Two simple fixes to fix fury dps and identity

personally, i don’t have any problems with the current fury warrior design, rotation and abilities, and i actually like the new bloodrage ability ( although the hp loss should be nerfed to 2.5 percent, instead of 5 percent ). the issue in my opinion is the damage of individual abilities being too low. if they can buff bloodthirst’s base damage, raging blow, whirlwind slightly and possibly other spells, such as siegebreaker, then the spec would be more “acceptable” to play.

on an embarrassing note, despite hating the arms specs and it being too difficult / awkward to play always for me up to this point ( 99.9 percent of the time I have played fury ), however, i recently spec’d into it the other day out of boredom and being tired of playing fury, and i was like, ok, is fury that bad and / or is arms really that good, and to my surprise, the spec played so well without me even trying all that much.

like when i went into random BGs, without trying very hard, i was better at surviving, despite having no self healing, and i was dumping an insane amount of damage and annihilating people easily, and i’m like, no wonder people are doing so well with this spec, you literally one shot people or hit them really hard with hardly any effort…, and it made sense why i was having a hard time with fury and keeping up in general.

even though im spec’d into arms right now and there’s a tendency in clinging to it, i really want to go back and play fury warrior in the way i always did from the get go, but with the low damage and some specific issues it has, it’s sort of a double edged sword.

Those are crazy suggestions… you got slam fir furry now, what else do you need!

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Been saying it for a while now:

  • Enrage back to 25% haste
  • Bloodthirst heal to 6% (up from the 3% it is now)
  • Either add Carnage (talent) back in or drop the baseline cost of Rampage to 75 and buff its damage by 15%
  • Thirst for Battle (PvP talent that was snipped) baseline (bloodthirst clears snares and gives 15% run speed for 2 seconds).

Spec would flow better, feel better, and perform better.

Edit: Tbh, nobody really talks about it, but Recklessness is probably the most mediocre “big” CD in the game. It doesn’t last nearly long enough to see a huge spike in your DPS.

They could literally double the duration (to baseline 24 seconds) and it would at least be comparable to Avatar. But Avatar feels WAY better to press and watch your numbers go up.


I do miss Thirst for Battle, and it’s not like Fury has been a rockstar in PvP at any point that talent existed.

I don’t want Carnage back as a talent because it would probably just become mandatory again.

Buffing enrage would feel nice obviously, and I agree that Reck is pretty mediocre as far as cooldowns go.

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Titans Grip is what ruined fury, yet it has become too iconic for the spec. Removing it now would make people furious. Our DPS options are really just 2 big slow weapons or one big slow weapon.

Every raid tier is “Which spec do I switch to now?” Because warrior DPS identity is meaningless. Fury should have been the high mobility, fast paced relentless sustained high APM spec. Arms the huge hit, slower paced burst spec.

SMF isnt enough.

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Have we suddenly forgotten about Feral’s Berserk?

That said, I quite like this list.

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This. I have a lot of minor issues with the spec that have all been addressed above, but this one stands out to me the most when I’m playing. I never really look forward to hitting Recklessness, I just kind of hit it and go “ok”.

Recklessness should give crit damage increase (nothing too drastic, like 25%), to give the crit stat a bit of synergy with the spec without bringing back CSHB. It would also give the cool down that “wow” factor since currently it doesn’t actually make your abilities hit any harder. Rage regen and crit chance is nice… but why avatar feels better to use is because you legit feel the bigger numbers.

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Literally what are you talking about.

25% is huge.

Sorry bro. Just my opinion about warrior DPS flavor. I liked pre TG fury.

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You are aware that in BFA fury was the fastest is has ever been right? In both APM and melee attack speed.

SMF doesn’t matter other then for aesthetic. Rage generation has been normalized and melee animations get overwritten by abilities. Since fury is gcd capped you never see your melee attacks unless you stop pressing buttons.


Personally I think fury would benefit with cshb and stop making enrage a mechanic dependent on a rage dump and/or a 30% BT. Instead, white damage crits and bloodthirst crits activate enrage and the ideal condition for fury is to constantly stay in a state of enrage.

I know that’s the conceptual and practical state of fury now but white crits focus a fury warriors attention to rage dumping smartly rather “fighting” to maintain their core dps mechanic. Just comes across as silly that a spec with so much inherent haste has to gear for haste

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i support everything on this post


u like pressing a lot of buttons for low dps, i dont think its funny

I’d actually like to see RA become baseline. I like the concept a lot.


You know, having this baseline for either raging blow or whirlwind/slam might not be a bad idea.

Mechanically, sure. Thematically, it makes Fury only fit one somewhat ridiculous fantasy. SMF as you said is simply aesthetic.

Nice Necro first of all.

Secondly you do agree then that SMF should only have been a transmog option and not the system they currently implemented that diluted our loot pool?

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For this expansion? Yeah. Realistically, that’s the best option. However, in retrospect, I think Titansgrip was ill advised. I’m not even sure what it was meant to solve. Were people confusing Fury warriors for combat rogues? Was there just too many classes/specs favoring dual wield one handers, with Rogues, Shamans, Hunters, and Warriors?

TG is kind of silly. I get the concept, but I don’t see the need for it. Maybe at the beginning it could have been used to preserve the fury tanking playstyle, giving fury a polearm/shield playstyle. Even so, there wasn’t a need for that. They intentionally removed Fury Tanking. Now a days, weapon speed doesn’t affect the gameplay loop as much as it used to, but the dual 1h playstyle was super distinct from the 2h playstyle of Arms. It had proponents who wouldn’t have switched despite meta. Now warrior DPS/PvP is whatever performs best.