TWW event, did something change?

This event is horrible at lower levels… you can’t even solo the trash mobs as they take forever to kill even though they are supposed to be your same level. Bosses are way overtuned even for 70s. It sucks.


I have to agree, leveling my mage earlier today, I was struggling just on the trash. 2 minutes into the fight, had to pop my cool downs. I’m down to 10% health. They’re still at 70%. I was fearing another corpse run, when some kind level 70 darted past and one shotted it. Thank you troll Hunter.


I’ve been quite active in the event ever since I learned the XP was insane. I’ve dusted off 15+ alts ranging from 50+ to 60+. The event is amazing for leveling and getting decent enough catchup gear (though I do agree with the sentiments that sub 70 characters “should” be getting more blues to not be so weak and feeble…but it’s still not that big an issue).

The problem with the minibosses was they were nuked in seconds and people avoided the other events because most were insanely grindy, slow, and just plain a hassle to do (some still are…looking at you frogs). The final zone bosses were too leading to people missing events in under 5 minutes if you weren’t there thus leading to the constant refresh cycle…which solves the biggest issue of people missing events for the “crime” of not being online literally within a few minute window but left the event boring just cycling through minibosses who all died in seconds.

Personally, I don’t care. I just want to do whatever is efficient and gets more the most XP in the least time because I have a ton of alts that only benefits me to have leveled even if just do eventually do more recent expansion raids on if scaling ever works out for them.

But that is “why” things changed. Minibosses still get killed in swarm/raid groups because people are too dumb to keep up with news or trust what their betters tell them but now at least the other events get done too. The trick is to be in a raid/swarm group and tackle the quicker missions while someone is keeping an eye on whichever miniboss the less smart are wittling down and then calling it out when the swarm finishes an event, is close to the miniboss, and said miniboss is low enough to justify the time for the swarm to swoop in and finish, get credit, and move on.

Except Hakkar. Eff that lizard. The absolute bane of smallbies and actively punishes larger groups. I’d legit rather solo the frog kissing event than see a raid swarm try and take down Hakkar.

It was more fun than the current meta, tbf.
Some events are just soul sucking and not worth doing.

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I’m thinking the whole point is to remind everyone how horrible vanilla WoW was.

Was this ever the meta? I did this 2 days ago and the other events in Searing Gorge were substantially faster, particularly the Pumpkins one and the Southshore one.

2 days ago I thought the mini-bosses had too much health. It’s boring and annoying. It also has an effect on how players approach it. Take Hogger or Stitches. I’ll go sit in the Boar Liver event with Hogger targeted and hope that event completes before I have to go back and tag. The more people like me and Hogger will take even longer.

The main bosses also have too much health.

You gotta admit, it’s freaking hilarious watching 200 toons get feared and start running around. I love Dustwallow!

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I thought I noticed that the bosses are tougher.

w h y

They literally already take 10 minutes to do at low levels. I did a Thorim earlier that actually enraged because it took so long to kill him

We’ve identified an issue with boss scaling, and we’re working on a fix for it.

I’ll post again when the fix goes live.


Good to know, had no idea it was a bug. Thank you.

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Getting another buff tomorrow +2500% hitpoints and resistance as still getting killed too quickly.


You sure about that? :stuck_out_tongue: But in all seriousness, thank you for the update.


Ty cutie <3

Your raccoon pic is so adorable, he is a gnome bestie boop boop boop

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might help if you also post what kind of FIX you all are trying to do


Does this bug also happen to be reason bosses like hakkar utterly decimate level 60s? he’s not TOO bad at 70 but at 60 you just repeatedly die and corpse cannon his unsurvivable mechanics


Hogger is just especially bad because most people will just attack the shield instead of doing objectives to remove it. you see like 1-2 people actually trying to get shield off.

It was a cool idea in theory but poorly explained and it shows with how many will spend 5 minutes killing hogger by doing reduced damage whole time.


If this is a change from yesterday, make sure you’re not timewalking on the character in question. If you’re in Chromie Time, it takes forever and a half.

Another unintended issue that requires fixing.

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Yeah, that ‘issue’ is players not liking the massive HP increase that Blizz gave the bosses, especially while leveling. At least they’ve finally noticed!

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Kaivax, you’re awesome!

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