TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

That’s… the campaign though? Each zone has a story, yes, but the “campaign” is completing the whole story.

Oh, you’re trolling. Well I hope you’re having fun with that.


It’s really really dumb that it’s hidden behind Pathfinder to begin with.
If we can already fly, what’s the point?


This is like saying Tetris is ableist because the higher levels go too fast.

Old flying negatively impacts the game.

The TWW leveling campaign (or “all 4 zone campaigns combined” lol) is shorter than the DF campaign. If you strictly do the campaign, you should be almost done by the time you’re max level.

Elune forbid you might have to not helicopter over every obstacle the first 8 hours of the first day on your first character in a new expansion before unlocking flight for the rest of the expansion across your entire account.

I really miss those posts where people got upset about not being able to mount in the Maw.


How? I am still fuzzy on this.

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:


It hurts Ion and crews feelings, evidently.
As far as the game goes…flight has been here for the majority of the game now. It doesnt hurt anything.


That’s just playing the game. Explore the zones by flying around (or riding another’s 2 person mount), due to the questline and 80. People just need to understand that Dragon/Dynamic/Sky riding is the now and future part of the game. It evolved. TBC flying is hanging on by a thread, just like ground riding was.


What I miss are the days when people didnt feel the obsessive urge to insert themselves into things that dont affect them.
you will have DRing…your game wont be affected by old flight regardless of your laughable claims otherwise.

Youre just here to high horse for everyone because you are ok with DRing while many others arent.
you just dont seem to be able to figure out that its pretty obvious.

EASILY fixed IF Ion wanted to fix.
If the mount isnt moving foward, it falls to the ground…and AFK flight and hovering are gone, since that makes some whine…and the flight has no more advantage than DRing does.

See how easy that was?

Imma block you now cuz Im REALLY getting nauseated by those in here who cant help themselves but feed on the misery and unhappiness of others.


What needs to happen is Ion stop pushing his new shiny thing on players and EVERYONE has to wait until X is done or X date to get EITHER version of flight.

when THEY cant fly either until they do all that stuff, they’ll be in here screeching about it too and we all know it.


Can someone explain to me, an able bodied person, what the primary issue many some disabled folks in the community have with Dragonriding?

No…i wont…its been explained enough.
What I will do is give you a screenshot of the settings panel that confirms that BLIZZARD ACCEPTS that this IS a flippin problem…even if some jokers in here do not.
Im VERY sure you can figure out #1 on that list.


Do these settings not help when enabled?

Nope. Not in the slightest.
Every person who has ever complained about Dragonriding because “flying was only ever to move from point A to point B” has proven that. The further back in the game’s history you go, the more time folks spent travelling than playing the game. Meaning that it was a significant problem.

World building outside of caves and limited flight-zones become neigh on impossible, which in turn create zones that people view as more annoying than fun. The Kul’Tiras continent prior to flying was viewed (literally) entirely differently after people could fly, and it made alternative traversal options completely irrelevant.

Zones that work well when viewed in one direction can’t have flying, which becomes a sticking point for players where flying in other zones allow for exploration on a different level. Silvermoon City is one such example where the city and zone worked as a starter zone and area where flying was never necessary, but now is a sticking point due to how the zone wasn’t designed with the purpose of being explored the way that flying allows making intended design limited from percieved desired design. Other zones where flying would’ve ruined it, either for particular events such as Wintergrasp or for the sake of explorations such as Nazjatar or the Timeless Isle flying serves no functional purpose except to make it easier to afk.
The Timeless Isle is an oddball in this though because very few people have complained that much about no flying there. Folks have had other complaints about the zone but this is one that has been strangely absent.

Exploration is a key point of any game world that is as massive as WoW, but part of exploration is also how you can engage players with puzzles and the like. If a puzzle exists in the open world with TBC flying, it is no longer a puzzle. It is a case of “fly to it and done”, which is what we have seen with zones such as Bastion.

There’s more but I’m leaving it there.

