TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

I said it was closer to how birds fly in real life, not that it was one to one. I was only saying it was closer to how fight actually works than the way flying used to be in WoW. I also said that WoW’s original flying is also flying in WoW and that people should be able to choose which they like.

My point was only that out of the two skyriding is closer to proper real, physics based flying than old WoW flight, and is indeed real flight. That’s it. If a bird was dumb enough to let their momentum reach zero in the air and didn’t have the strength to flap anymore to gain more, they would would be forced to land too.

Edit: Well, technically if they were too tired to flap they could angle downwards and gain momentum that way, or just glide down to a safe landing, but still. Those are both things you can do with skyriding. I have never once just dropped out of the sky.

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Sorry Sunnyshines you can’t have TBC normal flying unless you partake in pathfinder first…see its a big big taboo to go afk in the air with your mount…seeing that is number one thing most of those against normal flying keep saying that is what is wrong with normal flying.


This seems like them still holding onto the past even though they said they wanna let go of those old mindsets. I don’t think they have let go at all. They still hold the old pillars of the game firm.


After what happened with Covenants they have lost credibility when it comes to “design vision” IMO.

If how they handled TBC normal flying and still are so combative about now along with covenant switching then that is two major strikes with the WoW player base so far.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I haven’t pre-purchased the expansion

1 thing that I might not.

I HATE Dragonriding. Always have. It’s too hard for me. Hard on the wrists, frustrating, often I lose all speed and just sorta fall straight down. Ever since we could use OLD/REGULAR flight in Dragonflight, I went back to using my ORIGINAL flying.

Remix? ORIGINAL flying.

I DO NOT WANT TO USE ANY STUPID FLYING. If I want to fly SLOWER from the get go- why can’t I?


I feel similarly about dragonriding. I tried it and completely avoid it now.

We can use regular flight once we finish the campaign, hit the level cap for the first time, and explore the zones. The problem I have is that it’s not possible to completely disable “skyriding”/dragonriding until pathfinder is complete and the skyriding/regular flight toggle is enabled. TWW pathfinder is like DF pathfinder (no rep grinds), but available at launch. It won’t be any different whether you buy TWW now or later.

I’m not looking forward to avoiding my favorite mounts (which are all flying mounts) on my warrior while working on pathfinder because if I accidentally hit space bar it would activate dragonriding.

Honestly, it’s probably worse for druids because flight form will be restricted to skyriding only in TWW zones until pathfinder is complete.


That can change so nothing is ever set in stone until launch and the final patch notes are put out on launch. From my experience you ever know.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I don’t think they are changing that since they said that’s what the requirements will be.


And yet that guy keeps on assuming that some time later they will change the requirements and make it more tedious when that is false.


They did remove the rep requirement for DF pathfinder late in the PTR cycle for 10.2. It’s not 100% set in stone, although it wouldn’t surprise me if TWW pathfinder goes live as it is currently implemented in the beta.

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If you don’t trust the developers words then keep your eyes on the achievement because I’ll bet that this time they mean what they say. And plus DF pathfinder removing the renown was a good thing due to accessibility and I highly doubt renown is ever going to be a requirement going forward.

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Almost a decade of limited original flight. Its nuts that people still complain and pay blizz. Crazy.

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That’s true. This is probably one of the best times for feedback, shortly after the reqruirements are discovered in beta, so I’m glad there’s a discussion. We’ll see what happens.


Yeah I doubt they do that in two months, especially when they lessened the requirements for DF regular flying. It just seems to be their approach to it from now on.

Ion has been on a personal crusade for over a decade against flying.


Yeah but his tone changed in 2023 Blizzcon where he said you can have tbc flying from the get go after doing the basic three things.

He’s still bitter and angry it’s obvious he just won’t win his war.


It doesn’t need feedback when they have consistently repeated the three basic steps to unlock tbc flying.

He is not on a crusade okay. And plus he wasn’t the game director for warlords it was Tom chilton. It was Tom who instilled the idea of pathfinder onto ion atleast the worst pathfinder ideas.

He’s lived in yall’s head rent free for a decade.