TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Incorrect, not that it matters except the imp is a man-child with a grudge only a lawyer could carry.


Same can be said about a lot of the player that are saying and doing the same thing when it comes to their feeling about Ion. The pot calling the kettle, per say. People need to take a good look in the mirror.

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Tell me one good reason disabled players have to do extra work to get TBC flying in TWW to get TBC flying all while others use Dragon flying…and have to wait till they are 80 which in many cases they make 80 before finishing all the dang campaigns that we have to do …why can’t this community stand up for those disabled and or elderly and fight for them too …I see some but not enough do …


For the same reason they may have to buy a car with controls suited to their use. Other people may move on, without necessarily disrespecting anyone.

I highly doubt an 82 yr old elderly with Hand Tremors is still driving on the road now …that not a good excuse either to compare in game flying too real life car driving…


In this situation, it’s more like there is a car that suits the need already, but they won’t let you have it. Meanwhile, everyone else is just given their cars.

And even then, the ones already driving around still complain you want your car too.

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Players like me who has disability aren’t seeing requirement as an issue and Blizzard can see that.

which is not hard to do, there options that we can used to get pathfinder unlock and we have about two years to finish it before the Midnight expansion comes out. Slow and steady wins the race.

Because we don’t need your assistants and tbh, most of us find it pathetic. We get you, you hate both pathfinder and Dragonriding and you want TBC flying at the start. Don’t use us as tokenism to get what you want. Blizzard it made requirement a lot easier for everyone to get reg flying on day one, you just have to do little work to get it.


This is why feedback matters.

Well said.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I was hoping they removed normal flight tbh.

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Actually when it comes to the remaining WoW retail player base, you are pretty much correct with most of them right here. Sure some of them will kick up a big stink. But at the end of the day they will keep on playing WoW because they are so addicted to their toons they have had invested in to much time and money over the course of up to 20 years in some cases, they simply will not permanently leave the game at this point.

Good job on limiting the audience when TBC flight is safer for those who have issues in real life. And don’t you say if you have those issue you shouldn’t have the right to play this game. And also TBC flight is perhaps the more preferable way to traverse for those who enjoys the scenery.

Even though they have increased the speed to TBC flight it still won’t cause any health issues due to it being in the safe speed that won’t trigger any health problems.


you took bait…

Do I look like I give a damn about whatever it is? If I see or read something that I find legitimately ludicrous I will not hesitate to respond in kind.

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So…the leveling campaign. Like we all said it would be. You’re being silly at this point and looking to be outraged. Stop it.

I’m sorry you have to play the game

Ion have said it time and again

Explore the four main zones

Do the four main campaign

And getting to 80 to get TBC flying unlocked for war within

And to think they will added additional requirements is just a conspiracy theory.


I’ve always hated the “muh health condition” excuse. I have epilepsy, which is far more serious than motion sickness (which I also have too), and have never once complained and demanded any games nerf spell effects/reduce flashing/etc. for me. Even when I had a seizure mid-Ulduar run back in the day. Adapt or don’t play.


That kind of mindset will have someone get sent to the hospital and might get killed because of playing a game. And thank the lord in heavens that you are not the game director or else someone will suffer the consequences.

That kind of mindset is sickening. And why it is sickening? Is because of wishing harm on someone just for wanting to play a stupid video game and not also catering to their needs to make it more of an enjoyable experience than say a experience that would have them get sent to the hospital.

Sure, you have serious health issues but not everyone can withstand those same issues like you can. That is why most if not all gaming studios are being mindful of these things going forward.

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Thats so silly. There is no war. Just people complaining to complain. Pathfinder was the end of it. Players got to keep flying. People underestimate the amount of hate blizz got for no flying in wod. It was outside the forums. A handful of threads stuck in the forums isnt gonna do anything. The community as a whole doesnt care that much. Nothing beyond the wow forum cares as much as they think they do.

The people who think they care a lot about tbc flight(from the start of the expsc) are the same size the the anti flight people. So little, they mean nothing. Obviously we have tbc flying, just limited to after doing a certain amount of content and the majority are fine with that.

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They understand…but the data they gathered in DF spooked them. TBC normal flying is still very popular despite all of the poison pills and gating.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: