TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Good for you cutting off the next part of my post you quoted explicitly bringing up the bots using teleporting hacks and that making them even easier to find and ban.

They are still very much there. They aren’t easier to find because they are now using DR itself.


They were when they were using skyhacks/teleports.

If they’re easier using whatever program for DR thought would be an interesting question and study. Tracking their pathing and inputs per node perhaps? If not, why don’t they already do that?

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War within doesn’t force skyriding on anyone. You can explore most of the zones via ground mount. Questing? There are assistance built into them for those require skyriding. War within is perhaps the most ground mount friendly expansion to date.

I’d like to know what they get out of this specific area of BFA, especially since they nerf gold in old expacs.


gold and mats and vendor trash aka gold gold gold due to hyperspawning

Pathfinder = free mount.

It’s crazy, I thought they nerfed gold there.

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not enough to make it not profitable for those that don’t have to sleep or eat or log off.

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If you are in a hyperspawn place like that, and if you are a botting type of person. If your the type who are clearly hacking and botting and doing it 24-7. Even as much as 4 gold per kill adds up over 24 hours periods.

This is why its against the rules and considered cheating.


This will only hurt low levels.

That isn’t how evidence works.

What you’re saying about bots is conjecture/speculation. That isn’t evidence. That is your opinion.

Golly… It’s almost like you just made it up based on your feelings. You definitely wouldn’t have done that though, cause that’s kinda what you were accusing other people of doing. Heh I mean… what kinda hypocrite would do that amirite?

Totally a misunderstanding I’m sure.

I mean, usually people do research on stuff so they can have informed opinions before they go acting like they have all the facts. That is the kinda thing oh so super intelligent people like yourself generally do right? – I can only assume you just forgot this time. Simple mistake, happens to the best of us right?

It’s not like you’d keep on projecting or try to make yourself out like a victim… or gaslight your way outta taking any modicum of responsibility for being completely and irredeemably wrong or making a total fool out of yourself by choosing to die on a hill that makes absolutely no sense.

That definitely isn’t something someone as smart as yourself would do. OBVIOUSLY.

Someone as smart as you would definitely never do something silly and then accuse other people of being silly as if you were some kind of text book narcissist. Hahah I mean we’re laughing right?

I mean, if it were someone else – you’d hope a friend of theirs would call them out on it. But you totally don’t need that.

I couldn’t possibly imagine insulting you or your unfathomable intelligence.


I’m using common sense and awareness, you’re turning it into a trial.

I get the feeling you don’t care about the subject at all, you just wanna argue and demonize anyone and anything that isn’t fully behind “Pathfinder/Blizzard bad and spiteful for no reason”. All you have is a tantrum and insults.

People claim there’s no reasons for it, others have offered reasons for it.

Regardless, still, I’d be perfectly fine with them removing it.

Projection, interesting choice. Totally didn’t see that coming.

The reason people are taking this stance – is because there isn’t a defensible reason as to why they are doing this. There is no good reason.

I mean, let’s pretend like it really is because of bots (Which I highly doubt.) Let’s play this logic out.

You’re telling me, that Blizzard is so inept at detecting bots – that in 2024, when we can use captcha code to monitor your mouse movements in your web browser to determine if you’re human or not – that they can’t figure out the guy repeating the same actions thousands of times a day for hours on end is a bot… and that their GENIUS plan… to stop the bots… is to gatekeep an accessibility flying mode that is slower than Dragon Riding behind Pathfinder? When there are already bots that can use Dragon Riding? Really?

Come on dude.

Let’s take it even further – If bots really are the problem, why not just ban the bots? Should be pretty easy – Hire a couple data scientists, collect some data, train an AI model for a couple weeks/months till you’re happy with the accuracy % and then let her rip. 6 months to a year, bots permanently gone. Heck, you could prolly get auto clickers / people using macros they shouldn’t be using too.

Maybe Blizzard doesn’t want the bots gone. They’re a corporation, bot accounts pay them money. Fiscally doesn’t make much sense to pay money to hire a team to effectively cost you money. Now what? Welp – Still isn’t a good reason. Not our problem as customers/players. Shouldn’t be our responsibility to deal with bad systems because Blizzard likes money.

Maybe there is some technical reason why. Doesn’t matter. Not a problem the players should have to eat. Spaghetti code isn’t our problem to solve.

It’s not that there are no reasons. There aren’t any acceptable ones. We can speculate all day about why they might be doing it… but even that doesn’t really matter.

There is essentially nothing they could even say that would justify the decision. This is one of those “Whatever it is, there has to be a better way than this.”


Can’t believe Ion is still holding a grudge against us for his WoD debacle. Just let us fly ffs.


There is.

I am not claiming that

I can do that too.


Or were we not just saying completely arbitrary things because our ego is too fragile to take the L.


Waffles are nice, unlike this ridiculous argument that serves no purpose.

You don’t like Pathfinder.

I’m fine with Pathfinder being removed.

You have to throw insults at everything unless someone 100% agrees with every aspect of you for whatever reason.


The entire point of NOT having it is literally marketing and story telling.

Dynamic flying is a major highlight for TWW, just like DR was a major highlight for DF.
And if you’ve seen any of the interviews, the devs do things like this as well to ‘tell a story’. How they want to convey the zones and such.

And by them making it so all you have to do is the main campaign and exploring is quite literally them respecting your time.
No time gating.
No rep.
No waiting until patch .2
Literally available week 1.

It’s their game. Their story.
It’s wild that entitled people like you want them fired for trivial things like this.

The “L” is wanting someone’s job because you feel entitled.


How long until they see they can get away with gating it this way until we are back to old Pathfinder? We give them the inch now, how long until they take the mile? And as said before, if the it’s all ground mount friendly, then let’s just gate both forms of flying this way and put everyone on equal footing. I mean would you be ok to be stuck on the ground and not have Skyriding until you do the same thing?