In TBC we could fly from level 62 and it was a crucial point in order to level in certain zones. During Wrath there was one and only one zone that had any levelling aspects to it that was associated with flying namely The Storm Peaks, but even then the primary levelling aspects of that zone were just the goblin encampment at the bottom of the mountain.

They were severely limiting it, because they saw that levelling in TBC was painful. Because it was. And no I’m not saying they tried to immediately remove it; the hell do you think “limit” means? And flying for Cataclysm is one of the few times when flying was actually warranted.

Why? Because Cataclysm shared the same catastrophic design flaw that Vanilla had: MASSIVE rectangular continents with HUGE distances. So… if you want to argue for flying, Cataclysm is the best argument you can put forth. Because it is the ONLY time when it made sense to introduce flying. Because the continental shape of Cataclysm wasn’t intelligent because it wasn’t in Vanilla either.

Every other expansion, including TBC, has been circular though. Which significantly cuts down on travel time.

None of this is relevant, because no one is arguing the nonsense you are talking about. I’m not talking about the “decline of the game”, because hint … the game ain’t declining, it is aging.

And furthermore, if you want to go with the “we have more freedom” argument then you should DEFINITELY argue for Blizzard to push WAY harder to have people use DR/SR rather than TBC flying because DR/SR allows for massive continents to explore. Ya’ know, and enjoy our freedom to explore 'em.

Like always with these topics; folks pick the parts they like and then make endless strawman arguments.


yeah. you aint sealioning me today friend.

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I had to look this up. New one for me.

But I’m genuinely not trying to do that. I don’t get motionsick, so these settings don’t do anything for me, but I have turned them on.

I’m genuinely curious.

  • motion sickness
  • vision problems
  • motor skills issues

just to name a few.

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So to be clear though, they aren’t removing TBC flying. You just have to do the campaign and explore the new zones. Then you can TBC fly.

And while I’ve not leveled to 80 all the way yet, I’ve gotten to 76 on beta and I haven’t seen a single quest that required dragonriding where you couldn’t also opt to use a vehicle.


In TBC flying was available at level 70, and 68 for druids who completed a flight form quest.

TBC experimented with “max level” questing areas in each zone that was only accessible by flying. Skettis and Blades Edge Mountains made their areas actively hostile to flying. More so in Skettis with the birds than the cannons in Blades Edge.

While flying was available in TBC, the intention was still for players to be grounded. Remember that flying at the time was limited to 60% speed. This was much slower than epic ground mount speed which was 100%.

Until you unlocked Epic Flying and 280%, you were better off taking a flight path or using your ground mount to travel distances.

If you needed to reach one of those max level areas, of course you would pokey fly up there to do whatever you needed to do.

Ion was giddy as a kid in a candy store when they thought they could just remove flight in WoD.


When Warlords of Draenor first hit, some fans were surprised to discover that even upon reaching the new level cap of 100, they couldn’t fly with their air-based mounts in the new zones. Initially Blizzard expected to patch in flying at some point, but now it has changed its mind.

“Having looked at how flying has played out in the old world in the last couple of expansions, we realized that while we were doing it out of this ingrained habit after we introduced flying in The Burning Crusade, it actually detracted from gameplay in a whole lot of ways,” Hazzikostas explains. “While there was certainly convenience in being able to completely explore the world in three dimensions, that also came at the expense of gameplay like targeted exploration, like trying to figure out what’s in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there.”"

IF I have to sit here and pinpoint what I think was the WORSE thing every to happen to the progress of this game…it was all right there and that thought process.

Ironically SOME here in this thread who trash on old flight then turn around and call NEW flight ‘progression’ lololol.
Personal bias can really blind the rational mind from seeing its own duplicitousness.


so its complete the story and see all the zones… that sounds like the bare minimum people should be doing if your buying the xpac to begin with. your making this seem like its bfa pathfinder when it seems like its just doing the bare minimum. im probably the bar for being lazy like theres no way to be lazier than me without giving yourself extra work but dude if this is alot of work for you than you need to rethink gaming