TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Ae haven’t given them anything, the opposite even.

They removed the level requirement for TWW Pathfinder (admittedly meaningless).

In Dragonflight there was originally a Renown requirement, they removed that due to push and feedback.

They keep removing requirements with every iteration due to feedback, so keep pushing, just don’t be self-immolating jerks about it. Like

“I want you to suffer to my arbitrary standards, self-imposed or not” is not endearing stance.

Do you want more fun and QoL or do you want to be spiteful and others to be miserable? The former gets a lot less pushback.

Blizzard already knows that Dynamic flight is problematic for some people. It’s why they filled the game with accessibility options.

So, knowing that – to intentionally gate the accessibility flight option behind basically doing all of the main campaign is akin to restricting elevator access to people who have walked up all of the stairs.

An architect who designs a building with no elevators – and only stairs… would get fired.

Blizzard is free to do whatever they want. It is their game. Just like you’re free to make a whole bunch of nonsense up to troll people on a forum… or laugh at the special olympics – or whatever it is that you normally do in your free time.

Most people, probably aren’t ever gonna use Steady Flight. It’s way slower than Dynamic Flight. This is a complete non issue for like 90% of players. But for anyone who doesn’t like Dragon Riding or can’t use it – this is an intentional design choice that actively sabotages their ability to equally enjoy the game.

What I’m saying, is the “Why” doesn’t matter. The outcome is the same – and that outcome is avoidable. If you get drunk and kill someone – nobody cares why you drank or that you were drunk, you’re still a scumbag.

Wanting accountability, isn’t entitlement. Sometimes, people who have horrible opinions need to get called out, and when they’re in positions of power… they need to be removed.


i predicted this and while its too late and i already pre ordered the expansion awhile back because i wanted coins bundled with it I wont be playing it at launch. They win, i pay 15 bucks a month to play an older version of the game they wont even fix bugs on.

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So you wouldn’t willingly accept the same restrictions, got it, double standards. I’m simply asking, if Blizz locked both forms of flying, would you be ok with it, or would you be complaining, I bet you would be screaming from the rooftops that you shouldn’t have to earn Skyriding.

You’re only defending it because your preferred form of flying isn’t being gated.


I love how you all seem to think you can read the Dev’s mind and still blame WoD as the motive after 10 some years. You all blame Ion and say he needs to move on, sounds like you all too have a lot of room of needing to move on at this point.

We already know from multiple Devs that the choice about pathfinder and continued use is made from multiple Devs and for various reason by them from xpac to xpac. So those whole its Ion with his evil twisting mustache I am going to get you my pretties are getting really silly at this point.

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Pathfinder shouldn’t exist. It provides ZERO positive to the game, and serves only to timegate players.

It was terrible when it was introduced, and it’s terrible now


This is filled with falsehoods and very much uninformed.

First of all, the war within zones are ground mount friendly and questing will have assistance mechanisms in place. And also, war within doesn’t force players to use skyriding if they chose not to do so unlike dragonflight where some zones forces you to skyride in just to get around. One final thing TBC flight speed has been increased in TWW by two folds.


Reminder when it was introduced in WoD, it was either accept pathfinder or have no flight at all the whole xpac… Ummm lets see what choice…Ohhh yeah having flight half way though an xpac and doing pathfinder which is just done by basically playing the game and xpac from launch in general. Is pretty much the smart choice if one wanted flight. That was the only option given, so it was the only option taken when it came to keeping TBC flight in the game at the time. So the positive was getting the beloved flight in general actually at some point to be still in the game. The negative was to say no way, and basically live without flight period.

Where’s the double standard?

Again, absolutely none of you are listening and are just wanting to foam and rage.

REMOVE Pathfinder, go on, do it. Let Static be useable as early as Dynamic.

totally agree with you when you said:
Bots hack the map, flight means nothing to botters.

Being playing since dec 2004 and bots rule the skies first day forward.


Tbh I wouldn’t mind this.
It would definitely stop a lot of the pointless qqing.

Keyword being some.

You cannot cater to every single person that plays. The amount that have actual physical problems that stop them from being able to use dragon riding is absolutely miniscule.

What you see more often than not are the white knighters speaking for that .001%

But back to catering. Its their game. The fact sub counts are up shows people arent that upset with it lol.

Its not. But okay.
Gating accessibility would be ground mount unfriendly terrain, no flight paths. Forced dragonriding to quest. Etc.

“Accessibility” is a buzzword for this debate.

While the elevators are in maintenance mode, the escalators still work.

Holy reaching :joy:

Yea Im done reading your gibberish aftet that paragraph of nonsense.


My concern is the travel between the zones.

I fear it will be like the ways underground in DF which are all tight and mazey. I mean, it’s a short term problem - I’ve never once flown all the way to Zaralak Caverns without crashing and getting turned around. Not the most compelling game play.


Its pretty open compared to Zaralak.

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Whew, I get it man. This one is tough to defend.

