (All Levels) 203 28,266.52
SL S2 7,120,752 (All Levels) 232 30,692.90
SL S3 7,450,120 (All Levels) 155 48,065.29
SL S4 3,798,458 (All Levels) 85 44,687.74
DF S1 13,169,515 (All Levels) 140 94,067.96
DF S2 9,258,064 (All Levels) 183 50,590.51
DF S3 11,148,027 (All Levels) 161 69,242.40
DF S4 3,545,284 (All Levels) 91 38,959.16
TWW S1 7,736,947 (All Levels) 111 69,702.23
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I’d be interested in a way to measure the ‘enjoyment’ of the keys being run this season versus previous. I don’t ever remember so many complaints on the forums about any seasons as this one has had.

Why don’t you add back in the 2-11 keys pre tww and the m0 of this expansion due to the fact the m0 encompasses those key levels? Don’t you think it will lead to better data, as those people who were doing the 11 and below keys didn’t stop running keys, they just getting bricked at the +6 range and getting discouraged. I only have the observations from my guild members who ran in those ranges, to base my observations on.

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I’m going to wait and see. Blizzard always has to do a bit of fiddling with M+ and raid when a season starts and this season will be no different.

If the season is 100% in shambles, I’ll get high enough IO for the mount and then just find the easiest 1-2 10s to farm for the rest of the season.

I got all the portals this season but most of the keys I did after that were dawnbreaker just to fill vault. I’ll find the dawnbreaker of S2 and just run that over and over again.

That’s funny, you must not be able to read or can’t comprehend simple data analysis.

TWW S1 has fallen behind both DF S1 and SL S1 in terms of completed and total runs in each subsequent week. Is that a success?

Being fair, comparing S1 vs S1 of the last three expansions: TWW, DF, and SL.

Unless you are trying to compare DF S4 vs. TWW S1, being the end of an expansion vs the of the launch of new Expansion, which always starts higher. That comparison simply isn’t an equal comparison and simply does not validate any argument. Engagement naturally changes in each expansion as it ages.

So, in comparing S1 in TWW, DF, and SL … TWW started close but by the half-way point in the season, the numbers tarted really falling off, until, at this point, the number of runs in TWW is down by ~60% vs DF and ~45% vs SL. Is that a success?

The only way you can contort the number to suggest a success is by trying to compare S4 vs. S1 of the launch of new Expansion, which, again, always starts higher. Not because of changes/content, but due to the hype of a new expansion.

If you want to look at the metrics, they are widely available on sites such as warcraftlogs, or raiderio, etc.

Happy Trolling!


S1 Shadowlands had a ton of complaints. Mostly due to kite meta.

We still have a month or two of this season to go.

China has been back since the start of TWW, so that has no impact on this seasons numbers for comparative arguments and is simply misleading.

Your SL S1 data also looks significantly low compared to logs/raiderio.

Either way, I don’t see what constitutes TWW S1 being “successful”.

Furthermore, if it was such a great success, why did Blizzard make all the changes to crests and rewards? Such changes are only driven by financial risk/loss. if the season was such a success, how could there be financial risk or loss to prompt such prudent change?

Why is there more outrage on all mediums in terms of dissatisfaction?

You lay out numbers, a misleading note, and only include completed runs. Incomplete runs are just as telling as completed when talking about success points.

Your argument is incomplete at best.

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Yes, correct, and I only compared the first 13 weeks of each S1 from TWW, DF, and SL.

I did this to factor in time gating in DF/SL M+, as the number of active weeks isn’t equal.

Maybe because M0 are not keys and are not logged?

It’s hilarious that you claim I can’t read or comprehend data when you are the one who continues to spew nonsense about declining participation without presenting any data.

I’m playing Hogwarts Legacy and waiting for Monster Hunter now.
Mythic dungeons? Nope.

You and everyone else avoid not only low io people but people your own io to.

This season is so comically bad for pugging. Seems to the only alway to get into pug groups for keys you need is to have already done the key :woozy_face:.

The snobbery and elitism because of key difficulty has gone bananas.

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I don’t care what other people do and no I don’t do this.

I’ve pugged most of my keys.

I’ve only pugged as well and this has been my experience. Your elitism to “low key holders” says you probably do though, but I can’t prove it so okay :man_shrugging:t2:

What elitism? The quote you replied to initially was just stating a fact that people don’t join low io key holders.

“I” as in yourself right? I mean it’s a personal choice, they’re not good enough to have you in their group, you said it now own it lol.

Ironically a low group doing a 5ish level key would have an almost for sure chance to time it with either someone like you tanking it, regardless of the key holder’s io.

You’re reading into this way too much. It’s a simple statement. People see key level and the group leader’s IO. If they don’t match up then people don’t sign up. That’s not “elitism”.

Not reading too deep, it’s what you said lol idk :man_shrugging:t2:. But it’s to my point that this season has brought out top notch elitism and snobbery.

In the previous seasons I could pug into a competent group’s 25 with my only highest being a 23 as a healer easy. Now if I want to do a 14 then I need to have done a 15 and 4 other 14s, plus I need a credit check and 3 references.


I said what I said, but you are the one calling it elitism when it isn’t. There’s nothing wrong with looking for a key where the keyholder’s score matches. Why join someone whos 1200 IO with a +10 key instead of a 2500 IO with a +10 key?

This was only if they were desperate and tired of waiting.

I’ve pugged over 1,000 keys across expansions and seasons. This has been the standard method for pugs to progress. You need to do world tours one key level at a time and sometimes use your own key to break into the next key level.