Two simple fixes to fix fury dps and identity

Love the Necro. Fun convo though.

Yes to the haste buff.

I’d also add a damage reduction baked into enrage (maybe 15%), then increase that by the talent by another 15%.

Nah go big or go home:
Rampage: rage cost reduced by 15 and deals a flat 15% more damage.

  • Old Carnage more or less.

Recklessness given the Combustion treatment: 100% Crit with crit % over 100 being added to your mastery. Duration 12 seconds.

Obvious issues arise with the Signet Legendary, but Blizz can do some Voodoo there I’m sure.

Increase haste generation to 25% while enraged.
Give Fury Deep Wounds on Rampage critical strike hits. Whether or not I’d have it roll with additional crits like it used to or have it be refreshed to it’s full duration.

If it’s the former, having it roll like Ignite does for Fire and Devouring Plague does for Shadow, then have it provide no additional buff for Fury and simply be a strong DoT bleed. Boosts the value of crit and makes forced boss downtime not too bad, Hungering Destroyer as an example.

If it’s the latter, I’d want a passive benefit for Fury while Deep Wounds is up, akin to Arms mastery, possibly fit the 15% haste in there and leave the haste from enrage as is.
This would also up the critical strike stat weight as well.

Failing that, they could just make white hits actually hit like your full sending 2 handed weapons that only jacked units can hold in 1 hand.
Pros would be higher consistent damage without introducing Swifty 1 shots as well as lifting DPS outside of Condemn windows.
Cons would be that it’s passive and any off boss downtime would feel worse.

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Id love to see fury have a place in arena most of all. Their kit is beautifully designed, they really nailed the feel. Its just a shame that Fury is so poorly kitted to work in Arena. BGs seem to be fine but the MS effect and tankiness of Arms… its too good to pass up.

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I still feel like I’d we’d perform more versatilely if we’d siphon our former aura buff (and reducing WW cleave from 45% to 40%, if need be) in favor of

  • A slightly stronger, slightly cheaper Rampage (e.g. 15% stronger at 75 Rage)
  • A stronger Enrage (say, 20% Haste)
  • A stronger Recklessness (e.g. 30% Crit chance bonus)
  • Whatever compensation to 50-row talents to balance them in light of the stronger Recklessness
  • More interesting and/or bursty Legendary effects (imagine if Cadence instead granted double the Haste on Enrage, but caused Enrage’s Haste to fade over its duration, or if Will of the Berserker just affected the Crit chance during Recklessness itself)

That and I’d like to be able to bank a charge of cleave (still 2 generated per regular WW or 4 per MC-WW, but banking to 3 and 5 respectively). Oh, and Shattering Throw’s cast time should of course scale with Haste.

PVP perspective I would also like these changes. I currently like deathmaker as a lego, and they would need to add an MS effect onto Rampage (make a pvp talent if need be). I just want a high risk high reward spec for wars.

Here’s a controversial opinion but maybe ignore pain should generate rage or increase rage generation.

Consider this. IP is not a rotation breaking skill for Arms and rage expenditure can still reset OP.

For fury, whirlwind already generates rage so rage inversion is not unprecedented but IP murders our key damaging skill. Either rampage or gain a survival buff but nothing else. It’s a complete waste and the damage absorb is not worth the trade off.

Just attaching my main to my reply

Adding my own +1 for getting 25% haste back on Enrage, so I can then take the Cadence Legendary now that it lasts 12 seconds, then combine that with the Frenzy talent for a whopping 38% haste. Just for giggles, y’know?

Spend Rage… to generate Rage? So… (inefficient) Rage-banking to effectively extend your maximum when you might also want some absorption?

I could understand this on the likes of Rogue’s Recuperate back in the day, as it’d be a GCD CP-spender to be used during forced melee-downtime, but that seems a needless complication for Warrior and would ultimately just amount to a Rage cost reduction to Ignore Pain… given in about the clunkiest way readily imaginable.

Everything on Fury except Ignore Pain and Rampage generates Rage. That’s its whole gimmick. It does not give precedent to defensive Rage-spending options now instead generating Rage.

How about enduring rage being baseline, bloodthirst healing for more, storm bolt being baseline, rampage feeling like an actual spender not a buff ability, recklessness engaging us for the duration. Maybe another defensive option or preferably having a passive that increases our damage the lower health we get so that we are insanely dangerous even near death. Or even a short duration death immunity once every 3 minutes or so.