TWW Client not recognizing WOW Lengendary Mouse extra mouse buttons


I have the the SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming: Legendary Edition, and since today’s any of the mouses extra mouse are no longer being recognized by the game.

I have run the command /console enableWowMouse 1 as suggested on the forums when it looks like other users have had this issue, and it has always worked in the past.

No addons are enabled, and the mouse keys work fine in the other versions of wow, is there a bug with the new release?


Same here. I rely on this functionality to play the game. Have ALOT of binds on this mouse. Its been like this on the Beta as well. We need a fix - no reason we should have to swap mice for this when they work and have worked perfectly fine for years.


Same here, I have Wow Cataclism mouse


Yup, in the same boat. It’s the only mouse I’ve used for years. I’m on my 3rd Legendary mouse, and the last one cost me a pretty penny. I’ll be super bummed if WoW stops supporting them.


i’m using the Cata mouse.

so far i haven’t found any buttons which aren’t working

will report back if i manage to find anything.

keep in mind, this is not the same as a UI reset.


That trully is an Artifact of equipment. :sweat_smile:


STILL having this issue, i wish they would really give support on it. I would really like to play the game for once… its crazy how prior to patch works fine and immediately after nothing…


Agreed it’s not the same as the UI reset, I think it’s something specific to the TWW. Because the mouse works fine in classic client and dragon flight prior. Just tested right now to see if there has been any updates, and still the same.

The "SET enableWowMouse “1"” still exists in the file for retail/WTF/ it’s just doesn’t look to be doing anything like it should.


Same here for WoW Mouse model 62006. Waiting for that nice gorgeous fix! :stuck_out_tongue:


come to think of it, mine stopped working “as expected” a couple of expansions ago…

so long ago, that i hadn’t noticed that in order to get it to work, i need to “do a special dance”… open the mouse software panel, and switch between the current profile to a random one, then back to the original to get it to activate.
(it’s just muscle memory at this point, open mouse panel, click/click, launch game)

i haven’t been able to get the character info on the mouse software to work for years, and using the /console command stopped working around the same time (for my setup)

maybe i only think mine is currently “working”, because in reality, it’s been broken for years. :crazy_face:

regardless, all the thumb buttons, top buttons, scroll wheel, and right side buttons are functional within retail


Similar issue, it was seemingly working on the beta though. no idea why it wouldnt now


any word on a fix for this?


Hoping this gets fixed soon as I have a lot of things mapped to these buttons.
I tried adding it to my but nothing I am finding is working.


I was able to go into the WoW mouse software, turn off in game mode and set it to use different buttons. Its not as easy as the way it was but it works


So just a heads up, if you turn off “In-game mode” in the mouse software, you can map the buttons to keys. It worked great.

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what do you mean “map buttons to keys”?

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im gur. com/a/gh4jXWm

In the mouse client

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OK, so I figured out how to bind keys to my mouse. In the mouse software, I choose the button I want to remap, then click “custom macros” > “new” > “text(auto delay)”, name the macro and click on the box under that. I hit the key that I want bound to the mouse button, then hit “OK”, then “Apply”. Now I can keybind those mouse buttons in-game no prob. The game recognizes the button, but instead of listing it as, say Mouse Button 12, it registers it as “J” or w/e key I chose. It’s not quite as user-friendly as before, but it’s a good enough workaround for now. I hope this helps you all.


Im trying to figure out how to get into the mouse software or a place I can download it. Ive tried Steelseries website but no luck. If someone could point me in the right direction id be grateful!


Google this
Where can I find the software for my old SteelSeries device – Support

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