I have the whole scene playing out like a movie in my head.
The notification goes off in the ol’ discord channel. A member of the fedora alliance is gettin’ thrashed in some thread and none of the typical tech is working.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it – SAVE THE FEDORA ALLIANCE!!!

Our brave heroes intellect is too great to back down from such a challenge. He cracks his knuckles, wipes that cheetoh dust on the ol’ fedora. Expecting that big ole dopamine hit of waving the superior intellect around.

Prepped and ready for forum glory!!!
Then you realize the position you have to take has absolutely no foothold… so you’re having to get creative.

One of my favorite thing about arguing with narcissists is when they start projecting.

They’re just wrackin’ their brain to figure out some clever gotcha thing to say but nothing is working… Smoke just blastin’ out of their ears… then it hits them… “I know!!! I’ll say THEY’RE reaching for a foothold!!!” THEY WON’T KNOW WHAT HITTEM! ITS GENIUS.

Then being on the receiving end of that is like watching a toddler accuse you of stealing cookies when they’re covered in cookie crumbs. You just kinda wanna pat them on the head for trying.

At this point though I’m starting to feel a lil bad – like I’m out here trying to make sure people can enjoy the game… and… you know it just completely escaped my mind that I might be ruining your fun in the forum game.

So, I’m sorry buddy. Let’s go get you a gold star, we’ll print out your favorite forum post – stick the gold star on it and put it right up on the fridge.

You win buddy! You’re totally right about everything. We should all actually just be cheering about this. Thank god those awful disabled folks are gonna have to run around on the ground with their peasant mounts while we all look down on them from the sky.

It’s a good thing you saved us from having to share the sky with those pesky steady flyers.


Personally, I would be fine with both pathfinder and skyriding being gated. It dose make the world bigger with being on ground mount.

Frankly this debate really should no longer take place until after launch and TWW has played out the flight plan. It’s so changed from the last horribly restrictive pathfinder of BFA. Blizzard made Shadowlands much easier and backed off Dragonflight requirements.

The argument now is too close to “which of you are really disabled?” which is the one question that should not be asked.

There will be a little time up front where people have to fall into their new flight plan, which may be as bad for everyone with a five second toggle. But by all accounts the early zones are ground mount friendly for the time it takes to explore the main zones. If Dragonriding is any indication, it might have taken a week of chasing glyphs so any that prefer Dragonriding had a good time of it.

Many changes were made to the UI, and when needed flying has a Blizzard provided option n quests.

This just isn’t a zero sum game anymore where those that prefer Steady flying won’t or can’t use Skyriding.

Let’s wait a bit, trust Blizzards design team, and give them feedback on the changes they’ve built up animating all the mounts. The community discussion is polarized with partial arguments and people are arguing single perspectives on a very large two expansion set of changes and we no longer are watching from Dragonflight with peoples preferred way of flight literally unknown when it would return. Those were dark days.

Would you use it if it were no faster than classic flight?


Why is it so hard for dragonriders to understand that some people simply can’t use DR due to physical mobility issues, because it makes them nauseous and/or dizzy, it irritates their RSI, or having to think about flying instead of simply doing it is too much processing for them. I am glad you like your mini-game and you can keep it. Is it really to much to share the game with the rest of us? I will not be a part of any version of WoW that discriminates against me or those like me.

I have been playing Remix and both forms of flight are available from the start…doesn’t seem to have spoiled the experience. What is the stated reason for forcing the DR flight model for all future expansions and why do you accept it?

Forcing DR ended my relationship with Retail WoW. I have not purchased TWW and will not buy any future expansions that have any form of pathfinding that applies to my preferred flight method but not DR.

It is a matter of fundamental fairness. It is not fair that paying customers that can not, for any reason, use DR to have to walk while you fly, not even for a day much less for half of the length of the all future expansions.

To put it another way, if they announce that there will be no pathfinding requirement then I will buy the expansion, and maybe even get my husband to come back, though that will take work. He simply doesn’t have the time to devote to the game required by the greatly increased complexity of its systems.

Also, don’t tell us that we can’t debate this or any other topic. And no, I do not trust the team that took the last expansion away from me for their shiny new flight model and destroyed the Dark Lady for no good reason to do anything right.

Blizzard divided its community over this issue, it was an unforced error. It is their fault and their responsibility to address.


I can honestly say that since vanilla I do not recall seeing a botter, other silly folks that bought 5 accounts and ran around in a group of alts.

But then I don’t even know how to detect a botter. Just don’t really care enough to learn how, I guess.


Who doesn’t understand? The new zones are ground friendly. It would be more unsympathetic to make someone do what they don’t want to do. People will be experiencing the early game from the ground, which dragon riders did while gaining the glyphs and complaining about how the new flight isn’t as easy.

You again miss all the nuances in your attempt to frame an us vs them. What matters is how far into the expansion each person will be comfortable and then on their 800 accumulated mounts.

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