Two Mythic raiders LF guild to return for Shadowlands

My friend (30) and I (26) are ex Mythic raiders that are HYPED AS HELL about Shadowlands, and are extremely eager to get back into Mythic raiding!

The one restrictive thing is the ONLY time we can raid is 10:00 PM to 1:00 AM CST (8-11 PST, 11-2 EST). The day doesn’t matter as much, although I would personally prefer weekdays.

I have mained dps DK since WotLK and will continue to do so in Shadowlands. I have always been an 80%+ parser, with many 90-95%+ parses as well. I, like my friend, always push myself to do better and better. In any game I play I spend a lot of time doing research on my class (or whatever else applies in other games), and my spec, and how to push my dps to the best of my abilities.

My friend is basically the polar opposite of me. He has mained A LOT of classes/specs over the years. Since I’ve known him, he has spent most of his time on Lock, Mage, and sPriest. BUT, he is really wanting to branch out in shadowlands, and he wants to play a Resto Druid. He hasn’t healed much since Cata, but he is confident that he will learn it and adapt to it quickly and do everything in his power to improve and perform just as well as he has on dps classes in the past. I will also add that he said that he CAN play something else too, but he is just really preferring rDruid atm. Other classes he may be interested in playing to better fit a guild that otherwise fits us well would be Rogue dps, Warrior dps, Warlock, sPriest, or Fire Mage.

We have never personally been on a Cutting Edge team, but we genuinely feel that we can play at that level. If we can’t find a team willing to take us at that level, then that’s perfectly fine, but having SOLID mythic progression is a must. We’ve been very misled about a teams expected performance and placements in a pretty negative way in the past.

On that note, I also want to mention one other thing that we are really looking for that our last couple of guilds have failed to fulfill. We want to feel INCLUDED. So many times you join a guild and the leadership is a tight knit group of old friends and they never really make you feel included outside of raids. I know specifically, the last team we were on, we were NEVER included in any guild mythic+ runs. We were just perma stuck in group finder and the only time we were ever included in guild groups was at raid start time for progression. It’s a really crappy feeling, and I’m sure a lot of people know what that’s like. We want to find a HOME. We want to find a guild where we can make new friends and do guild mythic+ runs the majority of the time.

Here are a few logs from us from the past (remove the spaces for the log links!):

https: //www. warcraftlogs. com/character/us/sargeras/in%c3%b2pls?zone=17&new=true#zone=10&difficulty=4

https: //www. warcraftlogs. com/character/us/sargeras/in%c3%b2pls#zone=19&difficulty=4

PS: the mythic logs from Uldir are very under par for me, and it’s actually the reason why I stepped down from raiding when I did. We were on a much later raid time than normal, and with the work schedule I had at the time I was extremely tired and drained all the time and trying to force a raid schedule in there as well. I took a step back and recognized that I was not performing anywhere near as well as I could/should have been, so I just took a break.

h ttps://www. warcraftlogs. com/character/us/sargeras/vitaeorum?zone=19&new=true#difficulty=4

^^Those were the only logs I could really find for my friend because he has so many characters and we’ve also server transferred a ton in the past. He’s a huge WoW veteran though and has been progression raiding since Vanilla in all roles.

Well, I know I wrote a HUGE wall of text here (I have a tendency to type too much lol), but I just figured I would give a good history and make it aware of what we are looking for in a guild. I really hope that we can find a new and long term HOME, not just a short term visitation for 9 hours a week during raid hours for a couple of months.

If you have room for us and you think that we would be a good fit then feel free to message on here, or message me on discord: “Ino - Dalton#6689”

PS: We both play a good amount of other games as well together if anyone in the potential guilds play them as well. The main two I would say are Path of Exile and League of Legends. We’re also very cautiously optimistic for Diablo 4.