TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Pretty dumb regular flying is locked, dragonriding is superior in some ways, especially long distance travel. I mean I’ll complete the campaign and explore the zones anyway, but why the timelock on flying slower? Many people with accessibility issues are not gonna dragon ride, so they’re stuck on the ground. Looks bad.


You ignored the part where I said flight was somewhat restricted at that time because it was 60% speed. Slower than Epic ground speed.

I was making a larger point that even in TBC, they had a different expectation for how flight was going to be used, vs how people use it today, and that it was initially somewhat restrictive.

I’m sorry you don’t like hearing about the 5k gold cost so flying was somewhat usable, but it was the reality at the time.

It was restrictive, and it took people a long time to save up that much gold.

To reiterate my point, they initially had certain expectations for how flight was used, and understood how it affects the way we approach content. That’s why in the same expansion they added flight, they added a no-fly endgame max level zone with IQD.

They understood that people would just up and fly over everything, making their gameplay design moot.

Yes, they have since conceded and are now designing with the assumption of flight going forward. I understand that. But some people like to pretend that “flying wasn’t a problem until they made it a problem” and that simply isn’t true. It was always going to be problematic in terms of what type of content they could develop that wouldn’t be negated by flying up and over everything.

I agree as well.

Bottom line is BlizZard wants to uptick metric use of DR and they are lost on how to do it. But this probably the worst possibly way to go about it.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


that hoax of “MUH USED 2 BEE’Z” crap is laughable.
This aint 2009 anymore lol. The game has changed. They need to stop telling us what USED to be and move into the mid 2020’s with the rest of us, lol.

HERE AND NOW Ion has provided us with flight in an hour of release of DF.
I know. I was there the day it went live and I know how long it took me to burn thru the main questline till I got my first DRing mount.


THIS is about WHY DRing gets released day one…HOUR one…while those who cant handle DRing for WHATEVER PERSONAL REASON…are being tormented and unable to use old flight until X is done…or X date…or X whatever.



so YOUR issue doesnt affect YOUR ability to do something? SO WHAT???
I honestly dont believe you are disabled friend, BECAUSE if you were you’d 100% comprehend that there are a multitude of personal issues/disabilities and they AINT all the same.

TECHNICALLY I am ‘disabled’ because of this genetic disorder I have.
And yet I can play golf. lol.
By YOUR standards Im NOT disabled, yet LEGALLY I am.

So who is right…you or the law?


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Beyond a group not accepting their decision, no.

They even added, at some point, a whole new section for Mounts in the accessibility area

  • Motion Sickness.

its almost like they KNOW this is causing issues for some people, LOL, and yet they want those people to have to wait.

Fantastic way of wording that.

Its irritating enough for Ion and crew to think this is acceptable, but to have players in here insulting, attacking, demeaning the players who are clearly having trouble AND THE COMPANY HAS ACKNOWLEDGED that problem, is really stomach churning level disgusting.


I’m pretty sure sky swimming would have been removed if not the suspiciously abnormal rate of forums users reporting severe disabilities all of the sudden showing up since dragon riding was announced, scaring the beans counters with the prospect of bad PR from a class action ADA lawsuit.

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Completing the quest zones and exploration sounds way better than previous crapfinder achievements. The devs always said they wanted the players to experience the content first. To me, this should have always been just complete the zone quests and exploration. It was the rep grinding and arbitrary 8-12 months wait that was BS. I think this newest version is a win.

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They used that in previous expansions but how does that nonsense work out when MOST of us will have our skyriding mounts the first day again? lol
They cant even use that joke of an argument anymore given its only a handful of percent of players tops who theyre forceing to ‘experience the ground first’ at this point, lol.


thats cool…youre easily ignored as well, 11 post.

I agree, I just wish they would have only required this much for the prior expansions. It would have been much more fun that way.


This is an excellent point, disability is a nebulous term and a person’s status is very personal and should not be scrutinized in such a disrespectful manner

Yikes :grimacing: like that.


Like this is a serious question. Is “Ride Along” disabled for the new dungeon? Because if it’s not that solves a lot of the issue people are complaining about in that dungeon.

I think most of us have it turned on at this point and if not Blizz needs to make it mandatory for the dungeon.

As for normal flight locked, normal flight kind of ruins the exploration aspect of the game. You can’t hover with dynamic flight or go afk you have to interact with it.

Aren’t there accessibility options to turn the motion blur off? I thought there was. Now for our friends that can’t do DF because of disabilities s etc. we do truly need to find a work around or an option for them that is a nice middle ground between the two.

Could the posters that can’t do DF for reasons other than motion sickness (as this is an easier fix.) please share what parts you can’t do so maybe we can brainstorm something as a community to present to Blizz that could be a nice middle ground?

yeah…Im not against exploring on the ground first. Im not.
Im 100% fine with say having to explore the entire zone, maybe finding all the flight masters. Doing some questline for that zone…whatever. Maybe an 8 hour session for each zone? I dont know.

you can feel Ions hatred of flight every time you started looking at a couple of the PF list of requirements.

That was all bad enough but at least it affected EVERYONE the same.

But with this hoax we have going on now, its not even the “I dont like DRing” sorts who are affected realistically, they may not like it but they could do it if they wanted.
No, the REAL persons being attacked with this set up are those who CANT use DRing at all for whatever reasons…REAL disabilities that DO affect their ability to use it.

I hadnt much respect for some of these game makers before but frankly this particular issue has pushed me right over the edge to feeling outright contempt for those involved in handling this like they have.


My avatar’s life is destroyed!
and now you’ll never know!

I think you should go back up and do the same with THAT posters unnecesary attack on lesser abled players. lol.
But hey, I get it, I am perpetually the focus in here lolol

Im NOt the one who said “I am disabled and can DR, so suck it up”, now am I?

Theyve also mentioned motor skill issues. old flight requires none.
Ive also seen vision issues that werent covered by the color blindness settings evidently.

ALL of this is easily fixed by making whatever minor changes are necessary to remove any advantage old flight has over DRing…and god knows it aint speed, lol.
Hovering seems to be the ONLY real advantage old flight has, and that is fixed by simply making the mount fall to the ground if it isnt moving forward (loses lift).

They dont need to add half a dozen more DRing fixes, they just need to make a small change to old flight and the ‘problem’ is probably fixed

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I don’t see how any of that makes your double standard any less of a double standard.

You’re high roading someone while doing the same thing you’re high-roading them about.


Are we still at this?

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