TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Because its not an issue.

Time to mute this thread .

OP got the answer to the question on how TWW Pathfinder is going to work almost a month ago .

It’s still the same campaign . It is all a part of the opening patch campaign.

I guess I was wrong on my previous post you didn’t get the message (either that or) you are just one of those that isn’t happy unless they are complaining

Hello, privileged person.


Now? This is the standard. It was like this in TBC and WotLK, as well, as far as what we consider the main campaign to be. It’s across the zones.

And this campaign is woefully short, you’ll have plenty to complain about aside from this anyway.

That’s not how you’re going to win this augment at all. You’re just labeling yourself as a spoiled brat who can’t have his/her ways. Players who have a disability who can’t really used DR are ok with this new pathfinder requirement. you have a choice, you can either adapt or quit the but whining won’t get you very far. Blizzard is not going to change their mind on this and you know what? The Pathfinder for the “Midnight” expansion is very likely going to be the same pathfinder requirement.

i’m not sure blind people like dragonflight. could be wrong though.

I’m surprised you picked this one as your favorite, but here is your gold star!!!

Right to the fridge we go!!!

You did so good! We’re all so proud of you!!!


I wish I still had it in me but minds made up there will be no TWW for me . Playing Cata but its not much fun when you all ready did it all on a number of alts .

I take a taxi ,The first thing I do in a new xpac is get flight paths .

I am dealing with it by not buying TWW !!!

Yep still paying them but not for DR and like I was saying Cata is not all that much fun been there done that Just gives me something to do when its raining out side .

Some of us just plain hate quests and being forced to do them . Yes its a part of the game but there is a lot of other parts to the game too .

But not all right there my guess is one of the ones that was not updated is one I use but will never know .

So you spend more time tabbed out looking at wowhead then in game yep I love quests !!!

I have np using DR can even land on a pin point I just do not like it . Not that its not fun for a lot but its not for me .

Was you playing the same game I was I seen more bots DRing the any other way heck there still at it in groups of 5 to 6 . And blizz could put a big dent into botting if they wanted to just put game masters back in the game .

Not sure what server you are on but I can log on and with in 5 minutes i will see 10 bots now that is 2 sets but 10 non the less.
Should say DR is not the only reason I am not going to buy TWW sharding is the main reason .


Long after Static Flying was unlocked.

Sharding’s been here awhile…

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It’s sad. You are so deep trying to white knight, you can’t even have an intellectual debate.

Post count checks out though. Clearly just here to troll.

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I can tell the responses of the comments neither of you have beta and didn’t pay any attention to any lets plays. TWW is ground mount friendly and the questing experience have assisted mode for accessibility.

You are so right buddy, the guy with 4528 posts definitely doesn’t spend all of his free time trolling the forums!

You’re so good at this!

Don’t tell your friends, cause I wouldn’t want them to get jealous or think we’re giving you special treatment but we might just have to put TWO of your favorite posts on the fridge!


Sigh… If only you could check when and how often I post… OH WAIT! You can! So if you had checked, you’d know I only post a few times a day. Not even every day.

You got me buddy!


10/10 bad attempt at calling me out on something.

You however… refuse to have any kind of actual conversation and immediately go to trash talking, insults. So. Me posting info and debating the topic with my 4.5k posts vs your >100 posts just insulting…

Pretty obvious who the troll is.
Or dare I quote some stuff?

Like what even.

You are incapable of an actual conversation and go on tirades like a toddler.

So thank you. Try again.
Anyway. I’m done derailing the thread with you.
Take care now, bye bye then.

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It has but they broke it and not going to fix it .

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You might as well quit the game all together because that is the path forward for next two more expansion.

I find Quests more enjoyable than spamming BG/Dungeon instances. you can make total 10k+ gold and gain ahead start with rep. God forbid that you have work to earn a reward.

or just read the quest and it tells you on map where to go instead of reading Wowhead.

They don’t care, if TBC flying is not accessible at launch they won’t touch this game. we are few weeks before pre patch and its very unlikely that Blizzard will caved to their demands and Plus Chinese players are coming back and going to make up the sub they lost from TWW boycott.


This just reeks of Ion and Co attempting to slowly remove TBC flying again. Just look at what he said on stage at Blizzcon, he actually said he was hoping the players would say that this(Dragonriding) was awesome and this can be the way flying works going forward, sadly that didn’t happen and since people didn’t praise it and act like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, he has to do this to try and force people to like it. Quite sad actually that Ion and Co can’t accept some people will not like their new form of flying and have to punish those who don’t.

Since I can’t link videos yet, go watch the 2023 Blizzcon WoW Deep dive at the 34 minute mark.

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