TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Yeah you can share your thoughts here, that doesn’t mean Blizzard is taking it as feedback from here

not only didnt ignore, but responded to…maybe you are accusing of what you are doing yourself here?

You seem to have this laughable viewpoint that your view is OBJECTIVE rather than SUBJECTIVE and somehow represents ‘fact’ that you can argue from authority, lol.
Doesnt work like that.

‘better’ is a subjective statement…what you find ‘better’ isnt what 90% of paying WoW players may say is ‘better’.

‘better’ is whatever this company does that makes them more money

and here we go with the childish, juvenile flag bombing crap because some on this forum cant accept being wrong lmao

Its just blizzards way of creating an artificial time gate to keep you chasing a goal for a reward. Like usual.

Blizzard has so many whys outside of direct typed player feed back from the forums to actually in real time to watch exactly what the players are doing in game at any given time. They know all the accounts, the amount of time spent, where it is spent, how is it spent, all this info at the touch of their fingers at real time. None if which is shared with the actual players here on this forum or anywhere else.

So yes people can come here and say what ever they want, and depending on what it is, they might or might not even gander a look at it and even put in into the whole scheme of things when thinking about stuff.

I urge you to re read what I actually wrote.

Certain types of gameplay or game design are not worth designing for with flying being available. Example: quest designed assuming you would be grounded and fight your way through the castle gate.

Fact: With flying, you can avoid the intended gameplay design and just fly over the wall, rendering the design moot.

Subjective: A person likes flying, and dislikes being grounded. Or, you like x type of gameplay versus y type game play.
These are opinions.


It’s definately gotten better. It’s much rarer now and only happens in the old world now.

Lmao people are really crying about having to complete 4 leveling zones?

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I wouldn’t bother with this person. This person cannot be reason with. its their way or the highway.


There is a line where one is just splitting hairs, and you have pole-vaulted over it, Some of us might see the story campaign as ONE, and the one in the zones as sub-campaigns. No one ever said that the campaign would not be split up into chunks based on the zones.

Only reason for one to harp on the split, when no one said that such would not happen, is just so you can “win” the argument.


Its been like that since WoD.

Granted its dumb, but saying its discrimination is ridiculous.
You can dragonride with 1 hand. You dont have to go max speed.
They removed the bulk of the requirements. Its pretty much a non issue at this point, other than it just being silly.

And worst case, you can ground ride for a few days.
True discrimination would be only dragon riding and no pathing to places without using DR and no flight paths.

Love a good buzzword though.


One interesting feature of Dragonriding is the passenger feature: a 2nd player can ride along on your dragon mount.
Be social and ask for someone who is not so disabled or elderly or for whatever reason is unable to DF to the places you need to explore to fly you around. It wouldnʻt be hard to do to get the exploration part done.

It is how i got a couple of my friends their DF Glyphs


Yeah I am tending to agree with you.

I think the plan is to completely replace flying with their stupid glider racing mini-game. Ion is so arrogant and petty, he doesn’t mind driving subscribers away as long as he gets his way. There’s no way he’ll allow the game to have both.


Straw manning me now? lol
We (you and I) are talking about whether FLIGHT should be in the game or not.
Ion used some lame argument about being on the ground is better.
The player base vote to override that nonsense.

NO ONE HERE said 'design the game for ground mounts, but then use flight" lol…which is clearly what you are trying to straw man with now instead of just admitting that you dont have an argument against flight being put in game day one, including old flight with the modification Ive mentioned a few times now.

All I see is you trying to push the narrative the box youve created and saying “See,this doesnt work” lol

No one said that would.

I realize not everyone got the memo, but this isnt TBC now. lol.
The game that came later ended up accomodating easy flight on day one…hour one actually, in DF.

Im not discussing OLD content that is no longer relevant to THIS expansion or the next…or the next.

OLD content was designed for being on the ground.
DF was designed for being in the air.
AND IN THAT…WE are discussing the fact that OLD flight should be available at the exact point in time that Sky/dragon riding is made available

lol…which…again…is a game design thing easly accomodated…as we see very clearly in DF and will again in TWW.

I find it VERY humorous that your entire premise here is “flight sucks because…” in a thread where we all know flight WILL be available from the start, just not OLD flight.

So one has to wonder what in gods name you are even doing in this thread?

Moused, the OP here, is voicing their issue with the work involved getting OLD flight compared to NEW flight.
and YOu go off on some tangent about how flight sucks or something here, which has nothing to do with the actual issue of HOW each flight is acquired…NOT IF flight should or shouldnt exist, lol

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No, youre having to resort to straw man arguments that have NOTHING to do with this thread…we ARENT discussing HERE if flight should exist in X situation…lol…THIS thread is ABOUT the OPs issue with ONE type of flight being available from the gate while the older flight has some labyrinth of work required…AGAIN.

good lord…for someone telling others to read, you certainly seem to be blowing past the relevant issues here lol

That is not what we are talking about. That is what you are talking about while ignoring what I have been saying.

You also are misreading what Ion was saying.

I’m muting you because this just isn’t worth my time. Cheers.

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ive read that article about 2 dozen times, friend…it says the same exact thing every time I read it, lol.
Ion was gleeful in thinking that flight would be gone. He actually thought the base would be ok with it. No malice there…clearly…just completely oblivious as to what WoW players as a whole like about this game…that same oblivious mindset created pathfinder and content like SL, that only went ‘well’ because we were all in covid lockdowns for the duration and had little else to do with our time.

Id say you are being patronizing, but frankly that would require respect for your views and I really cant muster that sort of sentiment up seeing your questionable points and arguments here.

THIS is the topic of the thread.

Mouse is NOT discussing removal of flight but how each mode of flight is acquired, and pointing out, as many of us have, the abject unfairness of older flight requiring so much work again while skyriding or whatever its going to be called will likely be there on day one…again.

To be honest, it wasnt worth your time the second you came into this thread. lol.
You seem to be arguing against flight entirely being a thing and again…this ISNT classic or TBC…this is DF and beyond and Ion has decided flight from day one is the wave of the future. lol

now on topic here…if we can only get him to stop obsessing about old flight and just make content to accomodate FLIGHT regardless…even if it means doing what I said and making that one small change to old flight so its not AFK-able.


WHell at least they serve the pain and are consistent about it lol. Drag for the lot of you who are haters on Dragon Riding. You get reg flying as you complete the game, and as always you need to do everything lol to get it.

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