TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight


conspiracy theory…rhetoric…irresponsible…ludicrous…

i.e. having an opinion and voicing it. Dear me, how dare I! Calm down, have a cookie. :cookie:


Player feedback made sure that in DF that TBC normal flying didn’t have all the gates, poison pills, etc attached.

Players that spoke up won in the end and it was not a compromise. But I suspect most players are done compromising giving that TBC normal flying should be released at the same time as Dr in TWW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Yeah, Im pretty well over this whole discorse. I am starting to think that its really impossible for some people to see an alternate point of view no matter how clearly it is defined.

I have no objection to dragonriding, I even use it now and then if I need to travel a longer distance for a fast arrival. I just like having both choices. But when they disadvantage one in favour of the other, that riles me up a bit.

But I think its time to bow out of the whole thing, I don’t really need the stress. I think I’ll just mute any of these posts that come out to save myself the grief. :sunglasses: :wave:


I’ll take this new iteration of pathfinder versus the old iteration and heck before any of these pathfinder stuff you needed to be max level to get flying anyways. So, I don’t see it any differently.

Do not despair I have plenty of energy to continue the discourse.

Main reason being that I took a break from that discourse in DF but others carried the torch to protect TBC normal flying.

I am well rested and ready for the holy flying wars that come ahead.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


We’ll “dynamic flying” actually requires a small amount of skill. Whereas “slow flying” doesn’t.

Could you imagine all the bots running around on day 1 if slow flying was available?

If DR takes skill and is enjoyable than more people would be playing Rogues and Monks that have energy bars and combo points.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I don’t think I would like it to be that fast as that would negate some of the precision that the slower speed allows.

At this point I see the dynamic flight as useful for long distance, and static flight as more useful for short distance and maneuvering.


I enjoy the heck out of DR but still main a hunter as my favored class and always have. Even though I very proficient in every single class in the game and spec.

Because they failed to remove TBC normal flying twice. First WoD and now in Dragonflight IMVHO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


If players can skyride from day 1, the immersion is off the table. Imho, I think ALL flight should be cast into Pathfinder as they have done before Dragon Flight and then unlock all flying modes. You Skyriders please stop crying over the thought of having to walk everywhere and EARN the flight. Is my monthly fee not worth as much as yours?


Splintering the player base due to design decisions is never any good in my opinion.

Creating a caste system based on player preferences never works.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It seems that Blizzard seems to be catering to the worst element of the player base, especially with glider racing. Everything is a race now. I’m pretty sick of seeing blue trails and players who apparently don’t know how to dismount from their gliders, even parking the stupid things inside inns.
Ion seems to encourage his flying monkeys to develop “features” intended to purposely annoy other players. I’m convinced that very few of them actually play the game they’re developing content for.


The go go go mentality is very toxic.

It is very anti MMORPG in principle. I suspect that is why classic versions of the game are more popular than retail.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


If this is real i gotta give it to them they made me die laughing. They are just paying homage to old expansions lol.

So all flying should be removed then since Static flying is faster than ground mounts.

Got any receipts for that?


Do they ever have receipts for that?


If that is true why is TBC normal flying gated if DR is superior?


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


If so called DR is sooooo far superior why are they Pathfinding TBC normal flying in TWW then?


I has to be hold over spite toward the players not allowing them to remove it in WoD.