TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Rage is a common result in humans when we are treated unfairly and then insulted when we complain about it. I have been called about every pejorative in the book to include gold farmer because I can’t use DR.


I do not care if the new zones are ground friendly. If I can not fly with my preferred flight model at the same time and level of effort as those that can use DR then I will never purchase this or any other expansion. WoW is dead to me if it is going to treat me like this.


Know the big difference? Everyone was in the same boat. We all had to walk until we completed pathfinder, which made it fair.


You have to do right by you. But unlike Dragonflight you know when you will be flying again. In Dragonflight you had no idea. Now you know when.

While that may be not be your preference, at least it’s been laid out and you have options.

You read me wrong. I fly both methods. I now have a 5 second switch timer.

I understand you have a point of view, but Blizzard has a game to balance against some people that are very passionate, while also I am not passionate, I’m as much devils advocate but simply don’t blame Blizzards decision process taken as a whole.

Unless I have missed an announcement, Dragonriders still get to fly before I will. Not buying TWW or future expansions on that basis. Why should you be privileged to get to fly while I have to wait?

I do not care if the ground forms aren’t as frustrating and rage producing as DI was, it is and always will be unacceptable for me to be expected to walk while you get to fly.

Are you saying that they have increased the flight speed for classic flight to be the same as DR flight? I hope not or hope they allow you to toggle to a slower speed. I don’t like going that fast, I miss too much.


And the dragonrider is back to insults. Love you too, bless your heart.

Address the question of why pathfinder should exist now. Why past devs thought it was needed for their expansion is not relevant to whether it is needed or justified for TWW and future expansions.


It is why I haven’t and likely will never again buy a retail wow client.


Would you rather them retire TBC flight all together? Because they have stated that Dynamic flight going forward is considered the main flight style of the game. They are just not removing TBC flight. But the game is going to focus around dynamic flight and the use of it.

There is always more than one way to look at if the glass if half full or if the glass if half empty in every situation.

So much of what you said about your opinion of the state of retail WoW and your current dislike of it explains a lot about your distain for it. You in a very quick manner shows you can not deal with any type of developmental changes to about anything within the game itself.

If that is mechanics, story line, character development, pretty much anything that moves the game or content within the game forward or creates more of a challenge to game play.

Either you are trying to be overly dramatic to try to just simply prove your point of being unhappy over pathfinder requirement for TBC (modified) style of flight in TWW. Or you are really pretty ridged in your personal view in just how WoW must remain locked away to never develop beyond a certain state of story or game play.

Which I will say WoW is always moving forward in all area’s of the game and never just stands still. Players either evolve their game play with WoW, or they generally quit and find something else to do with their time and money or now days they can go play classic versions of WoW.

WoW has always been a lot about adapting ones game play to meet new development within the game. Also when it comes to story line to accept it wont always please everyone and wont always match with the past story lines.


I wouldn’t bother with him. He made his choice.

Yes, I would use it even if it were the same top speed. For me, the fun is the way you can speed up and slow down at a will. You can muddle along slowly, and then dive down and speed up. It feels like playing through the air. It’s fun. :slight_smile:

Edit: Correcting spelling.

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I’m not the one that’s been throwing insults.

It’s quotes like this that give you away, trying to assign an Evil vs Good situation with people who do like DR.

That an repeatedly saying you’re not buying anymore “retail clients” to the point you can name a drinking game out of it.


They dropped us down to 280% speed

Yep, the 1st step into the Coreway is very ground mount friendly, right up until you go splat.


Because someone needs to defend themselves against whatever this nonsense is?

You make these outrageous claims and think you are in the right is insane to me rofl.

You are acting like blizz is doing this horrendous thing and anyone that agrees with them or disagrees with you is a monster.
That’s not how that works.

What in the tin foil hat nonsense are you yelling about?

You realize the majority agree it’s a non issue right? Which means your argument is in the minority? = You don’t have much foothold.

I’m a narcissist now? :joy:
I love that you mentioned projecting because that is all your post is.
You aren’t saying anything other than projecting your issues and crap onto me because you disagree with me.

When your entire post just boils down to hurling insults, you’ve lost.

You really are something huh :joy:

The other thread got taken down, because of ridiculous people like you. Who just want to devolve it into insulting and wild accusations…
But I have friends who are disabled. Who actually can’t use DR. They were very happy when BC flying came out.

They saw it will be locked behind some minor stuff in TWW pathfinder. But this crazy thing happened. They weren’t mad. They were thrilled they didn’t have to wait most of the xpac for pathfinder.
They also don’t need people white knighting for them blowing the entire thing out of proportion, making wild accusations, and witch hunting.

It’s an unfortunate thing they have someone like you white knighting for them so hard.
All it does it make people on the fence go the opposite way.


I’m not disabled, but I have an issue with it. Dragon flying gives me motion sickness. Steady flying does not.

How does it hurt the Dragon Flying people, if steady flying is added at the start?

It’s not about bots, so many people keep telling us we will have steady flight in 8 hours. That won’t stop bots.


It doesn’t, but that’s not what blizzard was going for.
I’ve been watching more interviews to try and understand better why they make decisions like this.

Marketing and storytelling. Dynamic flying is a major highlight for TWW, so marketing. Seeing the terrain from the perspective of dynamic, storytelling.

And yea, bots are a bad argument this time around. It actually hindered bots pretty significantly as far as node mining in DF, but having it so easily obtainable and so early… Not going to do much this time around lol.

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On the flip side are the people that showered Blizz in praise for the crab filter in TWW but dunk on disabled people over wanting static flight.


I love all of the responses thinking that TWW will be like dragonflight forcing players to use skyriding. And thinking that the terrain is anti ground mount and I’ll bet most of you don’t even have beta so you wouldn’t know anything about TWW terrain and how it’s designed or look like.