TWW Pathfinder requirements updated

Except you can ground ride ooooor dragonride.
You don’t have to fly at mach 10. You can also change up keybinds to make it easier.

I literally only use my mouse when I dragonride :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s only for regular flying too

You have to earn the ability to inconvenience yourself :roll_eyes:


Tbh it’s more so fake outrage. I know people that ACTUALLY have a problem with dragonriding due to medical stuff and they aren’t upset. They are quite literally like ‘worst case I’ll glide or use my ground mount for the first week’.

GD just needs something to be upset about.


And they did to a degree. You only have to play through the leveling campaign and then you get your static flying. No more waiting for patches. No more rep or other hoops to jump through.

They want the leveling campaign experienced their way: dynamic flying or on the ground, because it’s their immersion.

That’s all there is to it, really. If you can finish the leveling campaign in a week, then you got your static flying in a week.

He didn’t. He said he recognizes that some use it for accessibility. But there are also three other options for accessibility: flightpaths, passenger mode, ground travel.

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Ah, so it is a joke

And even us real flying advocates would agree with you IF both kinds of flying were treated the same. The BIGGEST problem with the TWW Pathfinder is the spitegate only applies to real flying. Make both types equal and people wouldn’t have a legitimate complaint. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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