TWW is too easy

It’s still ez mode. The Sims poses greater risk and difficulty. Thankfully I don’t play this game for open world content.

That tends to happen when you come into the new expansion outgearing everything.


Entry level quests are dropping sub 400 ilvl gear. That is the gear the leveling experience is tuned for. Every player has the ability to put their upper 400 or low 500 ilvl gear in the bank. Even mop remix 70s are way overgeared for the leveling experience starting off.

Very true! I think it’s fine that the extreme difficulty has shifted into a part of the game that most will choose not to interact with. (Mythic Dungeons/Raiding).

It’s just like in FFXIV, I can choose to participate in Savage raiding if I want to, but I don’t have to to play the rest of the game. Just have to get through the boring as F#*( MSQ. (I love Savage raiding though, so much fun)

It’s actually one of the reasons I didn’t run the Radiant echo events, I’ll be going in with… well let’s be honest mostly level 50-60 gear. Should be a delight!

I was ~510 going into the expansion, so I wasn’t expecting things to be hard anyways. It’s like that when you have good gear! Now that I’m level 78, mobs are kinda getting tanky. It’s just the way it is

The normal dungeons and leveling zones are a bit easy for sure. Part of this is that it’s designed for a typically lower ilevel that this expansion started out with. Couple that with the fact we’re all jotting around with hero powers and full tier sets, plus unnerfed raid trinkets, and you get people blasting through what many consider trivial content anyway.

The content was designed for 408 which imo is a way to try and counter ilevel inflation and stat inflation a bit this expansion starting out.

But normal dungeons do seem a bit ridiculously easy like we’re heading back to Wrath heroics with jumbo pulls again. We’re also coming out of an expansion with perhaps some of the most mechanically heavy dungeons in ages.

The XP to level up is way too low. It shouldn’t be this fast.

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I think most people don’t want leveling to take too long though and more than likely like this.

Players complain they want good gear from open world content… Blizz gives players upgradeable ilvl 480 gear that can be converted to tier from open world content …

‘Yargh! … why is this new content so easy???’

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Boring. No challenge. Why even have leveling at this point? How dumbed down can a game get? This is crayon eating level of dumbed down. Who enjoys this? Why should I have to suffer through 10 levels of this slop, so you can feel good about your quest greens from the last xpac? This problem was solved in 2007 with TBC quest gear that was on par with last xpac high end gear.
For all you saying ‘take off your gear if you want a challenge.’ You clearly dont understand how MMORPGs function. Getting better gear is one of the cornerstones that makes this whole thing work. Or, ‘go play another game,’ or ‘go play classic if you want a challenge.’ Bunch of monkeys behind the keyboard today.

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Yea people don’t want it to take too long but leaving zone 1 at 76 after only doing the campaign seems too fast to me. I dunno, I like leveling and we only have to do it once every 2 years.


I will take this over leveling in FFXIV where I do pretty much nothing for 25 hours (Just for the new expansion, it’s 200 hours before that) but follow NPCs around and… no wait that’s it. Just follow them. Love FFXIV’s end game and boss encounter design, but god leveling in that game through it’s MSQ should be considered a legal form of torture.

No. It’s still too easy.

But its attention seeking. 60% of them dont mean it. Its the trolling thats allowed within the parameters of the forums.

  • Pretend your serious.
  • Posture as if youre not making a hot take
  • Feign outrage when people tell you youre trolling

Okay. Thanks for telling us. :+1:

We’re too well geared. If you want a challenge, switch to green drops as you get them. Then you’ll be at the level the content is designed for.

To be clear, I’m not saying this is in any way your fault or our fault. This is a Blizzard issue. No one made them hand out level 480 gear before an expansion designed to start with, what, level 403 gear.

They also forgot to disable set bonuses lol

Let’s not forget that Classic WoW at it’s launch was the easiest MMO at the time. WoW has always been easy.

Have you done it at 380 or less?

… well that’ll do it. lol