Two lockouts in P4 is far more punishing than 3 day lock outs of a single level up raid

Make big raids weekly but don’t overload us with loot, part of the reason ST died out was everyone had a full tier set in 3 weeks. It’s too much.

3 day lockouts are great. Please dont revert.
It worked so much better in Phase 1-2.

you really want to do an 11 boss raid with multiple difficulties, every 3 days?

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Yes brother

It’s MC we’re talking about.

I’m absolutely against 3 rolling lockout. That would kill my desire to play.

I need a consistent schedule.

It doesnt prevent a consistent schedule.
It’s the same days every week.
Raiding every single lockout is optional.

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Yes. It does. Take 7th grade sociology.

if it was vanilla sure ig, but this isnt, we might walk in there and get rolled, idk only the devs do

?? might have to explain that to me sorry m8,
Im not understanding how that prevents you from being consistent?

You aren’t the only player in the game.

making zero sense m8, leave ya with it

This sounds like the statement of someone who doesn’t run or recruit for a guild.

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Playing the game is optional if we want to get nitty gritty.
I want to attend those raids. I want to be there.

I want it to not conflict with my retail raid nights. Because I went out of my way to find a guild that doesn’t clash with my retail raid times.

A 3 Day rolling lockout will have overlaps in which you cannot schedule for.

I mean it’s just like ZG this way.
Was ZG really that difficult?
How many bosses were in ZG?

but you are right, i don’t raid lead.

lol cmon lad really

ZG was / is a catchup experience. It’s meant to be a supplemental thing. The player is meant to be able to take every opportunity for the best things. Not every player is meant to get everything, but they are meant to have the opportunity to get that. Changing to this lockout means not everyone has the same opportunity. A weekly schedule is the same as every other schedule ever. It’s something people can accommodate as adults. Not just some, but everyone.

Zg was a catch up raid and only required a portion of the normal raid size, so it was significantly easier to keep people that wanted to go going.

When there 3 difficulties, and 2 lockouts a week it’s really hard to get a balance of people to do it. Recruiting for it is a nightmare on its own, but keeping an existing group of not like minded people together is near impossible. It’s better when there are less choices. Once you have choices like this people leave and move and its hell to recruit for and to keep going.

If you just show up and have fun, I get simply wanting to raid more. But its a nightmare behind the scenes to keep something like that going.

I mean thats a fairly large assumption to make about every other wow player but go off

Apologies my feedback isnt inline with yours.

I am all for 3day lockouts

Twice weekly lockouts will be cancer when they add later raids, too many raid on a 3 day lockout, the people who want/ have time to do mc/bwl/ aq every 3 days is a super small minority


This is exactly what’s going to happen. It will be another phase that lasts far too long because gear will be gotten far too easily, and them having yet to add anything new to Vanilla (sorry, adding retail abilities and slightly changed dungeons with, so far, one new boss that literally just consisted of backpedaling the entire time, with those dungeons not being new dungeons, but literally just the dungeons everyone hated doing in vanilla, is not “discovering” anything) more people will just quit, and even less people will come back.
Especially if they do P5 like they did P4, and basically lie to us. Telling us P4 isn’t anywhere near ready, and P3 will last longer than previous phases…just to turn right around not even 2 weeks later and go “just kidding guys ptr and a video up soon!” when they realized making P3 last even longer tanked what numbers we had.

Even I’m losing hope that this is anything other than just “keep people playing as long as possible” while ironically doing the opposite with not only letting people raid twice a week per character, but also adding flex raiding in without calling it flex raiding because you can bring up to 40 people, but its tuned for 20. Guess what will happen:

People will still just do 20 man raids, and gear up faster. unless bringing 40 people changes how much gear will drop, the “bring 40 but tuned to 20” will not go over with the crowd who already complained when 10 mans were pushed to 20 mans, they won’t care that the bosses die faster because they wont get loot quicker.

But on a semi related point: Where is the unfinished/unreleased/unique content?

Where is Grim Batol?
Where is Uldum?
Where is Karazhan and Scarlet Monastery/Cathedral?
Where is literally anything unique to what would warrant being called “Discovered”?

Saving any unused content for 60 is just not the play. As evidenced by everyone just flat out quitting.
I obviously don’t have figures, but I can say it is highly likely that the reasons everyone quit can fall under 2 categories:
Boredom from phases lasting FAR longer than they should have
No new content. Hyjal still isnt open, neither is Karazhan, or Uldum, or Twilight Highlands, or literally any content that wasnt in original vanilla. We got one unused sabrecat mount, two pvp events that might as well be taken from a private server, and dungeons that no one ever liked doing turned into raids, likely chosen because people hated doing them.

Level 60 needs to raise the bar or I fear more people will just quit. I truthfully HOPE that the roadmap for classic isnt it for SoD, and I truly hope that if it isn’t, level 60 gets more than just one content update.

Because unless you’re just keeping all cards close to your chest Blizzard, I really don’t see any justifiable reason why you would keep every piece of content that isn’t already in the game, for the 2nd 60 update at, presumably, the end of SoD’s life. At least not with the population drops we have had between phases.

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I think if it was only MC and Onyxia then that wouldn’t be as big of a deal, but we also have the world bosses, though MC might be better off as 7 day. It might be cool if world boss raids weren’t active and open 24/7 and kept some semblance of their world boss features by having sporadic windows similar to world boss spawn rates. So instead of a world boss spawning, the raid would become open for the next 24-48 hours until the next time it opens up. Some might find that unfair though

They could honestly have a compromise of both where the world boss spawns (on only one layer to avoid layer hop exploits) and after it is killed the raid is opened. Something almost akin to wintergrasp vault raid being open temporarily.