TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Its Campaigns …4 of them not just 1…

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No it was always stated the full main campaign, reach level 80 and explore all the zones, which everyone knows what that means. That would mean complete the main campaign through all the zones. Don’t act like you have never done this before and that you are new to this concept because this is pretty standard in this aspect.

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Doomed to forever be repeatedly beaten. :frowning:

As long as the campaigns are not time gated or something like that, big deal. For DF we were told it would happen, but at ‘sometime in the future’.


You need about 50% of the player base to quit before normal flying is open. Dragon flapping was a disaster for weeks after launch.

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This has been told to us a long time ago, there is absolutely nothing hidden or not a bit of surprise here, nothing new was even added. This is exactly what they said it was going to be from the start. So why is it being treated like such a big surprise? Even myself have been telling people this info in every flying topic now for months.

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but for whom? You? Me? Himself? 10% of the player base?
he cant be correct and then have such a backlash that he relents and decides to put flight in anyway.

Players know what they want to play…and pay for.
Had he gone that route the game likely would have lost a lot more players than it has…so was he correct?
Would he have been correct if removing flight had driven down subs to the point of the games extinction?

He was correct in saying you have to do more of X on the ground without flight, but he seems to have been pretty clear that the game is ‘better’ if thats the case…but IS it better?
And again…WHO is it better for if thats the case? You? Me? Himself? 10% of the player base?

“better” is based on subjective personal opinion, obviously.
Ion, in my opinion, hasnt exactly proven himself to be in touch with the broader base of paying customers over the years. its been pretty hit and miss, if you ask me.

They enjoy flight. Obvious why thats the case.
The game makers job is to take that fact and build content around it…not fight against it.
Thankfully they finally figured that part out.

If your customers want power steering and brakes, you accomodate…or they buy something else. It wont matter if you think the car is more classic feeling without all that newfangled stuff. Either do it…or lose customers.

Thats how business works.
If this was Ions private game and money wasnt involved, he could go nuts with any changes he prefers.
As it is, they want OUR $$$…so they had better continue learning to accomodate what they need to, regardless of what some feel ‘better’ is…kwim?

I have no trouble doing that with Dragonriding so personally I dont see any difference other than the AFK hovering thing with old flight, which again, is an easy fix. If you arent moving forward, you fall to the ground, same as DRing.

It feels more about his own personal bias and his new shiny toy than it does any valid ‘problem’.

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There is far less than 50% that even have an issue with Skyriding. Very few actually have any type of medical issue with it. Some have personal issues of liking it or not. The vast majority have no issues at all using it period and will just go with the flow of the game.

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It’s actually partially true. Each expansion back then had certain questing zones that were added in a major patch, like for example IQD in TBC, or Firelands, Tol Barad, or The Timeless Isle or Thunder Isle etc.

They understood very quickly that they couldn’t provide a certain experience if you could just fly over stuff.

TBC flight was also very restricted, at least until you saved up 5k gold to buy epic flying. Pokey flight was 60% speed, slower than an epic ground mount.

Flying back then was mostly used to access level 70 content.

Some folks on cannot accept it and continue to whine hoping that Blizzard will caved.


Again, he is correct in that certain types of gameplay that are designed assuming we are grounded aren’t worth creating when we can just fly over the walls and land in the best safest spot.

It’s not about being better for you, me, him, whatever. It’s just an objective observation of gameplay design.

Yes, eventually Blizzard relented and now we have flying permanently going forward, so they just won’t design the way they thought they wanted to back in 2013. They are going to design for dragon riding.

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But then with DF theyve proven beyond argument that you CAN have flight day one and fly over stuff and make it work.
All they had to do was STOP being lazy and make the game more Star Wars instead of Star Trek…where you fight the fights at the destination instead of all along the path there.

lets just be honest here…being on the ground was just for more /played time.
They abused that crap to death in some content where you spend more time fighting to get there and back than you do with the quest itself.
Lots of us would prefer that travel time NOT be used as ‘content’…and that the quest itself take longer, be more involved, so we’re actually playing the game, not trying to get to point B for so long at times that we just want to log out and go outside instead.

DF showed us that we can just fly over it all and still have content we can enjoy.


I’m assuming they want us to experience the story / campaign once before allowing afk hovering over mobs etc.

Really doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. I haven’t played the beta but there doesn’t seem to be any requirement to use dragon riding to complete the campaign. From what people are saying, it can all be completed on the ground, or there is an “accessibility” quest dialogue option for select quests where they fly you around.

I recall one or two of those in the Emerald Dream zone. If you used dragon riding you flew into enemy dragons in the sky. If you took the accessibility option, they flew you around and you shot them down with a quest ability. Something like that.

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lmao…this forum is for whining so changes are made.

theyre complaining about because they want it changed.

YOU TWO Im quoting here make me laugh hysterically. in here foaming at others from your high horse while YOU will have YOUR preferred flight day one.
and in that, Im putting you BOTH on ignore :wave::wave:

General Discussion is not for that at all, what you whine about hear falls on deaf ears at Blizzard, the only people who will see it are other players who can do nothing about it

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To be honest to you, I don’t care if you mute me or not. I personally wont miss a moment of sleep over it. Specially when I don’t remember even once that I have ever addressed you personally until now. But if you see this in any way, shape or form, you have a wonderful day.

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and that is why Blizzard will continue to ignore you. adapt or quit, the choice is simple.

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imma ask you again…correct FOR WHOM??
Because last I checked Ion recanted of his ways back then and decided the game would get flight after all.
AND…Im very sure Ion himself had some input on Dragonriding on DAY ONE of this expansion.

Dude…are you trolling me?
Its ALL subjective…liking this game is subjective…hating it is subjective…liking or disliking flight is subjective. lol.
yeah…it IS about what the majority of the player based prefers or Ion would never have relented on removing flight. lol

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
you DO know that dragonriding/skyriding IS ‘flight’ by definition, correct?

They relented because the found out that the base WANTS flight as a whole.
Even the whiners who complain about it incessantly admit they use it lol.

The game now allows use to ‘fly over’ on day one with dragonriding…and given you used that as an argument, it leaves me wondering if youre not just here to play the contrarian rather than discuss points and admit when you might not be representing reality accurately.

yeah…it is. This forum is about the game and the company themselves tell us to come here to express our thoughts, positive AND negative.
Sorry you didnt get that memo.

Well I’m not going to answer that question again. We can’t have a conversation if you ignore what is said.