TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Funny thing is, all those Skyriders are screaming AFK flying etc, want to know what else allows you to AFK fly, flightpaths, should we get rid of those too, or lock the ability to use them behind some pointless grind because it’s not immersive or interactive.


This is literally just playing the game. You will get the campaigns and exploring done just by leveling.

I mean I think it is silly to gate the old version of it because it is inferior generally, but this is basically a non-issue.

Flight paths are poorly designed and instead of constant improvement BlizZard is regressing in that regard.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Neither version of flying “avoids gameplay interactions”. Flying is a mode of transportation to get players to content. Flying isn’t content.


Why? How would removing it affect you at all? You just want to be selfish and hateful for no reason.


Pathfinder was the punishment Blizzard handed to the players for not allowing them to remove flying outright.

Is that why Blizzard reversed the “no flying going forward” within 3 weeks? Because nobody cared?


By that logic they should disable all stealth abilities all class have since class with stealth abilities can just kill the mob they need then stealth to next mob the need to kill by passing any danger or other mob.


Its call compromise.

It was punishment.


why the hell are they making this so stupid??? If ANY kind of flying is available from the get go, ALL flying should be. If any kind of flying is unlocked by whatever method, that should unlock ALL kinds of flying…

blizz continues to make awful decisions…


It is now with dragonriding. In fact it directly engages with raid mechanics.

Also, TBC flying avoids gameplay interactions regardless of your feelings on it.

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Its punishment for you if you just leveling though instances without doing the campaign throughout the new zones. You’re doing extra work than what is needed. If you level from doing the quests from the content itself, thwn you will be much closer to unlock TBC flying.

That kind of mindset will have someone get sent to the hospital and might get killed because of playing a game. And thank the lord in heavens that you are not the game director or else someone will suffer the consequences.

There are loads of hobbies that have the potential to be dangerous. Should we change or ban all of them because some people are more prone to an accident happening than others?

That kind of mindset is sickening. And why it is sickening? Is because of wishing harm on someone just for wanting to play a stupid video game and not also catering to their needs to make it more of an enjoyable experience than say a experience that would have them get sent to the hospital.

Bold of you to think the reason I think this is because I actively want people to end up in the hospital, and not for more mundane reasons like game play.

Sure, you have serious health issues but not everyone can withstand those same issues like you can. That is why most if not all gaming studios are being mindful of these things going forward.

And how far does it go? I’m sure you can find a few people that looking at a screen at all causes them issue. Should games, or computers in general, be banned because it’s unfair to them? If it’s that serious of an issue, don’t play the game. I don’t drive because there is a real possibility I might have a seizure and crash, or worse, crash in to someone, I walk or carpool. I have never asked that the rules of the road change to accommodate me, or auto manufactures start redesigning their cars on the off chance someone might have a seizure while driving one.


Yep Max level in Beta already and not even done with the 3rd zone, and with some of the side quest not even being able to be finished yet. Pretty easy to reach max level. Leveling is also still pretty much even a face roll on a toon that is just ilvl 500 avg all they way threw. That is just me casually messing with Beta, not really grinding it out to get it done to level a toon.

A lot of the “I like normal flight better” complaints would be alleviated if Skyriding had an option/ability to hover mid-air.

You can’t perma AFK on a flight path, you’re locked to the pathing and can’t choose where to stop. They’re completely different.

We sort of have that with Aerial Halt. You get to stop and hover for 4 sec.

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Objectively wrong, but you know that.

No version of flying avoids gameplay. Flying gets you to gameplay.


It’s always been punishment. Punishment and spite. Literally no other logical reason for it.

It should just be unlocked along with dragon riding. The only reason it’s not is dev spite.


Oh but I can, put myself on a flightpath, and go AFK, when I land, I’ll be next to a flightmaster without having to worry about being killed by mobs. Look at that, AFK while flying.

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