Two lockouts in P4 is far more punishing than 3 day lock outs of a single level up raid

Maybe once a week for new raids and when next raid releases the old raid can go 2x week? Just thinking out load but personally I think once a week is plenty.

I second this, or let people choose.

Thanks for looking at this, Saturday as a reset is forcing weekend raiding, if you cant make mondays. A friday reset would work better

I dont understand the people here. WHO IS FORCING YOU TO RAID EVERY RESET?

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How did you not make improved shadow bolt talent debuff have unlimited charges like shaman storm strike debuff has unlimited charges. Very sad this wasn’t part of the warlock changes released today.

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I personally enjoyed phase 1 and phase 2, as the 3 day lockouts kept me rather engaged. I was raiding on 6 characters every lockout in phase 1, and 3 characters every lockout in phase 2.

Raiding only once a week is boring. I hate it. I always eventually unsub because I log in, play one day, and don’t touch WoW for 6 days of the week. There may be activities to do, but raiding is the star of the show.

Twice a week. That is my vote.

Many people will feel obligated to from their guilds, friends etc. They are also concerned about getting burned out. We also know there are people that will get bis gear super fast with this schedule and promptly quit.

As much as i love raiding. and i mean for example i raided on 5 toons a week in ICC during wrath and ive been doing 4-5 for each reset of sunken temple. As much as i love doing that I dont think it would be awesome for the community to raid that often. I really think that it would make it very hard to raid on multiple characters. And when phase 5 comes out and we have AQ, BWL, NAXX, and potentially other raids, I dont forsee there being anytime available to do those lockouts twice per 7 day period.

not to mention the logistical nightmare with guilds having to now incorporate a second raid day if this change goes through.

Sure theres people like that, but what you described is a symptom of a problem named. PVP IS DEAD cause everything is geared towards PVE.

Rank honor caps,
Class balance in PVP - nonexistant, you have outright broken classes and classes that have no place in pvp at all atm
STV and BRM events wont fix this

False. Most guilds only demand you show up once a week, and let you pug the 2nd lockout.

Keep it to 1 week lockouts and just increase drops. Trying to get 20 people for Sunken Temple was a challenge in P3, and trying to do it 2 times in one week will be a nightmare.

Ideally, we’d have 10-man raids for the entirety of SoD, flexing upward. You’re already putting flex in for Onyxia…why not everything else???

For sure once a week lockouts are enough. We already have Cata raids which requires multiple days progression, war within is coming soon and we’ll need time for that as well. Feeling forced to do SoD multiple times a week will be impossible.

The people who only plays SoD can enjoy alts during the rest of the week.

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Just merge guilds. Thats whats happening on my server CS EU. Youll end up having a much better expierience

This is a good point. The people who want to raid a lot can simply just make an alt to raid with.


It seems the concept of a community / society confuses you.


Whats the point of alts if you need to grind out the PVP rep on them every single time not to mention other important reps, that takes weeks and takes you away from doing more fun activities in game?

Once you start investing in a character you want it to be as good as possible, but instead of enjoying the game youre stuck in a catch up game

as a gm of a guild, a two reset a week schedule would be a logistical nightmare, the 1 boss raids should be 3 day lockout and mc should be a weekly


Then im sorry for the community youre stuck in

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Yeah this is an awful change. People will be bored and burnt out quicker after having to gather world buffs more often and getting gear 2x as fast.

If it was still 10ans it might be slightly more manageable, but people who like this type of change have never ran or recruited for a guild, and it shows… The 3 difficulties are already a hard point to get past when organizing 20 people but add this in and they are shooting themselves in the foot before the race even starts.


SOM had the right idea, world buffs were removed when you went into an instance. World Buffs are honestly the most frustrating and time consuming thing they can do without.

Raiding twice per week is insanity. The first response to the great release from guildies/friends was “Twice a weak reset? That is a bad idea”. Which I thought was sad amongst all the other great things.

My Feedback:

  1. Raids are weekly lockouts. It is simple, it works, it helps longevity and other aspects of the wow open world universe.
  2. World Buffs should be removed/purged when you enter a raid instance.