In fact, I hope they just eventually toss the Brutosaur AH mount on there as a twitch drop. If the theme is “giving away” rare mounts then they might as well go all-out
I’ll whip out my credit card, I’ll watch 10-12 hours of streamers, I’ll walk on scorching hot coals barefoot, I’ll gift random GD’ers 20 twitch subs, I don’t care what I have to do just gimme that Brutosaur AH mount
It’s not so much that it’s a twitch drop. It’s more on the morality level for me. Charity pets and items shouldn’t be available so that blizz can just make money for themselves
Blizzard is a corporation. They deal in legality and not morality. Though, I don’t even see how this is a moral issue. They aren’t changing anything about the expired charity drive.
Morality of free stuff? Make a wish got a huge donation, and its been a hot minute, and now this gives people that couldn’t donate for whatever reason get the pet.
It’s because now blizz is getting the money now. When the charity pet should have stayed a charity pet. If they wanted to bring back a charity pet, bring it back the proper way. In a charity event