TWW Season 2 Seems DOA

The dungeon pool is awful for season 2, and many seem to already be anticipating even lower participation rates for M+ than we currently have in season 1. It’s lookin’ pretty abysmal overall. Renown 17 just to get the dinars for guaranteed loot? Lame :-1: I myself might actually just skip this season if I’m being honest; and I haven’t missed a season since I started doing M+ in BFA. I started like 2 months late this season… but not participating at all would be a first for me, and it makes me a little sad. Curious to know what other folks think.


That WoW will never be more fun to me than it was when I looted my first green weapon off an NPC while questing in TBC, but it’s a cheap hobby so I keep playing it.


I like CM, rookery, PotSF and motherlode. really really not looking forward to darkflame and top. workshop is whatever

Renown 17 is what? like three weeks? meh…it will be fine.

Dinars should always be a thing btw. RNG sucks when you have multiple weeks of back to back bad vaults. I"m glad they are finally putting this in; I just hope it isn’t one of those “oh we’ll only give you one every full moon and you have to have 20 of them to buy a piece”

I’m looking forward to m+ as usual b/c I tank and I enjoy learning the routes and the strats. I didnt do mechagon when I was actually serious about keys so I’m looking fwd to another crack at it. Same with Motherlode.

I remmeber doing Theatre of Pain but I dont have the portal for it so I’m going to assume portals either weren’t a thing yet or it was locked behind something like a 20 back then which I would never have done heheh

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I think more than anything I’m just growing more, and more disenchanted with the time sink of relying on others to get content done.

Killed an hour today trying to join crest keys and listing my own (was SV so no one wanted to heal it). Eventually said screw it and dropped $60 on Ghosts of Tsuwhatever.

Trying to settle on a main so I’m at least only doing the grind once in the future.

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I was feeling meh about S2 when it was announced, I actually dislike Motherlode quite a bit…but bringing alts through this very late S1 dungeon pool, I feel like a change of scenery is going to feel amazing.

I’m ready to not have to do city of echoes or siege of boralus again for a while.

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Get ready to have similar dungeons in the future though.

Nothing quite like absurd damage profiles in Blizzards eyes.

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I only played S3 of SL but from my experience I really enjoyed theatre of pain its a guilty pleasure lol.

Side note my problem with season 2 isnt the content itself but the theme I like fighting badass monsters and stuff.
Fighting goblins all day is just stupid and not funny

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I’m quite worried about season 2’s dungeon pool and these recent datamined changes. It’s not looking fun to say the least.

it’s most likely week 17… 1 renown level per week.

it’s a raid rep, not a random OW rep… otherwise we’d have the full 15% dmg buff by the 2nd week of the raid which make no sense.

Probably more your IO than people not wanting to heal an SV. I and many others avoid low IO key holders.


I understand the concept of hierarchy, but the fact remains that DB, Mists, and Echoes are easier to fill keys than SV.

But whatever the reason I’m now 3 hours into a Samurai RPG and not sitting in Dornogal.

I say this with zero snark, so please don’t read into this beyond the actual words. An MMO, which is meant for group play, may just not be the right genre of game for you, and that’s okay. Just like someone who doesn’t like relying on others would be better suited to playing golf than basketball.

This isn’t a “lol quit then” post, just observing that if you aren’t having fun interfacing with a core aspect of the game design, it may just be a fundamental incompatibility for you more than something being wrong with the game in general.


My annoyance mostly stems from this being a 3rd toon due to trying to figure out a new main, my seasonal goals were accomplished 2 months ago, so you’re right I am definitely burnt out.

But even then, surely everyone considers an hour a fair amount of time to waste?

Once I get AoTC, i use the time to work on an alt (which this season i’m definitely doing) and do meta-type achievements. That Shadowlands one is pure hell but it’s keeping me subbed :slight_smile:

I also work on other stuff. I am very grateful for the streamers this and last xpac b/c they are on top of reporting stuff that’s coming and give me plenty of heads up.

I personally think the season will be great and I’m looking forward to it!

So they’re developing the game to be even more of a lobby LFG simulator! The dungeon pool looks like it’s going to burn people out quickly too…

great job blizzard! This might be the worst xpac you’ve ever released if s2 fails (which tbh, it ain’t lookin good guys).

pretty impressive, cuz I never thought WoD was bad because it “sucked”…it just had slow/weak patch cadence…whatever we’re getting now is just proving old blizzard was much more skilled in creating a game imo…

Hope they have a new brutosaur mount lined up to save them! :laughing:

Except i dont care in the slightest for rep. Renown 17 is 2-3 weeks if youre able to play every day. I am not. We go over this rep gated power grind every damn expansion. The only acceptable rep gate for power have to deal with augment runes for the minimal buff they bring.

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let’s hope the raid is awesome, then.

S1 has been terrible. Many friends quit, and looking like the guild will be clinging to life for S2.

I don’t understand the decisions made and it’s disheartening knowing much feedback regarding it, well beyond these forums, has been largely ignored.

Season one was a large failure based solely on run metrics, and outside the elitists, which account for a small percentage of the completed content, most feedback indicates season two will see this trend continue.

I understand these forums are cesspools for elitists, hopefuls, and trolls, but the feedback has been consistent from all mediums. The community does not like your plans for S2.

Please, reconsider. I recognize this may result in a late season start, but that’s better then a dead season.