TWW Client not recognizing WOW Lengendary Mouse extra mouse buttons

Sadly, I’m a plug and play gal. I had figure it out enough to get it to work the way I needed prior to this update but now I’m stuck. I have the software, in game is not enabled, hasn’t been, had been using key binds with in the game without issue, prior. Will have to see if my computer savvy guy can network and help me figure it out, I guess.

So as Ozzuc stated earlier an easy way to test if things are working is when you select the button u want to bind right? All you do is lets say you want to bind mouse button M12. You select M12 on the buttons panel of the software then hit custom macros then put in a name. I used Test M12 and picked a keybind on the keyboard I knew like “H” brings up the BG tab. So I selected M12 > custom macro > text w/ Auto Delay > named it M12 test > selected the white box below that and put in the “H” key > ok and apply. Then went ingame and hit the button I tried to bind to see if it brought up the BG tab. Which it did so the trick after is to find empty unused keys on your board to imput there. After finding empty keys just rinse and repeat. After you set the key you can modify it on your action bars like you would if it was any other button. For this example once you had H bound you could do Shift H , etc. Works best with an actionbar keybind mode but still better than nothing. If yall have anyquestions or want a walk through let me know and we can get in contact and might be able to do a walk through. Peace!

I’m having the same problem… since the pre-expansion patch went live, I’m not able to play the game with my SteelSeries WoW Mouse… this sucks


any update on this?

Not working with the latest build.

World saga starts apparently, no update on the mouse problem being fixed… so Azeroth will have to wait. Eorzea will continue to receive my help. Thinking I may need to hang up the Azeroth boots. So many bugs with their releases.


Awesome, tysm!!!

Any update on a possible ETA? I use this mouse for healbot and obviously my key bindings. I currently am unable to fully play the game due to this. Any update would be greatly appreciated.


Any update on a possible date of fix?


Still no luck in retail, but it works fine in classic. Hoping that fix drops soon!

Not working here as well… it is hard to play without it… please let us know an ETA.

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Hey guys!
An update just went up on my wow that solved the mouse problem!
Try exiting the game to update!!!


Thanks for the heads up! I was gonna go through all my toons later and rebind everything. This saves me a LOT of time!

So it’s working on retail now? :pray:t3:

Build 55933 for 11.0.0 is now live and should have the fixes to get the extra mouse buttons working again.

As a reminder, you need the CVar enableWowMouse set to 1 for the extra mouse buttons to work.


SET enableWowMouse "1"
in the WTF/ config file
or run
/console enableWowMouse 1
in game


Disable Advanced Work Submit and Optional GPU Features in the graphics settings.

working great again thanks! :grin:

Beautiful! Working like a charm!
Thanks so much!

Okay, I am really not understanding. The command doesn’t work… buttons still not functional. I’m using a Logi G600, never had issues until pre patch.

This thread isn’t for logitech, only for the wow mouse.