TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Maybe don’t try and make stuff up to puff up your side then?

ok 1st of all, pathfinder requirement is a bit more forgiving this time around and it is not gated. All you had to is finish campaign for the 4 zones which they’re 3 chapter each and explore all of the Khaz Algar. There’s not rep/renown or world quest grinding. if refuse to buy new expansion, ok that’s you’re choice, but pathfinder is here to stay whether you like it or not.

I don’t think it’s a problem that you have to do something in order to unlock a convenience feature.

How is this different from requiring you to level engineering to use the wormhole generator, the previous requirements to unlock/use flightmaster’s whistle, or the current design of dungeon teleports?

The irony here is so thick, it could fill the void my dad left when he went to get milk.

Let’s see a link / post of a blue saying that Bots have anything to do with the decision to gatekeep steady flying.

I’ll wait. Then we can have that conversation about making things up.


The war within zones are ground mount friendly. And plus, what is so hard or tedious about war within pathfinder? None, of it are even time gated. All you need to do is do the four main leveling campaign and explore the four leveling zones. Not difficult. Skyriding? Optional. War within is not dragonflight where the zones forces you to skyride but here in Khaz Algar is completely your choice.

hey goalposts bye goalposts.

You can use steady flying (especially as a Druid) to pinpoint mine and herb with impunity. That’s one of the biggest complaints from detractors is using Dynamic flying in conjunction with gathering. For a good portion of DF’s run the prices of a large number of mats were high due to bots being hindered.

The moment static flying was introduced AH prices plummeted.

I can follow the obvious and not become frothing at the mouth with rage like you seem to be. I and others have given reasons for why Pathfinder is still a thing, you deciding you’re upset enough that none of that can be true is on you.

Hrm, I see a lot of words but no link. Maybe you forgot that part while you were


Some of folks are just selfish they don’t want to play this game without reg flying and did said that many times on the forms. They’re hoping that their boycott will caused so much damage to blizzard that they will caved to their demand like they did in WoD. Blizzard made the requirement so easy and more forgiving that you be flying regularly by end of the weekend of pre launch instead of waiting either 3 weeks or next content patch. But its not enough for Pro TBC flyers and Blizzard should come to terms that you cannot reason with them even if they add one simple requirement for regular flying the pro TBC will still refuse to do it.
Its already too late for Blizzard to change Pathfinder since we are nearly the end of the beta testing and TBC need to accept the fact that pathfinder and skyriding are here to stay. If you want to fly regularly, then start playing the game as best of your ability.

I never claimed there was an official statement.

Restricting Static flying screwed over bots. This was an observable fact during DF.

You on the other hand just resulted to insults and making things up.

So you made it up.


I’m glad they decided that Warthin zones are ground-mount friendly. I hated Waenor because how frustrating it was to travers through AU Draenor.

i love how you lump two seperate groups of people together with zero evidence whatsoever.

Let’s analyze this further
“I love everyone who” > I love each person who does this.

I know, English is hard.

Me: the sky is blue


see how silly you’re being?

No, that isn’t what happened.

You came in here saying: “The sky is blue because the dolphins turquoise in the waffle, and anyone who doesn’t like the blue sky is making stuff up.”

Which is hilariously stupid. Like – really, stop and think about that for a minute. You started blabbing about how Blizzard decided to gate Steady Flight behind Pathfinder to stop bots… with ZERO evidence that that is in fact what Blizzard decided to do…

Then you started saying other people are making things up, while simultaneously not providing any evidence for how your ridiculous idea isn’t made up.

It’s hilarious, and not in the we’re laughing with you kinda way. What you’re doing isn’t even trolling. It’s like dropping out of college to study under Terrence Howard so you can write fan fiction about math together.


To all those saying the new zones are ground mount friendly, then let’s lock both forms of flying behind this Pathfinder, since it’s so easy and everything is ground mount friendly.


It being more serious doesn’t discount the issues other people have had. Luckily Blizz disagrees and has at least added some accessibility features.

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I plan on skyriding when I can, buddy riding or staying on the ground when I cannot.

But don’t see the reason why both forms of flying can’t be treated the same. After all the excuse for years was, we want you to stay on the ground to see every thing.


There was only DR in this expac for a while. During that bots started just teleporting around until they learned to dragon ride. Yes, they now dragon ride. DR did not even slow them down.


Majority of DF doesn’t count apparently.

You came in throwing insults (and haven’t stopped), so it was an appropriate response to you.