TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to Suffering.

Ion as Emperor Palpatine seems like a convenient opinion to hold around here.

No other logical reason exists so…


They have never put DR behind any patchfinder so far.


I wonder why???

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Didn’t want a repeat of what happen before WoD came out…and Quite honestly …Dragon Flying should of been pathfinded too just like they are doing too TBC normal flying AGAIN.


People do not realize how close we were to losing flight again.

Dr was a trial balloon to see if they could yank TBC normal flying out quickly or slowly which both attempts are failing miserably I might add.

With Dr they can control it and nerf it again and again to make irrelevant to the point the non mensa members of the forum will wake up one day with Dr nerfed to the ground.

First they started by toning down the speed of Dr which by the way doesn’t make sense as it contradicts the new motto of evergreen content. This is because evergreen content means a vision moving forward is supported. BlizZard is communicating they only have one foot in the door and the other ready to jump out and bail.

Why design TWW maps to be so small when you know that Dr has very high speeds and needs larger land masses to be balanced properly? Why even put that silly toggle length to switch between Dr and TBC normal flying which you know most players will be annoyed with as they like to use both?

BlizZard is trying to punish group A players that prefer TBC normal flying exclusively with patchfinder nonsense again with quest chains missing on the beta.

Then group B players that like both TBC normal flying an Dr with a long tedious toggle to switch between the two modes. Personally speaking that isn’t even in the top three of the biggest balance problems with Dr anyways. On live, right now, you can switch between the two and it is 100% non issue. BlizZard looking for problems that do not exist thinking that creating a solution to that non existent problem is a wise use of resources in such a short development period of this expansion.

Anyways the real problem is that Dr is designed for large maps but BlizZard ignored the main appeal of Dr and made small maps. Those small maps make it also harder to balance Dr so those speeds may be tuned down again as a possibility.

So at this point Dr wil be whittled down to irrelevancy in an expansion or two due to nerfs. And some people will applaud this as a “compromise”.

Quite sad really.

This is why you never compromise with intent to try to stoke a schism with the player base or create wedge issues because they fail to communicate their intent of features, systems and balance properly.

If you have to send bullies, proxies, and other actors that hide behind different masks as reps for these design decisions it is not a good look.

The community council is all but dead and discord as a way to communicate with players in terms of class design has proven to be a colossal failure.

The lack of transparency is probably 99% why people are annoyed by how TBC normal flying is handled versus anything else IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Classic versions of the game are more popular than retail because it is not about punishing players that play differently. That is why WoW was more sand boxy back then then current on rails.

Ironically Cata was called on rails expansion but compared to the post Legion product even Cata by definition is considered more of a sand box expansion compared to anything put out post Legion.

TBC normal flying represents an era where player were not restricted based on a preference.

The flying wars has been more about respecting players time and their preferences if anything else.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Ok. time to deliver what the deal with TBC flying really is in TWW:

At one point, those of us looking for a compromise/way to earn flight in the first patch of expansions put forth the following requirements:

  1. finish the storyline campaign
  2. explore the content
  3. rep earned from the storyline + maybe a bit of max level

What TWW us doing is reducing the requirements we have had to deal with before to just 1 and maybe 2, what the bad faith arguers are doing is saying that it is 4 campaigns instead of 1. Well, if it is complete the STORYLINE campaign, would that not include say all the zone storylines?

Or to put it another way: we were locking flight behind a loremaster style achievement, he aregument being made is it is not jusr say Waking Hope.

It might not be that DR is superior, but it is always active flight, where as TBC flying allows one to point in a direction, hit auto run and AFK if they are flying a long ways. I think Blizzard is still on an active player kick, and DR means you can’t really AFK in flight unless you are on an FP. Some might liken it to a manual transmission to an automatic one in cars.

I actually find DR superior for long distance and speed, but TBC for when precision is needed.

Some of that might be tied in with their choice to make it possible to do each zone without flight at all, ground mounts and walking only, That might be tied to those that would complain about never getting TBC flight as they can’t handle DR to get around, so the zones are designed with them in mind.

fun detected

Well except for the fact they buffed the speed of TBC normal flying on the beta and then nerfed the speed of Dr speed to match the speed of Dr in the old world and not the same speed as it is in DF zones.

So if they keep tuning down the speed of Dr they are effectively going to normalize Dr speed to be the same as TBC normal flying.

Then what is the point of Dr if you take away the main point of it with smaller maps and reduced speeds???

Watch this. You know how people used to say point to the sky box and hit auto with TBC normal flying?

All you do with Dr is take off from a high point, point upwards, accelerate and then point down and you can afk as you glide down.

