TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Yes. I think it’s a button option in the expansion instead of talking to an NPC.

Honey, every single description of dragonriding since day one of debuting it told us this: they find it more immersive with the content and environment. This isn’t rocket science.

Y’all need to stop making stuff up.

Just the four main zone campaigns while leveling. Explore. Hit 80. That’s it.

No. Just the four leveling zones.

The leveling campaign in Dragonflight is technically 4 campaigns, one for each zone. This is no different.


Oh yeah! , I remember you saying this!

that’s literally what pathfinder is.

you discover the zone, do the local questline, voila.

it was WAY, WAY harder years ago.

please ignore, OP.

do you not remember WOD flying?

pepperidge farm remembers.

Here’s a summary of the reason that’s been both stated and the accepted reasoning for the past 13 years (since it was in MoP that most of the playerbase was forced to accept that this was a problem, even if most folks knew of it since TBC):

As I will continue to state in regards to each and every person who keep repeating a literally decade old dead talking point: you not liking a reason doesn’t mean the reason wasn’t given. This is the answer. Regardless of whether you like it or not.


Can’t Blizz at least add a way to completely disable skyriding for those that have accessibility issues with skyriding before unlocking normal flight? It would turn my favorite flying mounts into ground mounts until regular flying is unlocked, but that’s still better than accidentally triggering skyriding (which is an accessibility issue for some players).


Ah, you again. Was it because I said “Dynamicdragonskyriding™”?

Turns out, your “decades of information” on the sins of flying in WoW just seem to be parroting interviews with Ion Hazzikostas. You know Ion, the one who got Blizzard such intense clapback they scrapped the whole “no flying” thing. If you have other sources, please share.

Once you have an actual reason why Dynamicdragonskyriding™ is permissible to muh immersions, but the mode of flight recognized as a matter of accessibility by Hazzikostas himself is not, we’ll talk. Until then, I will question your voice of authority.


I agree Moused. I puke like crazy with the current state of flying/dragonflight. Yet, basically the game is created to fly to and from certain areas. (Not including TWW as I haven’t seen it yet.) It takes forever to ride from place to place.

There is quite a bit of content I can’t do, such as dungeons and raids as I do not have dedicated play time, and honestly I’m not very good at them either. I mean when you aren’t all that coordinated, you tend to have issues on occasion. (That was a cliff? Dang I thought it was a wall… Oh, I’m trying like crazy to get out of the fire I … just … went the wrong way.) lol

I quest, period. But I need to fly… I sooo loved flying. It’s one of the 2 things that got me into WoW in the first place. (The other is being able to play in third person so I don’t puke.)

My coordination isn’t great and I get motion sickness very easily.

I too feel that Blizz is not creating content playable for those of us who do have some problems. I get having things gated behind some other things, etc. But basic play should be something that all players have the ability to achieve. Not just those who have good coordination, who have dedicated play time without interrupts…

This game is very theraputic for me, it’s my escape from all the work, responsibility, and heartache in real life. So having basic content be something I can’t achieve is, well, gutrenching. :cry:


I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard if they do intend to rip that off from Hogwarts Legacy any time soon.

Yes, HL did the thing where it gave you a broom, then flying bird mount in the middle of the game (Which doesn’t really change things up much), then later on at the near end of the game i might add, a ground mount.


I had forgotten that you said that.

Well, then you doubly know the answer that you are looking for and you are even more blatantly just ignoring it in order to beat a dead horse for forum brownie points. You really don’t have any better hobby than doing that…?


Such as?

They didn’t start trying to remove flying until WoD. The way you make it sound, they introduced flying then immediately tried to remove it. That’s objectively false. They even opened up the “old world” for flying in Cata.

Wrath was objectively more successful than TBC. The decline of the game doesn’t have anything to do with flying at all. In fact the game is better when we have more freedom.


I just want to understand the immersion factor here. Other than the potential of being ganked by another player while afk in WM… what would you say is more immersive about afk’ing on top of a rock that is just as much out of range from ground npc’s as mid-air?


Well, I am ignoring your answer because 1) from Ion’s own mouth it is an accessibility issue, and 2) I am one of those people who experience physical distress from it, while TBC flying never caused me problems.

Oh, and of course 3) because you are no voice of authority, I was being sarcastic. That you think this is for “brownie points” was telling enough, but that you seem to think you are some kind of final say is even better. 10/10 would ignore again.


my point in these posts is not to respond to other player’s whose motives I can’t determine or trust.

dragon riding is fine, but restricting real flying is just arbitrary and seems passive aggressive.

possibly someone will see the kerfuffle and ask why this painfinder is a thing…

these other players would cheer if ion did a 180 degree change anyway…


That poor horse.

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pathfinder is a thing because the main attraction to an MMO is progression aka constantly improving.

it’s that simple

No we would not…most of us could careless if the majority of the players love Dragon Riding…blizzard just can’t give a good enough reason now to not allow normal flying along with Dragon Riding…this response for normal flying “promotes a severe disconnection to the rest of the world and players” is a made up BS response now.


It’s the main story. One campaign made up of 4 zones storylines.

And yes, exploring the zones has always been a part of these pathfinder achievements.

This is exactly what we were told it would be and exactly what we were saying it would be.

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Did you know that you can just get up in the sky and just glide at no extra effort?

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Lmao. No it’s not.

If you can’t press 1 button every 6 seconds then you can’t even run around on your character. Stop with the victim mentality already. It’s getting old.


not talking about you…

I agree with you.

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