TWW Pathfinder requirements updated

There is a post on wowhead indicating that the Pathfinder requirements to obtain “steady flight” does not seem to include getting to cap.

The War Within Pathfinder Requirements Added - How to Obtain Steady Flying in Khaz Algar - Wowhead News

It does include the previously indicated content but makes no mention of a level requirement. I mean, its likely a player will be at cap by the time they complete all the questing.

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You are going to be at cap just from doing the other requirements lol.

I beat you to the edit on that. :sunglasses: So yes, sure, likely true but still, a slight change on what was said previously.

It was redundant so they removed it because you essentially have to be at max to finish the other requirements either way.

Neat, for those who are interested in TBC flying. I’m glad they made the zones very ground mount friendly for those who aren’t able to use Skyriding due to physical difficulties.

I don’t have any physical disabilites and have been playing, on and off, since 2004. TBC flying is the biggest thing that kept me playing. I would have probably quit playing back then, if they didn’t add it, tbh.


Okay? I mean…I can’t say I get staying just because of a travel system. But glad you enjoy it.

I’m for both options without locking one through some ridiculous hoops. Flying made the game way re enjoyable for me, back then.


Yes, as someone with physical disabilities who borderline loathes skyriding (which is available right away for everyone?), I’m totally thrilled that I’m being treated differently than those to which it comes very easily. It’s fantastic that I’m either forced to use a system I hate (and to which there is a viable alternative) or stay on the ground.

Makes my day to have to earn my way out of playing in pain. Truly excited.

Thanks, Blizz.


I agree that its pointless to even have pathfinder anymore or any restrictions on static flight in any case where skyriding is already available.

But when you say ridiculous hoops, keep in mind you’re talking maybe 8-10 hours of casual play assuming the zone campaigns are similar to previous expansions. From what I’ve played on the beta, they seem even faster.

That’s it. You do the main story quests and explore the zones and then you can TBC fly. Is it dumb to delay it? Yes. Is it really some ridiculous hoops? I’d say not.

I just hate having things gated that don’t need to be gated for any logical reason.


Pathfinder shouldn’t exist anymore


They’re still doing pathfinder??? Is this for real or is this just a community joke that I’m not in on?

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I like Pathfinder.

I don’t like Pathfinder at the best of times, but I don’t feel like it’s unreasonable for Pathfinder to literally be “complete the entire leveling campaign” and that’s pretty much what TWW’s is.

When Pathfinder was implemented it was literally between it and “you’re literally never going to fly in new content ever again.” It’s pretty obvious that the former was the lesser of two evils.

I think the issue is that pathfinder should never have been implemented. It did nothing for me. I didn’t enjoy the gme more because I HAD to do everything needed to unlock flyingin previous expansions where it was locked.

A dev may want people to see all the things they’ve worked on but many don’t give a rats !@#. Especially if said tasks are not something they would otherwise have done. Some just want to get to end game as fast as possible, meaning reach max level. You can do taht without finishing each zone’s campaign related stuff. Rested bonus and other sources of bonus XP make that easy enough to accomplish.

Why should people have to keep doing campaign stuff if they gain nothing from it, in terms of XP or even gear, potentially?


You answered your own question.

It’s their game. Not yours. Old flying is also not the highlight of the xpac. Just like DF where dragonriding was a major highlight.
But unlike other xpacs, INCLUDING DF, you get old world flying literally week 1 with little to no requirements, no time gating, no tedious rep grinds.

Kids these days will never understand the horror of wod having to parkour awful terrain to gather treasures. Or waiting on the massive timegates that were legion.


You’re right. It is their game but WE are the ones paying to play it each month. You kind of need to cater to the wants/needs of the paying customerbase. To a degree, of course, and not 100%. Pathfinder has always felt like big middlefinger to the players.

When I finally did it in WoD, or was it legion, I was happy the slog was over and I didn’t have to do it on another character. I was not happy about having to go through the steps to get there. Why, you might wonder? Well, because I was already at max level before I felt like I needed to get flying in order to continue to enjoy the game. I damn near quit while doing the pathfinder tasks. I kept doing it because I knew that leveling another character was going to be 100 times easier, and more enjoyable as a result, with flying.

Been there. it sucked and STILL sucks. thank the gods there is no reason to go back.


Except this time around, there is pretty much no requirements other than ‘do the story’.
DF you had to wait almost the entire xpac then do a laundry list of things.

They release it day 1 with SUPER minimal stuff and it’s still like RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE.
(Not aiming this at you, just so many qq posts since they announced pathfinder)

Thankfully we have dragonriding day 1 in both xpacs. Which was fantastic.


people are mad because ion called old flying a accessibility feature for those unable to do drago- i mean skyriding. thats like locking colorblind mode behind a loremaster achievement. it just doesnt make sense.