TWW is too easy

My general complaint over the years has been that WoW increasingly seems to make the “World” of World of Warcraft mostly irrelevant. I understand that “end-game” is the created pinnacle of the whole thing, but if levelling and (in time) professions etc become more or less irrelevant, why not just do away with levelling and grant the new max-level once an expac is purchased, and JUST create instanced content?

Mind you, I’m not advocating this, I personally enjoy the immersive world rather than end-game and haven’t seriously participated in it for perhaps a decade. Your mileage may vary.

world content has always been trivial content

Players only want one thing and it’s disgusting!

Oh yeah I could do that in Dragonflight too. In the DF beta I was staying in Waking Shores to see how far I could go just questing and doing a few dungeons and hit 76 as well.

So the same as any expansion ever got it.

Like people forgot about going into BC with full Naxx gear.

Overworld content is never hard in any mainstream mmo.

It will never happen unless they add an toggle or something.

Yeah we had a 4 man guild group spamming dungeons last night and getting levels every other dungeon or every 3 dungeons

One of our tanks has 3 80s already

Good lord… I haven’t even started the expansion yet. :rofl:

I mean when you have 4 mythic geared players pulling dungeons in 3 pulls it goes very…quickly lol

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Next expansion Blizzard makes it take 24 hours to reach max level.

Players lose it and begin to burn the forums down!

“IT TAKES TOO LONG WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA???” said Billy after realizing it’ll take him 2 weeks to hit end game cause he has 4 jobs and 5 houses to pay for.

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Trivial in what sense? Not in terms of “risk” to your toon or difficulty; nor in time investment, nor in terms of attunements nor rep nor professions. It was more balanced towards being a significant part of that which led to the end-game. Now it seems it’s just a brief and necessary evil, and Blizzard wants you to get through it as quickly as possible for no real reason. Again, we can disagree but to say the world of Vanilla or BC (for example) was trivial like SL or DF, is to imply that you didn’t actually play them new.

The first ilvl of the expansion is 405…no duh its easy with your 520 gear.


That sounds like a failure on the development team still. Not really a “player expectation” problem when they leave a potential window of entry that spans 150 ilvls.

It isn’t the player’s fault that they failed to shrink that window. That’s on Blizz.

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No, but it’s still too easy because quests give too much XP.

Its always been forced onto people through the expansion so it was required to be trivial.

You are confusing time consuming with difficult. Leveling has never ever been difficult. It was just time consuming.

I’m not sure how you fix that. If they do ilevel scaling, people will flip out.

So then you can’t say if it is or not.

You dont even do quests to get to 80 the fastest lol

You don’t inflate item levels so much to begin with that people are capable of going into the new expansion with a 150 ilvl variance.

I mean no matter how you cut it, that this happens is not on the players. All they did was play the game and ate what was put on their plate. Blizz is in control of what goes on the plate.

You’re correct that time consuming is not necessarily synonymous with difficulty, and perhaps we’ll just have to agree to disagree…but would you suggest that folks who’ve indicated that they’ve already achieved 80 in just a few hours of play with EA, perceived no difference between the triviality of that and say 50-60 in Vanilla or 60-70 in BC; in terms of care, caution, strategy etc?

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Just because TWW leveling is faster than say Vanilla or BC leveling doesnt mean its less trivial.

Like I quested to about 74 then got in a guild group and blasted 75-80 in normal dungeons because with the 4 of us being mythic geared we were finishing dungeons in 5-10 minutes.

All right, I can respect our difference of opinion on this.

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What Sendyn said… a lot of my friends and I are gear up decently with just a LFR sets and trinkets and we were melting most PvE in the first Levels… but if your like one of our friends who is Max gear fully upgraded and best in slot mix of PvP and mythic OP gear in PVE… you wont be changing gear basically until almost lv 80.
He was being a murder hobo and basically one shotting all the players who had WarMode on with dalaran to Remix gear.

I think is the first time for me to actually see my gear sets from a previous expansion work so well in PvE…

Fair Warning to all PvE players… turning War Mode on while doing PvE quest unless you like being one shotted by PvP junkies like my friend is doing right now… is a mistake, unless you like that punishment.
lol He with other Alliance PvP murder hobo were having a blast yesterday lol. I was invited but I decline, there was to much good PvE lore I wanted to get invested on… and I’m not much into bullying my Horde that is my true main faction…even if I now play Alliance cuz the friends left in WoW are full Alliance: “Cuz, duh we are the good guys in the story… got to kill/cleanse off the primitive ugly monster from Azeroth”
Keep your High Gear PvP or Mythic PvE main close if your going to play in WarMode with alts… it was a slaughter from what I’m hearing today. I told them to enjoy while it lasted because after Lunch it might be a different story. (I hope lol, my Arrogant Alliance friends needs to be humble from the Power trip the have of being Alliance Supremacist actitud. Nothing can be done with the story but I hope today at night PvP is different and they learn what TRUE “Savage Horde Primitive Monsters” can do. Also if your Forsaken when you beat them EAT their corpse with your racial, THEY HATE THAT! :smiling_imp:)