TWW: Arathi Empire Cosmology

Kinda curious of people’s takes on this.

To me, it has some interesting implications. Look at, say, the Titans. Beings of pure Order could not exist down here, so they had to link themselves to a secondary force. It sort of suggests the Shadowlands we saw was not the pure expression realm of Death, as there was a mix of forces there, as well


It sounds like the cosmic map. :robot::thought_balloon:

Put simply, the cosmos appears as a hexateron. Imagine a four-sided tetrahedron internally extruded to form a multidimensional solid with twenty planes of existence, fifteen transitory pathways, and six vertices where interferon patterns create monopolar expressions of cosmic forces.

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Blizzard seems to be introducing different cultures’ views on the cosmology. Which is a good thing as long as they don’t do a “This culture is right and all the others are dumb and wrong” thing that they like to do.

Arathi seem to view all magic as elements rather than certain magic as elevated domains like in the Titan cosmology.


It’s likely correct considering there’s also a sound elemental plane. Not too sure where that would fit in the cosmic chart. :world_map::robot:

Something sure smells like a previous story lead who announced his departure not too long ago.

That means each of the Realms of Death are Planes where Death bonded with a 2nd Force:

Maldraxxus is Death & Necromancy, Revendreth is Death & Shadow, Bastion is Death & Spirit, Ardenweald is Death & Nature, Brokers is Death & Arcane, the Maw is Death & Decay and Thros is Death, Decay & Nature combined into one.

Zereth Mortis is the Cornerstone of Death: Whatever combination that is…

I suspect it is less that and more the current team has taken what they were left with and are working to elevate and refine it.

It occurred to me a couple of minutes ago this might explain why our arcane magic is so unstable often. Mainland mages use pure arcane energies, which Arathi research would seem to indicate will always be unstable.

It also might be a sort of soft parody of the cosmic magi-techno babble the writers became fond of during the Shadowlands with Danuser gone.


Still super weird to me that the magic of Order is unstable and chaotic in it’s natural/pure form.

Plenty of mages and artificers have used arcane and made it stable enough for massive projects like making Dalaran float or the Vindicaar, so it can be stable.

I hope this isn’t another “actually, the void elves are the first people to master the void, sorry shadow priests and affliction warlocks” situation but with mages.

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I am deeply confused by this. Silly mages and their numbers and cosmo charts.

Seriously, tho, seems more like a reference poking fun either at danuser cosmic shenanigans or wowtubers and their conveluted lore theories

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It’s actually just more evidence that Blizz doesn’t remember its own lore, that they continue to mistake obscurantism and obnoxious bullsh*t for the dialogue of “smart characters,” and that they don’t realize the issue was them trying to explain cosmic lore from the very beginning. I don’t care if your writing team suddenly learned the word “monopole” because they skimmed some wikipedia articles. That’s not interesting writing. The best thing this lore snippet does is warn us.

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None of the realms are pure… otherwise we’d fall through the Skylands without those bits of Earth to stand on, crushed in the Earth realm without those air spaces, or have gotten roasted in the Firelands if it was pure fire. They are realms where a factor is dominant but not everywhere all pervasive.

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supposedly everything in the shadowlands is made of solidified anima. so I dunno about that for the outer planes.

I’m surprised no one’s talking about the confirmation that there’s 20 planes of existence. I count only 12 from what we currently know. The Great Dark Beyond, the Emerald Dream, the Shadowlands, the Gardens of Life (Life Realm), the Twisting Nether (Chaos Realm), the Order Realm, the Light Realm, the Void Realm, and the 4 Elemental Planes.

What are the other 8?

shadowlands is a fever dream of the world soul after the sword gave it nightmares


Is there any chart or just the text?

Anyways, this feels like another cosmologycal POV but it seems to be also a “retcon”.

We are clearly seeing a clash of lore direction happening in real time.

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There is no chart, no. But one could argue that they are trying to put multiple views out at once to make it impossible to actually know which one is accurate.

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Life, Death, Order, Disorder, Light and Shadow are 6, Nature, Necromancy, Fel, Arcane, Holy and Void are 6, Spirit, Decay, Air, Earth, Fire and Water are 6. Reality is 1

6 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 19.

The 1 not part of Reality nor the 3 Groups of 6s is the one called the 7th. It covets what the 6s hold fast. The fulcrum wanes… All will be undone as the 19th Force comes.

Yes that means the Realms of Necromancy & Nature hasn’t been shown to us despite us gazing upon the Realms of Death and Life.

Necromancy lies between Death & Decay I suspect with Nature being between Life and Spirit.

The 7th Force is the union of the 6 Cosmic Forces, which is why that one Broker says it’s correct to say that there’s either 6 or 7 forces. There’s an 8th Force which lies outside of reality and is what the Jailer was trying to stop.

Reality is the Union between the 6s.

The one outside force not included in the Union is the dreaded 7th as it could be the 7th to any of the three 6s.

Is the 7th the 7th to the Cosmic Forces? To the Magic Schools or the Elements? The Cosmic Forces war so that they can become a 7th themselves.

Zovaal wanted to wipe out the Cosmic Forces except for Death so that Death could become a 7th to either the Magic Schools or the Elements.

The Void, Fel, Order and Light want to do the same thing from the looks of things. They want to maintain Order by making sure the there are 2 Groups of 7s and Reality and not one Group of 7 alongside 2 Groups of 6s.

The Pattern failing because an unknown 7th chose a Group of 6 is what the three 6s dread.