Two lockouts in P4 is far more punishing than 3 day lock outs of a single level up raid

You’re stuck in the same community / society, pal. Sociology isn’t a mystic art.


Amen. Something tells me from aggrend’s latest tweet that they are gunna double down and just feel they “haven’t explained it right” to us.

They should implement the 2 changes you listed and it would do wonders for next phase.

Youd be suprised how different it is on EU vs NA, its much more chill ive come to discover by comming over here to post feedback the past few weeks.

You guys are constantly angry and cant just chill, just rush everything

you have to be trolling

Weekly MC lockout and twice weekly for world bosses + Onyxia?

Main raid content should always be 7 day lockout. If you want to put catchup stuff at a shorter interval, there is an argument for that. Whatever the main target is needs to be a schedulable event.

There is none of that in SoD though unless you play a shaman/spriest/hunter/rogue.

Everyone else has just raids

Thank you for hearing the community. Your P3 highlight video, you specifically said that you had heard the community and that we wanted weekly lockouts to allow us to plan better, make more cohesive rosters and not have the chaos that was twice weekly resets.

A very small percentage of your hardcore player base wants more content, good for them, I’m happy for their eager behavior. However, most of your classic players with adult lifestyles cannot commit to weekend raids with responsibilities (spouses, kids, work, activities, etc).

Please consider the fact that raid leaders and recruiters for guilds were banking their roster around weekly resets with their preset days, now its been upended weeks out from P4 release. This means many guilds will either have to force a pug second raid day, lose half their roster trying to recruit to fit in a weekend raid day or the absolute worst scenario - they lose members to FOMO because they opt for only one weekday raid night avoiding the second weekend lockout.

This change to twice weekly lockouts only benefits the hardcore player with very little real life distraction, with very little commitment to alts or other in-game activities like reps and PvP.

I beg of the SoD team to seriously consider the impact that forced lockouts will have on guilds and friendships.

Thank you for all you do!


That’s honestly hysterical and so far from the point I actually laughed.

Raid buffs won’t be removed - the removal of them killed SOM and that’s documented.

The only reason to hate them is for casual players who either feel gated for not having them, or have FOMO of not achieving higher performance because they don’t want to make the effort. Removing them is an effort to lower the bar for those casual player… will not happen in SOD.

The SoD team and players would benefit from the world buffs being removed inside raids. The pinch point for players is forcing them get world buffs 2-3 times a week to be optimal inside raids. Balance the classes around the removal of them. Take this time to bake stats into runes or make Int scale/provide spell power. 3 day raids of MC will fry this community. MC weekly, Ony/World Bosses/ZG/AQ20 can be biweekly.

World buffs are the elephant in the room here.


SoM died because it came right after vanilla did, I dont know anyone that wanted to jump right back in

people have been raiding every week in every other expansion ever without world buffs and nobody has ever complained lmfao, world buff meat riding will always confuse me


Remember back in real vanilla we would get the ony head buff and that was it. You would have really sweaty guilds stacking everything. But your run of the mill guilds wouldnt do that.

Cause first of all you didnt have chronobooms to save your world buffs in case you died /got ganked
Second it was a pain in the butt to do, and took alot of time soo only the TOP SWEATIEST GUILDS got those done and even then theyd often get griefed.

Now its meta somehow?! World buffs are a mistake i agree

WCL parse culture, chronobooms and the like are not helping wow be a good game


I think the true main pain point is the lack of raid quality when the expectation is for players to be clearing twice a week. From the gate we’re told the difficulty will be so easy nobody will ever need a cleanup. Awesome progression philosophy. >.>

Reposting, as I wanted to post on my main.
As someone who does play a lot of SoD, and Retail, I’m massively in favor of Single Week lockouts for at least MC.

I could tolerate World Bosses / Onyxia being Bi Weekly.

I know a lot of people are talking about World Buffs in this thread as one of the main pain point. I will state that for me personally, it doesn’t bother me. I would find time to gather World Buffs as many times a week for as many raids. I’m just tightly constrained on Raid Nights.


I already had 2 people quit our already dying roster just because of this announcement… SoD has been hell to manage groups for…

Youre sure it wasnt mages/warlocks over the “changes”?

Nah, the immediate release after vanilla had just finished killed it. It was too soon. I’d have gladly played it a year or 2 later.

I’m not even highly constrained on raid nights, I have all the free-time in the world, and I just know I’ll get burned out quickly doing that many raids twice a week.

MC remaining weekly while the others go to a bi-weekly seems like a fine change, especially considering the Heat mechanic is supposed to bring us extra loot.

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