TWW - It's here

Yah, I’m at 77 and still romping around the ringing deeps and realizing oh wait there’s like, two - three (??) more zones I haven’t even started oops

I haven’t done half the delves yet! I started pushing levels but I think it stopped me at tier 4 when I wasn’t 80 yet.

I read that they’re nerfing Brann. Poor Brann.

You know I would love for a concept where with the whole Warband system we could bring one of our warband characters(obviously with a locked role/skill set) to go into delves with us. No need for voice lines or anything distinctive but the set piece and just the idea of fighting along side your alts is just exciting to me.

Or even dust off the many neglected followers from our garrisons. Something.




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I read things like this and realize just how slow I am at playing this game sometimes. I think I’ve run 3 or 4 total since Friday and all of them at level 1. It’s all I could manage to do before tiring out. I guess my nerve damage is worse than I thought. lol

ETA: To follow up on my other rant, apparently you can now also wield garlic knots, while I still cannot wield a wrench.

I originally thought that was the plan - our alts in follower dungeons and delves. I guess warbands are just a new alt loading screen and a warbank with some sharing of rep.

That’s probably average for most RPers, TBH. After I found I couldn’t do past Tier 4, I switched back to Tier 1. A couple of the delves are going to be a PITA at higher levels and I’m too lazy/tired/distracted to do content that is hard these days. I’m only playing for transmogs, not iLvl.


Have you seen him take a break yet?

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Needs more Azerite power ups so I can do stupid nonsense like Torghast says me the only person that liked Torghast.

I liked the idea of Torghast but much like Kirsy, I am here for the transmogs. The rewards (imo) for Torghast were nothing I had interest in.

If it was simply about testing yourself, I just don’t play this game for that so it wasn’t aimed at me.

I tend to get pretty slow when I play this game, too.

I mean, let’s be honest. There’s maybe 10 hours of game and story and the rest is just doing chores. It’s hard to stay enthusiastic about chores for long.

Branns voice lines are not great. Especially when you click on him and get the old “inquiring minds just got to know” and it’s like damn man what happened

How IS the voice acting overall? Dragonflight’s VO left a LOT to be desired IMO.

yah they really fumbled torghast not having cosmetic rewards or anything that first season. Oh whoop de doo a currency to make my crafted gear piece i cant even tmog so I can make my gear level go up.

but it was fun later when they added stuff and also im a monk so having AoE instant cast touch of death rocked. OUTTA THE WAY ITS TIME FOR MURDER

everyone still talks too slow but at least its not like shadowlands with everyone mumble whispering and i had to turn on subtitles because i cant hear crap. otherwise idk its fine, im not hear for award winning performances im just here to collect silly vanity pets and make my digital barbie doll look cute.

I got too far into the journey to 80 by doing that first zone. I also did dungeons as I leveled so I was 80 before Hallowfall.

Best thing to do is the campaign to the end and dungeons. Then, do the side quests on alts. If you do alts.

I’m still spamming dungeons, looking to get the 25% buff before I use alts to do the side quests in each zone.

I’m very close to 4 level 80s already. It’s crazy fast to level spamming dungeons.

my only issue with torghast was that it was tied to player progression. because it was required to be a mythic raider, i looked at it with such utter loathing that i quit the game immediately.

i liked what little i saw of it, but much like the FFXIV Main Story Quest and the Wrathion visions, when a game makes me do something I really don’t want to do in order to do the things I want to do, i tend to hate That Thing by proxy.

Happy launch y’all! Looking forward to seeing everyone out in the world!


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Launch trailer drop

I’m not super clear on what makes void magic especially dangerous other than the fact that it is Super Dark.

Purple makes it dangerous.


I’m purple, so that tracks.


Void magic fills you with despair because you expect it to be grape flavored but it’s actually incredibly bland. Smog with a touch of cough syrup.