TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

I told you exactly why.

Stealth isn’t flight. Using a class ability to skip some mobs, sap, blind, maybe vanish if you get in trouble, etc is gameplay. Notwithstanding you would still need to adhere to the terrain and world around you.

Blizzard could put two guards at the castle gate, and give them stealth detect. Or they put patrolling mobs that you need to avoid while sneaking around the castle courtyard.

With flight, you just ignore the guards, ignore the castle walls, ignore the moat, the drawbridge, the patrols, and just about the entire environment around you.

Flight lets you safely look at the castle from above, say “oh how neat, a castle” then proceed to land on the quest object, click it and fly away. Is it faster to do that? Yes. Is it easier to do that? Yes.

By comparing flight to stealth, you either don’t understand what people are talking about with regards to flight and how it allows you ignore most of the gameworld, or perhaps you are purposefully making inane, disingenuous arguments to muddy the waters and obstruct the conversation.

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Also, flight made it easily to get to faction leaders with less attention.

You are missing the point, if people are so concerned about AFK flying, hence their claim Skyriding engages you by making you manage it, then by that logic we should remove flightpaths as well since they allow you to just AFK while flying to a place.

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Unless the quest object is, say, INSIDE one of the castle buildings?

Or in the basement?

Which they often are.

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Yup. Just one example among many.

To be clear, Blizzard relented and now we have flight from day 1, and Dragonriding. I have accepted this reality, and am thankful that they put in the effort to create dragon riding, because if we’re going to fly, it might as well be engaging and fun.

Dragon riding is gameplay. As someone else put it, it’s almost like a mini-game, in a sense, with momentum mechanics, and abilities.

That said, I wish people could acknowledge with objectivity the gameplay advantages flight provides, in terms of how we interact with the world.

It is possible for people to understand and acknowledge that, while still preferring to fly. Some people however, are incapable of even acknowledging that flying over the castle wall, (or whatever example we use) is allowing them to ignore that segment of the game world.

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Like taking a good bit of tedium out of the game?

Why and how is that important?

Absolutely. That is certainly true for many quests.

Forcing us to go inside buildings or caves, where we frequently can’t even use a ground mount, is one tool in blizzards toolkit regarding targeted gameplay.

The castle wall/gate example is something they could do outdoors with the assumption of being grounded.

With flight, certain types of world design are “solved” by just flying over it all.

Since flight has been in the game for quite a while now, I’m fairly confident the developers are taking it into account in their designs.

They are now, yes. But this topic of discussion is referring to their stated logic for restricting flight, back in the WoD days. It’s more of a philosophical curiosity.

I agree that they have now stopped trying to design for that grounded experience, at least exclusively.

Like you said, they can still put things inside buildings and caves where we can’t even use a ground mount, let alone fly.

They also make certain areas hostile to flight, like near the citadel area in waking shores. It’s not that hard to avoid getting knocked off your mount, but if you fly around in that area, they will try to shoot you down.

That’s both designing for flight, and trying to keep us grounded!

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Everyone’s dancing around the point:

Why blizzard is phasing out tbc flying and why I think it will be gone by the end of this upcoming expac trilogy is that tbc flying is jank and looks like a game from 2004. Jerky and rigid, like an admin no-clip flying in Quake 3.

It is old-trash. It is being replaced by sexy new fun stuff. But that change can’t be instant, you have to boil the frog.

I’m all for it. I’m sick of seeing druids just cherry picking gathering nodes, so that’s my biase on it. But the above point stands. It’s old stuff. It’s kind of trash jank and is on the way out. The sooner you get used to it the better you’ll feel. Or quit, idgsf.


Static flight still has advantages in a number of situations. I hope it will remain an option.

Such as giving druids an advantage in gathering.

In TWW it will be available earlier than it has in over 10 years. Doesn’t sound like a phasing out to me.

Stop lying.

LOL the only reason you don’t like it because druids have an herb gathering advantage??

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’m transparent with my opinions on this. You act like I’m trying to get one over on you but I have clearly stated all of my intents and viewpoints.

You need a wellness check

What an absolute asinine opinion. How exactly doe that affect you in any way?

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Such as maneuvering in tight areas.
Such as being able to observe the area before landing.
Such as being able to land precisely, or maneuver precisely.
Such as not blasting by things so fast they don’t even resolve into view.
Such as not causing some people actual physical issues.

If the druid “advantage” is your whole problem, then maybe just roll a druid?


It’s not my whole problem. It’s only part of it. I feel that I’ve described my whole opinion on this throughout. I don’t think strawmanning is a super effective method of defanging the opposing viewpoint here.

Whatever, your opinion is noted.

If it remains as an OPTION, people can use whichever method they prefer.