TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Correction we as players united a decade ago to push back, and for BlizZard to still be bitter with what happened in WoD is why such gates still exists for TBC normal flight even now.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


And yet people have been paying blizz to be bitter about it. Players accepted the idea of pathfinder by still paying. Blizz won the war effectively, while players won a battle. Nothing would have changed if we didnt get dragon riding. People would still be crying about flight like some addicted kids.

BlizZard lost in many ways.

They ended up having to create DR and even now are losing because they assumed that accessibility was a non issue.

BlizZard had to design content with three dimension again which is a major concession on their part.

That is why the pro flying crowd by not compromising won in th end.

As I have said before = more options in a MMORPG the better.

To end the war in flight they need to allow TBC normal flying to be released at the same time as DR.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Blizzard made it easy for everyone to unlock TBC flying for TWW, you got do a little work for them and that is a good compromise.

I, for one, will not be playing anymore, not even the beta. Dynamic flying is just too hard for me. I bought the Epic edition with Blizzard credit from gold conversions, so it didn’t cost me anything. I’ll keep an eye on the forums until my 30 days runs out. No regrets. Good luck to all.


Not a loss in any way shape or form.

Do you see someone trip on the sidewalk and fist pump and cheer “A loss for blizzard!”?

How is that a loss?

Again with the bogeyman you’ve fabricated and conceded your life to for over
A decade the only loser is you.

If what you are saying were true, they would never have had to revert flight removal in WoD and changes to make dungeons and healing harder in Cata. People would have absolutely loved covenants and perpetually grinding anima to upgrade them. They would have been fine with being stuck with the same covenant for the entire expansion, and having to roll multiple characters for different different roles and content.

People always have options, even if you believe in your heart that they can be manipulated to believe whatever you want them to believe, to enjoy what they would have told a focus group they were going to hate and would make them quit.

You think like a Blizzard dev. “If we give them no choice they’ll have to play the game the way we want them to.” Yeah, no. People like having options. Being forced into a rut so they can lockstep with all the other players who also aren’t having fun in a uniform experience you want them to have to do, not so much. They will pull the plug on your vision of elimination of individuality.

There’s your reality. Make an entertainment product that you know real customers won’t find entertaining and they’ll pull the plug on you and find something else to do with their time and money.


I mean you don’t even play as it is lol

I mean, that’s certainly one of the takes of the internet.

Who knew that in a post discussing the guys interaction with flying, we would discuss the guys interaction with flying.


We absolutely wildin out here!! Completely out of control!! /Eye roll.

Honestly, I don’t think one person that works for Blizzard even thinks about what happen 10 years ago with WoD and flight in general. Player who want to think they scared some of the Div who may still be around that worked at the time on WoD or had a part in the choices on the development of WoD, Love to think those Div’s think about it all the time to lay claim they are just that important.

You’d be wrong, the person who is responsible for pathfinder set the record for the industry’s most subscriptions lost in the shortest period of time. His record still stands. Millions of lost revenue and the imp gets promoted.

WoD was the loss of the last of the original folks that mattered as they weren’t going to release the half finished product with their name on it.


It was not just Ion choice, it was the choice of a team that took a vote and the majority ruled. Stop just pining it on one person. You clearly do not know how a creative team works. And again WoD was produced 10 years ago, get over it. Today is not WoD its 2024, and the xpac is call TWW. It has nothing to do with WoD.

As I have leveled fully through TWW Beta there is not one thing that has anything to do with WoD in the slightest way.

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I played WoW since vanilla came out. I haven’t played for a while because of hand tremors. I’m 82. It just come with age. I thought I would give TWW a try, but I cannot do dragon flying. I skipped the last expansion for reasons I already explained. Fortunately, I had a lot of gold since Legion, which I had converted into Blizzard credit, so the Epic edition was free for me. No loss, no gain.

I still have about $200 in credit, so if anyone knows of a Blizzard game I might enjoy, given my handicap, I would appreciate suggestions.


Spacebar allows you to do your upward lift without the need for accuracy due to tremors.

And if hand-tremors are bad enough to impede your ability to Skyride, then the only games you may be comfortable playing on Bnet are Hearthstone and Warcraft Rumble (though Rumble may still be too fast)

It’s crazy how Blizz don’t understand how the players enjoy playing the game and mobility is just a preference of how to get from point A to point B and yet they gatekeep it behind the Warthin campaign.


Eh, I disagree there. Flight style isn’t simply a preference when one style has methods of avoiding gameplay interactions.

We all know how druid gatherers interface with the game (they don’t)

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It’s more than that. Hand tremors prevent me from typing in a normal fashion. I have to do hunt-and-peck because if I place my fingers on the keyboard, I inadvertently press keys even if I don’t intend to. When typing with my head down, I can’t do group activity because my focus is not on the screen. Other than hand tremors I am in good health.


That’s why I mentioned the spacebar. The big bar button at the bottom with no keys below it, making it both easier to hit without accuracy and nearly impossible to hit a neighboring key due to the empty space below it.

But that’s a different subject, back to what you asked and was answered: try Hearthstone and Warcraft Rumble.

Battlenet’s game library is not large so it only takes a quick glance to see the games available and at your age you surely recognize the IP’s here and the kind of gameplay they would demand of you.

Also you could consider getting yourself a Sony Access Controller. As your essential tremors progress you may find this controller permits you to interface with games in a way you haven’t been able to in a long time.

I appreciate your help. I am of good mind. Was a software developer since 1965 when IBM mainframes has no operating systems. I loved it. Used to tell people, if they didn’t pay me to do programming, I would do it for free. But hey, now I reminisce.

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Not sure how any of that relates to the subject but cool, always love hearing tangents from people.

Hearthstone and Warcraft Rumble.

Maybe grab a Sony Access Controller since there’s a disability at play.