TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Personally, I think thats exactly where this is headed.
Make old flight, getting it, just annoying enough that gradually old flight users quit playing wow, hopefully replaced by new players who can use DRing, then in one of these expansions just delete old flight entirely.
I mean, who is gonna go back and do any PF content for old flight when they are new players and have DRing?

I try to see all sides of the issue to the best of my biased minds ability, but their behavior with old flight doesnt really lead anywhere else.
I mean, why keep doing this instead of just altering old flight to not have any advantages over DRing and call it good?

Seems its being made such an issue to weed out need for it.

just personal observation from someone who is obsessed with motivations.

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and yet you didnt say squat to them about what they did? lol.
Imma just ignore you now friend…we have nothing else we really need to say to each other

That and they wanted to make more zones like Argus in legion where they didn’t have to worry about flying was easier and faster for them to make…

That’s my main guess why they wanted to get rid of flying.


If I don’t point out every instance of hypocrisy on the forums, then you are inoculated from being a hypocrite.

Seems rational

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I get their point, yeah. I mean, reading that article from back then I really did understand Ions points.
The problem is the flight cat is out of the bag and chasing down every small critter on the block now, lol…there is no putting it back in the bag.
How in gods name he concluded then that players were just gonna stop wanting to use their flying mounts just confuses me.

really sucks. im glad people enjoy dynamic flight but i cant stand it.


Again, how is that relevant? From TBC to MoP flying became less and less restricted.

It’s 100% irrelevant today. I was a super casual and I had fast flying on 3 characters before wrath launched. It wasn’t that restrictive.

Then the next expansion they allowed flying 3 levels before max. Then the expansion after that they opened up flying for (almost) all of the “old world”.

Flying doesn’t skip gameplay. Flying gets you to the gameplay without the tedium.

That’s absolutely true.

They tried removing regular flying in WoD and actually lost so much money they had to reverse that decision.

why does normal flying have to be “unlocked” if we get dragon flying right from the get go?
this just feels like them being petty at this point.

And I’m saying this as someone who uses dragon flying 99.9% of the time and will probably never use normal flying.

it honestly just feels like they have some personal vendetta against normal flying.


Could you fly in the thunder isle or timeless isle? Could you fly on the IQD? Could you fly in the Firelands?

That sounds like a flight restriction to me. It sounds like they added flight to the game, and realized that they still wanted to design around a grounded experience.

They also used to restrict flying until max level, because they wanted us to be grounded at least the first play through.

Now that is going the way of the dinosaurs. We’ve been able to fly pretty much as soon as DF launched and will be the same for TWW. We will have access to the fastest flying ever introduced into the game and yet the slower method is being locked again. It literally makes no sense. Bottom line, it’s pure petty spite and nothing else.


they’re pushing the gliding…
just like they keep pushing

lol. The day DF went live I had a horrible migraine. Lucky me.
Good god…between the balance issues and the light sensitivity, i was nearly vomiting from the motion of DRing all day that day. lol.

So yeah, I can fully comprehend why some players are having issues. Not every problem with it is migraine related.

I think it’s important to note they tried to remove the only flying that existed, not just regular flying.

Also I think it’s debatable to what extent their decisions on flying contributed to the failure of WoD. There was a lot of things that went wrong in WoD.

yeah, that one is living in 2008, evidently…already refuted his goofy argument here…

…and likely why he muted me…not that I really care, lol…he should just have ignored me and been done with it.

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What does that have to do with anything?

I never claimed it was the reason for WoD’s “failure”. I said they lost enough money (subs) with that announcement, they financially had to reverse that decision. It lasted 3 weeks.

Yes, I agree. But the point was they used to want to develop the game assuming a grounded experience, because flying lets you… fly over things so you don’t have to navigate certain terrain or attack certain mobs.

They have conceded and allow flying now because their “no-flying at all” was very unpopular.

They now have to design quests and terrain and content differently than they would if we were grounded.

Just stating this doesn’t seem like it should be controversial or require for it to be debated.

I’m not saying no-flying is better or worse, just that you would design content differently.

Which is why even in TBC, the expansion they added flying, they had a no flying patch zone. Because they wanted to design a certain experience.

Same. I only use old flight for very short trips…and even then usually only on druid because of the instant form change…if I have to use a real mount, I may as well just use DRing.

Honestly, i think every nay saying contrarian in this thread gets it…they all fully understand THE issue here because it doesnt require Einstein to figure it out. lol
We’ve been VERY clear as to what the issue is for long enough now that NONE of them are lacking in understanding as to the point.

So I figure they are here for attention…they say something borderline trolling to stir it up, knowing they’ll get responses they can bicker with all day.

personally I think Im just gonna put them on ignore and not give them the attention.

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Because you said

Specifically mentioning regular flying, which could be misinterpreted by others who didn’t play WoD that there was another form of flying like dragon riding.

Follow by

Which could be interpreted as a casual link between WoDs failure and and normal flying.

So I thought it relevant to include contextual information for anyone who might not have known that.

Ok, thank you for the clarification.

…and given this isnt then…but its NOW…TODAY we have flight day one of expansion and from what I can tell will have in TWW as well.
So your point…is clearly without point.

This isnt TBC…not sure how many more times that will need to be expressed to you.