Two months and guild UI is still broken

I need some support. Please.

I posted a bug report with all the people pertinent information.

You have to leave the guild and rejoin it.

Done that several times under different circumstances such as having all add-ons off, having the add-on and wtf folders removed and after disbanding the guild and remaking it.

I’m no having this problem on 6 characters.

Hey there,

This sounds like it’s related to some guild & community issues that we’ve been looking into for a while.

What I would recommend would be to open a new ticket, include each character’s name and realm, and then specifically request that each of those characters be deleted and undeleted. That will usually refresh the character and get the guild & communities working again in most cases.

I will attempt this.

It’s now been over two months.

They’ve tried deleting and undeleting, the ticket has been escalated they’ve removed the authenticator and tested things a couple times.

As of today it’s still broken.

I’ve been patient about this but it’s really starting to upset me and don’t plan on renewing my accounts once the time runs out on them unless this gets fixed.

Sorry you’re having this problem. It seems there were several unintended consequences when guilds were merged with communities. There are folks that have been waiting a couple of years over in this thread where Blizz asked for feedback:

It couldn’t hurt for you to add your issue to the discussion over there as well.

It’s not good for the community to have people dropping out because of frustration. I hope they are able to get this resolved for you.

Thanks for your empathy.

It’s just not possible to fully enjoy the game without access to my friend’s community or anything like that.

I have two more months of game time but I think that is long enough that it’s fair to be fed up with not having full access to a game I’m paying for.

Hey there Brythal,

Thanks for your patience while we investigated this issue for you. I reviewed the case we have for this, and it looks like you may not have noticed or received our message about this.

About a month ago we heard back from the developers on your issue - and it appears that your issue is a very rare situation. From what we can tell, it’s likely due to being in too many communities. Because of the way the communities system works, there is an upper limit to the number you can be in on a single This includes all guilds, all in game communities, and all communities. Most people don’t come anywhere close to this limit, but you have 5 accounts with over 100 characters between them on this one email.

You should leave as many communities as possible across your characters to resolve this issue. I suggest starting with inactive guilds, or leaving communities you seldom use on characters that you do not play often. This should allow you to backfill your community slots with your new characters which you play more frequently.

This does seem to have fixed the problem.


Capping non-bnet communities via bnet licenses seems really odd.

Glad it worked for you! Thanks for testing it for us.

I can’t speak much to the philosophy behind it as I’m not a game dev myself, but most such limits are to either prevent abuse or maintain server stability. The limit is intentionally very high to try to prevent this from being an issue. You’re actually the first person I’ve ever heard of hitting it, which is impressive. (That’s not to say there haven’t been other outliers in the past. Perhaps they figured it out on their own or we haven’t figured it out with them. This is simply the first I’ve ever seen it happen since the swap to the level communities.)

Either way, if you’ve got any feedback for the system itself, you’re welcome to submit it at #community:general-discussion. It’s outside of our wheelhouse in tech to take or implement suggestions, but the devs and QA folks who haunt the community forums always like hearing constructive feedback to know what players think is worth tweaking.

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