TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

It is closer to how animals fly in real life than old flying is. In real life birds tend to conserve their energy more often than not, and will glide for as long as they can before they have to flap. They also can not hover in one spot save for things like hummingbirds.

I know everyone likes to call skyriding just gliding, but out of the two methods it is closer to true flight than the sky swimming that is old flight.

Edit: To be clear, I think people should be free to choose the style they prefer. I am just saying that skyriding is indeed flying is all.

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This is not real life okay. And plus this is a cartoon universe that doesn’t use real world logic. Sure skyriding is the first but that is the only thing that reflects the real world and plus birds in real life doesn’t zoom across the sky they flap their wings continuously.


Because they did what people asked: created both horizontal and vertical content. And they did it by coming up with a version of flying they feel is more immersive and engaging.

Literally listen to all of the old interviews about dragonriding. That’s their view.

No one cares what a bunch of grumpy posters on a forum of roughly 1% of the playerbase fights about.

This is the compromise between no flying and static flying. Y’all didn’t flip out about our disabilities before. So why now? We can be on the ground or we can use passenger mode or we can use flightpaths.

The options are there for the whole week or so before we unlock it.

Deargodinheaven is this what this forum (not you) has come to? Toss all logic out the window so a bunch of people on a forum stop fighting?

It does. Y’all just don’t like it. Their view of immersion into their leveling campaign doesn’t fit your opinion. But it is theirs and that’s what they want.

This is the type of drama I’m talking about. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Edit to add: I’m just going to mute this thread. It’s nothing but over the top drama. And as someone who has issues using dragonriding and has disorders and disabilities… y’all went way overboard and need to take a step back. I’m out. I’m done.


They do not flap their wings continuously. Especially when going any amount of distance. They conserve energy whenever they can. They make use of things like thermals and momentum to keep them in the air because flapping burns energy they do not want to waste. On an extreme side birds like the Albatross can go hundreds of miles and flap their wings barely a few times.

Real life birds do not fly like WoW’s old fight. Not most of em, anyway.

In WoW, old flight is basically just swimming mechanics brought into the sky and sped up. That and skyriding are both what WoW considers flying. All I was saying is that skyriding is closer to how flight realistically works.

And again, I am fine with people being able to choose which method they like the most.

Edit: Birds like this too.

Hehe, no worries. Honestly I am of the “oh just do the campaign and get it done” crowd. I would be even if it were reversed and it was skyriding that was gated. Just do the quick thing, call it a day, and profit.

I just get tired of the cries that it is so unfair and really do not want to give in at this point because then it is just incentive for people to whine more. Heh, so then delay skyriding too. Then it is fair and they can stop crying about how they have negative treatment. Mind you, I am also not against just telling people to suck it up and do the thing.

Though I admit a small part of me knows it is fruitless as it would then just shift to “it is unfair we have to walk at all because it is too hard to get anywhere.” So honestly it wouldn’t solve anything. :frowning:

I appreciate it too. It is so nice to have zones designed for flight from the get go. To have little things to interact with and races to run. Skyriding is prolly my favourite thing they have ever added to the game. Though you can just fly up high and point yourself at the destination on more or less autopilot, I personally just love swooping by all the terrain and just playing in the air. :slight_smile:

Edit: Added second quote and reply.

I’m curious - do you believe that standard flight should have been made available at the same time as skyriding/dragonriding in TWW? Just as a personal viewpoint. I can’t recall if you ever posted an opinion on that.


I’m not an omnipotent being. I don’t see anything and everything that’s stated on these forums. I’m sure people have said these things in the past, but it should be noted that this thread in particular has been relatively tame, and you have explicitly targeted people who didn’t do any of those things. If you’re frustrated about people stating such things, then you should reasonably target your frustrations at them rather than people who have innocuously shared a perspective on the subject.

Flying hasn’t always been available. In almost every expansion with the exception of Cataclysm, you were required to level through the expansion (or at least nearly all the way through a la WotLK) before getting flying, and leveling wasn’t always enough to obtain it. You still had to grind the gold to obtain it, which was hard to do back in TBC and partly WotLK.

There has almost always been a prerequisite for obtaining flying in this game, and while I agree that Pathfinder shouldn’t exist if we have dynamic flying, the fact is that Pathfinder is actually quite on brand for WoW’s approach to unlocking the feature.

I don’t think speaking of disabilities is innately a shield, because I do believe accessibility options is a discussion worth having.

However, I think deliberately using it as a cudgel to discredit any opinion that doesn’t agree with yours is a shield.

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The main campaign is super short compared to all past expansions.

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4 campaigns IS just completing the story. Just like they said.


Since flying was introduced to this game, “TBC” flying has always been available. Everyone began on a level playing field. When there was a “prerequisite”, it was a prerequisite for everyone.

I’m not sure how much clearer the issue could be made. When TWW drops, you’ll be able to fly with Dragonriding immediately, if it gives you no issue.

If it does give you issue, you can’t use the mode that makes flight accessible to you because a TBC-only Pathfinder. The mode that, from Ion’s own mouth, is an accessibility tool.

Again, bots don’t need flight to bot. “muh immersion” would be the same with either type of flight. “Muh flying flex” is not a reason to bar people who need accessibility from the same opportunity to fly.

