TWW: Arathi Empire Cosmology

Right? You can generally tell when a dumb person tries to write a smart person because the dialogue disappears up its own butt in the first three sentences. Like someone watched Rick and Morty and was completely mystified by it, then had a window open to a youtube clip of the Architect monologuing from the Matrix and there you go.

That said, this method of showing how different peoples observe the cosmos is far better than an entire expansion where we literally go there. Have a little bit of mystery, a bit of unknown.


i guess i prefer magical textbooks written by mortals as compared to chronicles or the grimoire of the shadowlands, that’s true. i’m just thinking it’ll be really funny reading that book as a mage, lock, or priest, and having your immersion actually ruined because it turns out your wizard is just too dumb to interface with the material meaningfully