TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Holy cow are you deluded or what? lmao, or do you just not raid?

Ion is going to Ion. Now give him your money and feed him more power

Flying doesn’t have anything to do with raiding. At all.

Well I had to check your profile, and there’s a good reason that you don’t understand: You haven’t done the recent raid.

Oh I’ve looked it up. Fly around in the intermission phase between platforms. Doesn’t look like it ties into actual combat. The same could be accomplished with regular flying. So again, flying isn’t content. Flying gets you to content.


This is why you probably shouldn’t speak from a position of authority without actually knowing what you’re talking about about.

Collecting those orbs while in transit, as a team, provides the entire raid team a significant and necessary damage buff.

Regular flying is too slow to arrive in time to interrupt the cast.

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Doesn’t sound like combat.

If regular flying had the same speed you could do it, making the extra button presses for dragon riding null.

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Wrong you can choose when to stop if you picked a flight landing that was a bit too far out you can use the stop arrow now to stop at the next flight point along the flight path and still go afk again.

This whole argument about dragon flying and TBC all centers around being able to stop and hoover and or as some say go afk…sorry darlings I can do the same in Dragon flying I just land on top of high point away from mobs and call it hovering.

And using TBC flying is engaging the game as you fly…you have to adjust your flight path or you run into trees…hills…unless you go way up to max ceiling and fly…not many do that now…so yeah TBC flying is playing the game of flight just like dragon flying…


So you have to play the game to unlock things?

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This entire comment is 100% reasonable.

There has been quite a bit of hyperbole on the topic recently from some people, and I appreciate seeing a measured take, and plainly asking the question why both flight modes are being handled differently.


No complaints from me if they did this.


Yep and some folks in here is having a meltdown.

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Why is one mode of flying locked and the other isn’t. That doesn’t make sense. That’s the basis of this entire discussion.


I think you’re missing the point.

You know how you have to unlock fast-travel points in games before you can go to them?

How often times in games you earn convenience and laziness features as you progress?

Early on you have to demonstrate that you deserve convenience by proving you can achieve something without it. It’s kind of a staple in game design.

You can’t pick where you land like you can when flying. That’s the point.

No one cares if you AFK by a flight master or while on a taxi. Stop being obtuse.


Dragon riding will be available from the start. A faster version of flying.

It’s ironic to talk about laziness in a video game. A video game where you’re sitting and pushing buttons on a keyboard.

Then why is the faster version of flying available right away? Kind of destroys the entire point you’re trying to make.


Not really.

Why are people clamoring for TBC flying? Answer that question and you answer the one you asked me.


Yes it does.

They like it? I’m not about to speak on the reason for everybody. I want it because it makes questing flow smoother. I can definitely function with dragon riding but in a limited space questing area it becomes tedious. Tedium isn’t fun in any way.


You’re sitting here wasting time writing nonsense but refuse to dig into the “Why”?

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