Sharding did away with proper etiquette. Once you were no longer locked to a single realm, people stopped caring about their reputation.
We used to be a proper society. A proper MMO.
Pops another Ibuprofen
Sharding did away with proper etiquette. Once you were no longer locked to a single realm, people stopped caring about their reputation.
We used to be a proper society. A proper MMO.
Pops another Ibuprofen
New guild idea. < Deadlierest Catch >
Roving gangs of fishing poachers, attacking unsuspecting pools without mercy!
So far, so smooth. I’m having a blast.
…And yet, I too am suffering from the “I got lazy and didn’t clean out my bags and now I regret everything” curse.
Okay, I’m about 5 quests in now. Just my hooves aren’t really even wet yet. But yeah the not putting Kina in storage before I unsubbed is coming back to haunt me. The bags, the bank… Dear All Father, help me! Oiy, don’t even mention my bars. cries
Also, I find Thrall’s presence oddly comforting. As much as I am over him… I still feel somewhat better, I guess, with him here. It’s like we’re putting the band back together. Except for Cairne. But yeah…
poor soleile is loaded down with lots of pointless stuff now.
Still only in the Ringing Deeps, trying to 100% each zone of all available quests before descending to the next level. Never thought I’d be so invested in Earthen and Kobolds, but here we are.
Suddenly, after twenty years, the kobold fixation on…
…candles isn’t so cute anymore. In one line, they have managed to put a decidedly eerie spin on it.
“Other don’t know what kobold know about Darkness. Candle is kobold life.”
This is the first time in a very, very long time that I have zero care about max level. I want to go through every single zone and every single quest.
I’m not sure why, but I am happy to take my time.
ETA: I will say (for the 1000th time) I am not happy that the only flight available to me right now is dragonriding. Questing without flying is a bit convoluted at times so far and flight would make it easier. My poor mounts have bashed their heads in hundreds of times at this point.
I really think this was a poor decision from Blizzard.
ETA fishing gets you mogs:
Also once again annoyed that they added something like a leek(??) for one-handed mace users, but as a sin rogue I remain bound to use only daggers, which continues to keep me from mogging my daggers as wrenches.
And I Took That Personally.jpg
Huh, maybe that’s why Brann stops to fish when you’re in a delve. I fished with him for a couple of casts, but all I got was fish.
So what are people’s thoughts? Specifically in the diversity and creativity of zone and quest design and story cohesion that doesn’t take a massive dump on the lore. Is it super grindy? Are we dealing with a dumb Azerite necklace again? Is it all about FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC? How are the dungeons? I really did not like the Dragonflight and Shadowlands dungeons (DF dungons were gimmicks and SL were just boring and poorly made) so are they more like it or are they more like older content?
Is it a Shadowlands situation, Battle for Azeroth, Dragonflight or Legion/Mists/Wrath?
The delves and follower dungeons are amazing and a step in the right direction. I always get nervous about running a dungeon for the first time if I’m tanking, but this allows me to experience it firsthand.
The questing is solid and I’m taking my time to feel the full emotional draw of it. (There’s a lot. I’ve only cried like… four times.)
Of course reputation is going to be a grind, but what I like the most is that quests that help in unlocking the Earthen Allied race are marked as such in the description of the quest text. A feature that should have been added a long time ago but is much appreciated now.
The zone (as I’m still on the isle) is beautiful and I hear great things about the others. I might have the ability to fly places and I do if I’m gathering resource nodes, but I still like using my ground mounts to travel to and from location so I can take everything in. The music is top notch and the NPCs (even minor ones) are so full of character it’s actually easy to forget that Stone-Thrower Jenkins isn’t important to anything, but he’s still a funny Earthen to me.
So far in total, I’m feeling this as a fresh adventure. Similar in vein to how I felt in Dragonflight, but with the feeling of being a player again like I did in Legion. I’m on a new journey to do something more important than restore ancient dragon magics. I’m going to go stop the Big Bad Unhinged Elf™ that’s been established and developed for a bit now.
It’s good to be home.
I am now imagining Norman running around with two daikon radishes or skinned ginger roots as daggers and laughing hysterically while also screaming internally.
I have a name.
I demand equality in this game.
If someone can run around bashing people over the head with a leek, there’s no reason I can’t stab someone in the neck with a wrench.
ETA: Pathfinder is possible before 80. I’m 79 (not sure how that happened) but I aimed for only the Campaign quests, most of Dornogal /Ringing Deeps and then exploration. I have normal flying again and TFG.
People might be confused by the fact that multiple people can gather the same herb node, and multiple people can gather the same ore node, and multiple people can even skin the same dead beast now, but fishing pools alone still cannot be shared.
In early DF, I was this person. I just assumed the fishing pools had new rules like everything else.
There is a spot in Hallowfall called “Lothar’s Landing” and I might be convinced that it has the absolute most amazing view in all of Azeroth.
It’s the same game. The story is never great but this seems okay? The zones are whatever, Hallowfall is kind of cool, though. I can tell they copy/pasted/reskinned sections of old zones but I can’t blame them and most people will not notice this.
The dungeons seem fine but if you didn’t like the last dungeons, you probably won’t like them. I have no idea what your context is for this and that’s fine; it’s your business IMO.
It’s not a “legion/mists/wrath” at this stage.
There’s some good Goblin stuff, a sprinkle at least, and I do hope a major patch gives us heaps more.
Im a wizard
I’m not sure how I feel about the streamlined leveling pace.
On one hand, hitting level 80 and getting the full breath of my Hero Talents before I even left the first zone was a surprisingly hyped feeling. Took me about 5 hours. And one of those was me playing WoW during a Slack meeting so being distracted most of the time.
But also finding motivation to continue the campaign knowing that the rewards available I’ve already entirely out leveled but I have to do so to unlock zones and feaatures was pretty abysmal.
After I realized how fast I was leveling, I intentionally slowed way down. I still got Kirsy to 80 and have another alt at almost 76.