I forgot to clean out my bags from all the DF things because I’ve been over in Remix and I’m not ready.
I forgot to clean out my bags from all the DF things because I’ve been over in Remix and I’m not ready.
I bough the Epic edition and I don’t even feel like doing the Early Access. 1) My second favorite BG holiday “Comp Stomp” is out and I just enjoy the power fantasy right now on my alts and 2) I didn’t set off time from my work so I’m barely going to get time in till next week.
I think I also doomed myself a bit. I leveled 6 new toons during Remix. The feeling of going through again to level more just isn’t encouraging right now.
I’m mostly ready. I just still need to upgrade gear and clean out Larisi’s bags. I’ll finish that up today. I would have done it earlier this week, but I had a weird allergic reaction to a mosquito bite that ended up in me taking an antihistamine that knocked me for a loop for two days. I’ve been pretty out of it, but I’m caught up on sleep for like a month!
I’m as ready as I’m going to get. I only have four characters that I’m really going to focus on. Bags and bank cleaned out. Just patiently waiting.
I think I remember seeing a few of you Half Moon Gambit types hanging around the graveyard in Northshire a few nights back. Lol.
Yeah, we’ve got a plot going on there. Something something no take candle and a pit of rotting bodies.
Nice. It was cool to see others around Elwynn area.
I didn’t buy early access, the juice just wasn’t worth the squeeze as the kids say…
But yeah. I am ready for next week. The rest of this week is just killing time till Monday evening.
I’m still waffling on which character to “main” for TWW. I’m excited for delves though!
I’m wondering if the sharding is coming back. I’m hoping not. For the last expac drop, I ended up having to start a MG alt because WrA was kind of a mess.
I hope delves are fun.
kicking my feet and giggling. I am actually excited for this.
I don’t usually start questing until Day 2 or so. I usually spend the first day sneaking into places much higher level and fish.
I live on the edge yo.
Midnight pst right?
Shall we start a pool? Take guesses on how long the line is at 1230, plus or minus 70. You take a screen shot of you loading with a time stamp.
I don’t gamble, is there a better way to host it?
It’s live now for anyone with EA.
I’m off to fish!
All bets are off then
Did the intro quests. Spoilers ahead:
Oh man.
First sad. They killed off “Red” Jack Findle, the Rogue order Hall security guy.
Spoiler & Easter Egg:
If you go across Krasus’ landing during the help the dalaran citizens quest and into that building on the corner, up the stairs is Aerith Primrose who looks dead due to a large sword being stabbed through her. I had myself a good chuckle at that little reference.
My dinner plans got canceled so I’m playing TWW tonight!!! but that’s fine because I broke the bank spending $54 on a group lunch order with my coworkers but I love sharing stuff with people. I also got an ube flavor milk tea but I didn’t get Boba because it was an extra $1.15??? IN THIS ECONOMY
I never played FF but I remember this reference being discussed once. That’s legit LOL
Also, fishing super lucrative. Many cool mog drops already. Suggest you all take up fishing if you don’t normally.
ETA: When did fishing courtesy stop being a thing? If someone is fishing in a pool, you don’t also fish in that pool. Those are the rules.
Okay, so I did a thing and got the early access. I was not prepared. My bags are a mess. Every thing has been reset - I haven’t play much this year, if any. And my pc is not happy. Looks cool though. sigh I’m sucker.