It’s a cudgel AND a shield! The Kaja’Cola was on a roll with that one. /s

The problem is, the need for accessibility isn’t an “opinion”. This isn’t “Hey, I think we should’ve gotten Ogres before Earthen”.

And if:

  • someone is against sparing a fellow player real-life distress by allowing the basic mode of transportation in this video game immediately, while having no similar outcry to the mode that brings on the issues being available immediately

  • someone responds to those expressing the reason for their need of accessibility by calling them liars, “virtue signalers”, accuse them of using their situation as a “shield” (and a cudgel!), or just dropping pretense and mocking their situation

Someone is going to have to wear the shoe that fits, because that is what they are saying. A player needs accessibility, the solution is simple, but someone doesn’t want them to have it.

Because reasons. Reasons that are totally more important than helping another player out.


There’s no additional prerequisites being imposed here on anyone. Everyone is still on a level playing field. I don’t get special treatment for unlocking regular flying just because I’m not disabled. I still have to go through the same hoops as everyone else.


“Real-life distress”

Its seems to me that you have a knack for employing overly dramatic language to make your point, as if dynamic flying is somehow this inconceivable hell for any physically disabled person.

Here’s the thing, and you can call me callous all you want, but people are not obligated or required to care about the feelings or necessities of other players regardless of that other player’s issues. Mocking them is unnecessary and mean-spirited, but a person who holds the opinion that regular flying should be removed and/or locked is not innately against “sparing a fellow player real-life distress” just because you confronted them with that knowledge and attempted to victimize yourself about it.

If you use your situation as a way to devalue any stance opposed to yours, then you are using it as a shield and a cudgel. It’s a shield because it positions you as incapable of being criticized, and it’s a cudgel because you use it to force people to agree with you.

Because if they don’t, then they are ableist, according to you.

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All of this complaining about what steady flight being gated by pathfinder? When the zones in War Within are thy most ground mount friendly versus that of Dragonflight zones. How is any of this such a big deal atleast they learned their lesson on not designing zones that would hurt others with disabilities. Also, the pathfinder is easier than most pathfinder in recent history and quicker to earn.


Ah, here comes “special treatment”, and there goes all pretense. Let me add that to the other list. Because asking for both modes of flying to be available at launch is absolutely “special treatment”.

Are you planning to use Dynamicdragonskyriding™ during the zone quests? At all? Is anyone, who is against TBC riding being available immediately too?

If yes, the “special treatment” is actually yours.

Or are we RP walking the whole way, fighting every mob, in the name of Muh Immerions, speaking only in-character?

If no, the “special treatment” is still actually yours.

What would you call it, fine crafter of gray-quality cudgels and shields?

Then why are you so terribly concerned (and only concerned) that I told said people to level up at life?

Ah, there’s another old chestnut. Calling out the aformentioned mean-spirited and callous isn’t victimizing myself, see “if the shoe fits” in my previous post.

But I do appreciate your shielding the poor dears in their right to be total knobs. Really.


I have no idea what you’re even talking about. You have clearly skewed my original point into something else entirely, which is pretty on-brand for you given the trajectory of this conversation.

I never stated having TBC flying at launch was special treatment. Either you have no idea how to read and misunderstood the point, or you’re just being dishonest about the argument laid out.

This comment right here implies there is no longer a prerequisite for certain people. That’s not true. We all have to unlock TBC flying. It’s all the same as it was. I am not given privileges for not being disabled like you have clearly implied.

We are all still on the same level playing field.

Nobody here was being “total knobs.” I read the thread and the comments you were specifically responding to. The people you responded to have acknowledged that they themselves are disabled. Nobody was being egregiously mean-spirited or callous up until you decided to flip your lid about it. That’s just what you perceived because you think the entire world is against you if people disagree on something.

Genuinely grow up, chief. Get some perspective about the real world and recognize that these issues in the game aren’t nearly the problem you’re playing them up to be. We should vouch for accessibility options, and there is certainly a discussion to be had here, but your approach on the matter is that of a toddler who wants to blame everyone else for their problems and would rather live in an echo chamber to feel validated about it. It has derailed any discourse that could have potentially occurred.

Anyways, I’ve said my piece. You can keep seething about it without pushback now because I refuse to entertain such a dismal conversation any further.

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While true about birds and all…

It sort of breaks down when we have flying horses, lions and carpets…


So very true. The most asinine argument is the “realistic” argument…


Apparently Kneeshooter going afk in the air is a big big taboo to many in this thread and others about TBC…so they feel justified putting TBC behind a Pathfinder again cause it gives them a warm fuzzy that some players have to wait for TBC…


Well yeh, WoW flight is obviously magical and doesn’t just rely on real world physics. I wasn’t saying that WoW didn’t also have flight that wouldn’t make sense without magic, just that skyriding is indeed real flight and closer to the way flight actually works.

I am fine with both of them existing still.

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Regarding “real flight”…
How often do you see a bird or a bat run out of steam and drop like a rock to the ground? Gliders, on the other hand, launch themselves and hope for the best when they plummet. Blizzard’s stolen “skyflying” is gliding, designed for racing and served up for the attention-deficit speed freaks so they can feel engaged with the game.

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Ugh. Add my vote towards this being crap. I gave up trying to use the dynamic flying, it makes me sick. I just fly my pokey butt the normal way. Let it be automatically available, or an accessibility toggle please!