So how exactly is that really that much different than TBC normal flying?

At this point people are running out of reasons that even remotely make sense.

Also, exploration of the smaller TWW maps using Dr is not so simple and tedious, because of the speeds even when it has been toned down to the old world speed now on beta. So what exactly are you exploring by using Dr??? So what is the point of having another patchfinder achieve if you are forced to use Dr to explore first to be able to earn TBC normal flying tool which is the better exploration tool in the first place???

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


While true, all you are doing here is pointing out that those that don’t want to engage with the game will find ways to do so. Blizzard can’t control players. The only thing with DR is if you don’t maintain your speed as much as possible, or don’t tweak your angle from time to time, who knows if you will make it as far as you want while AFK?

All I know for sure is that in TWW, you have to complete the main story, for all I know exploration is not needed. But even if it is, there is nothing you can’t explore using just ground mounts or less.

For this, you might have to ask Blizzard what the main point of DR is, for us players it might be the speed and such, for them, keeping players “engaged” with the game. If Blizzard can meet their goal of engagement, why would they not try to do so?

Same principle applies by pointing at the sky box and hitting auto with TBC normal flying. At some point you hit the the top and you are not going anywhere either in an efficient manner.

TWW is designed with three dimensions in mind so it isn’t a pure ground mount expansion for sure.

There is no goal of engagement if you spend more time hitting buttons that interacting with the environment. You have tunnel vision hitting buttons and not your surroundings.

A big reason why Rogues are not a popular class is because of energy and combo point systems. And when that was ported over to other classes it has been a pain point as many players feel that it is causing too much to juggle and interaction goes out the window if people are not having fun.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Again though, from what I have seen/heard, to get BC flight in TWW, you don’t need to use anything faster the a ground mount, os if exploration is required it is just like filing the map/being able to “touch” area to fill them in.

We are talking Blizzard logic here though, to them “pushing buttons” is engagement.

And still nobody has presented a wining point on why TBC Normal flying has been Pathfindered again in TWW…not one good point…and saying its Blizzard game they can do what they want isn’t a winning point its a mean punishing point…

See when Dragon Flight was coming out I can and understood the need to use Dragons to fly and the flying style…but Blizzard needs to punish players and make it a dang full year before TBC normal flight was allowed back in and then lock it behind a pathfinder achievement again…was just wrong…


And you have not shown how they went against their plan by making it take, in your words, 4 achievements instead of one when those 4 could make up one meta.

Anyone with a functioning brain could make the connection that “finish the campaign” wold be complete the campaign in all areas.

BC flight will be earned through what Blizzard considers normal play, I have early access for all I know, I will be able to use TBC flight before or shortly after those without are even able to start.

as an epileptic this sounds more like you disregarding your own health. which is a very bad idea. if you have a seizure you should immediately call 911 not continue playing wow. this really isnt the win you think it is.


If Blizzard wants it to be locked behind a Pathfinder Achievement, so be it. They don’t need any grand reason outside they want it to be, behind an achievement. It is their game, if they choose to make it that way, then its that way. Deal with it.

They already said going forward that Dragon Riding is the main form of flight going forward. What more do you want them to say or do? Just strait up change their mind and remove TBC flight period from the game. They are at least keeping it in the game as a form they are no longer even going to develop any further. Their main effort is going to be on new form of Dynamic Flight.

They said that very clearly at Blizcon, the deep dive and all things after that when discussing flight.


Stalling bots has been repeatedly brought up here and other threads, y’all just repeatedly ignore it and also act like anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with hates TBC fight and anyone using it, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Remove Pathfinder, I won’t argue, I’ll enjoy the cheaper mats.

“Well bots can use Dynamic or just skyglitch/teleport”

Yeah, and those methods make them immediately noticeable and get caught and banned a LOT faster.

Complete the story, and explore the continent.
In other words, play the game as a lot of us would be doing anyway.

IMO normal flying shouldn’t even exist in its current form, they can keep it with 2 major changes:

  • massively reduced move speed (100% or less)
  • you slowly float downward when you’re not moving so you can’t afk mid-air
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If you are not doing the zones quests nor exploring, what exactly do you play this game for?

You should be doing the zones. You should be exploring all of them.

Medical problems are a nonstarter. You should not be playing any video games if you cannot handle Skyriding. Someone mentioned being epiliptic…in a game with many many many flashing lights. That aint healthy.

I myself will have to stop playing games within the next decade as my arthritis progresses. A sad day indeed, but I know it is better to stop playing than make myself hurt and injure myself even more.

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